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Messages - Cyberfox277

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« on: September 30, 2011, 01:00:01 pm »
***Joe's Bar – Next day – 11.58 AM***

Ally sighs, putting her feet up on one of the spare chairs at the table she was at. She had arrived at Joe's for lunch just a few minutes ago, and had placed her lunch order almost immediately. After all, she only had about an hour before she had to get back to her office, and the quicker the the food got here, the more leisurely speed she'd be able to enjoy it. Ally sighs again, she was getting to the point, where she was beginning to get tired of being a judge. After all, she'd been Ally Everson for over 30 years. It was getting time to move on... especially given her age. People in Seacouver knew that Ally Everson had been practicing for a while, and was older than she looked, but generally humanity in general didn't look beyond what was in front of their noses... But given that if someone did look into it, Ally Everson should be at least nearing 50, if not older, it was definitely time to see about moving on.

[Ally] The question is how to arrange it.

Ally mutters to herself. How to arrange for Ally Everson to die... the easiest would a plane crash, but well... Aldria really didn't want to destroy any of her babies...

David parks his car in front of Joe's deciding to have an early lunch before going back to the Bower Agency. He rubs his eyes tiredly before he opens the door to exit his car. It had been a long morning in that boring meeting with one of their clients. "We should charge an extra from boring costumers." He murmurs under his breath as he locks his car. Then he moves to the door, when he's almost there he feels an Immortal buzz and walks inside looking around and wondering who's there.

Ally yawns covering her mouth and casually glances at the door as it opens, wondering who the source of the buzz she'd felt was.

David smiles when he sees Judge Everson, then remembering her friend, he looks around to see if he's around, when he doesn't see him he walks to her table.

[David] Hello Judge Everson.

David says as he stops in front of her.

[Ally] Good morning.

Ally says with a glance at the clock to prove that it was still morning, if just barely at 11:58am.

[David] Are you alone? Mind if I sit down?

David asks looking around again.

[David] It seems your friend isn't around today.

Ally shrugs, to indicate she was indifferent to him sitting or not.

[Ally] It's a bit early yet for Adam.

[David] Is he always that nice or I hit the jackpot the other night?

David asks as he pulls a chair and sits at her table.

Ally shrugs.

[Ally] I don't know. We've known each other for so long we treat each other a bit different.

[David] Annie seems to think he's dangerous, told me and Gemini not to mess with him or something like that, but I don't know if I share the same opinion.

David shrugs as he looks back and waves at the waitress to order some food.

Ally chuckles.

[Ally] Let me give you a bit of advice, alright?

David turns his head and looks at Ally disbelievingly for a moment.

[David] Please, tell me you're not going to start treating me like a kid again.

[Ally] No, this is just friendly advice, from one to another.

Ally says with a half smirk, half smile.

David takes a deep breath.

[David] Fine. What's the advice?

[Ally] With the exception of the very young, often the more unassuming a person seems, the more dangerous they are. And many cultivate appearances like that.

Ally says softly, meaning not just Immortals, but unsure as to whether the boy would realize that or not.

[David] Yeah, I suppose you're right, same goes for murders, a cop's job would be a lot easier if all murders looked like murders.

David nods with a smile.

[David] I just never thought about Immortals that way.

[Ally] All Immortals are dangerous. One way or another. But the truth about the unassuming holds true.

Ally shrugs.

[David] Yeah, I of all people should know, Immortals are dangerous, one of them stabbed me to death.

David sighs looking down at the table.

[Ally] That means very little. With the life you live, it could easily have been a mortal or an accident that ended your mortal existence.

Ally shrugs again.

[David] Yeah, I wasn't one of those cops who never had to fire their weapon on duty. Actually I was under fire more than a couple of times.

David sighs thinking what it was like to be a cop in New York.

[David] I could have died one of those times, but no, it had to be a crazy Immortal in Seacouver.

Ally shrugs.

[Ally] Very few of us are truly proud of our first deaths.

Ally chuckles remembering her first death. Had to die saving a spoilt brat.

[David] Really? I'm not that embarrassed about it, I was trying to arrest a murder that should be in jail. Of course I didn't know about Immortals at the time.

David says raising an eyebrow at her.

[David] What about you?

[Ally] It was war... The last battle nonetheless, and I spotted an archer who had aim at the crown prince and heir to the throne. And like an idiot I threw myself between that arrow and my fool cousin...

Ally sighs shaking her absently.

[Ally] I did get one hell of a funeral procession though... that was kind of fun to watch.

[David] That's what you get to die in front of everybody.

David laughs amused.

[David] I was lucky only Craig witnessed it.

[Ally] Not like it changed my life any. Just couldn't show myself in the royal court for a generation.

Ally says indifferently.

[Ally] It just would have been better for the country if my fool cousin had died, rather than taking the throne.

[David] Your cousin was a king? But that makes you a princess or something, right?

David asks while he frowns puzzled at her.

[Ally] More or less, I guess. My father was the first king's brother and military advisor. It was upon his death, several years after that battle that my cousin took the throne becoming king.

Ally shrugs... it was not wanting the life of a princess, living in harem that had taken her to the priesthood in the first place.

[David] I had no idea I was about to have lunch with a princess, I'm honored.

David smiles and tells the approaching waitress he only wants a burger and a beer.

[Ally] Don't be.

Ally snorts.

[Ally] Besides that, it was so long ago, only myself and a handful of other Immortals even remember the name of that dynasty, let alone the rulers in.

Ally says once the waitress was gone.

[David] Don't worry I'm not going to ask, my mom taught me to never ask a lady's age.

David nods with a smile.

[David] Well, outside of work that is.

Ally grins amused.

[Ally] Uh huh.

[David] Yeah, apparently that's a question you don't appreciate at all.

David chuckles with another nod.

[Ally] Well, if you really want to know....

Ally reaches down and pulls out her driver's license.

[Ally] I am 52 years old.

David shakes his head smiling amused.

[David] It's amazing what beauty products can do nowadays, though I admit you look older at the court room, maybe it's the toga.

Ally shrugs.

[Ally] It's amazing what a little adjustment in clothes, attitude and posture will do.

[David] Yes, fooled me completely.

David nods in agreement.

[David] Well it was also seven years ago.

[Ally] Yeah... it's getting close to time to retire.

Ally sighs.

[David] Any idea what you're going to do next?

David asks while he looks at Ally with an interested look on his face.

[David] I suppose you've tried a few jobs.

[Ally] A few.

Ally chuckles.

[Ally] Given the power women have today, I'd try the military... but given the advances in medical science... I'll have to pass on that.

David makes a face while he watches the waitress come to their table with their orders.

[David] Yes, if you're shot when you're not supposed to and they decide to study you...

David shuts up abruptly when the waitress get to their table and puts their orders in front of them.

[Ally] And in the military we don't have the choice to say 'no'.

Ally sighs, but nods at the woman who puts her sandwich before her.

David thanks the waitress as he picks up his beer to take a sip.

[David] Yes, they'd held you prisoner or something.

[Ally] Can't say I fancy being experimented on... Saw enough of that at different times in history wouldn't want to deal with it now.

Ally sighs.

[David] Really? On people like us?

David asks speaking louder now that the waitress had moved away from them.

[Ally] Yeah, well, were do you think the idea of witches came from?

Ally asks bluntly.

David shakes his head with a sigh.

[David] And I thought older Immortals where exaggerating when I heard something like that.

Ally just snorts and takes a bite of her sandwich.

[David] Yeah I know I still have a lot to learn.

David nods with a sigh looking down at his food.

[David] Part of the reason why I got in trouble with you yesterday, the last thing I want is a jealous Immortal chasing me with a sword.

Ally can't help it and starts to laugh.

[Ally] Let me give you another piece of advice, and this one is simply woman to man.

[David] Yes?

David asks with a puzzled frown wondering what he said wrong this time.

[Ally] No woman, is going to want you asking another man if it's okay if you and she go out. Regardless of whether they're dating or not.

Ally says with a smile.

[David] Yeah, at least I shouldn't have said that in front of you.

David nods as he makes a face at his own stupidity.

[David] Not very smart of me.

[Ally] You've just dug the hole a little deeper.

Ally warns with a chuckle.

[David] Not really, it was really unpolite of me saying that on your face, my mother taught me better manners in front of a lady.

David says with a sigh.

[David] And I think I owe you an apology.

[Ally] You don't owe me anything.

Ally chuckles.

[Ally] Just learn to watch your mouth.

[David] Yeah, more like starting to watch my head, if I do this to every Immortal next time I might not be so lucky.

David nods as he picks up his burger and begins to eat.

[Ally] The next time you do it to a woman you might not be so lucky.

Ally chuckles.

[David] I didn't mean to offend anyone.

David says with an unhappy sigh.

Ally laughs amused by David's sigh.

David turns his head and side glances at Ally for a moment, apparently she was finding it amusing now.

[David] Hmm, so can I invite you to have dinner one of these days?

David asks unsure of what the answer might be.

[Ally] Well, you can try.

Ally says with a chuckle.

[David] OK, I'll take it as a yes then.

David nods with a smile.

[David] A yes, you can invite I'm not sure if I'll accept though, right?

[Ally] That's a pretty good summation.

Ally says with a merry twinkle in her eyes as she takes another bite of her sandwich.

[David] Alright.

David smiles as he picks up his glass.

[David] Some other time though, I have a bunch of meetings in the afternoon and I have no idea what time I'll be free, so...

David shrugs slightly as he continues.

[David] What's the point of trying if I'm not going to make anyway?

[Ally] What's the point indeed.

Ally says with a smile.

[David] I only hope none of the meetings are so boring as the one I had this morning, drank too much coffee already, trying to stay awake.

David chuckles despite the fact he was bored to death in the morning.

[Ally] Speaking of meetings...

Ally sighs...

[Ally] I have my own I need to head off to.

[David] Alright, I'll see you around, Judge Everson. I'm glad you're not angry with me anymore.

David nods in goodbye.

[Ally] Never really was, boy.

Ally chuckles and stand, hands some cash waitress to pay for her meal, and David's and walks out.

David makes a face at the word 'boy' but manages not to say anything, then when Ally walks out frowns at the door.

To be continued

« on: September 30, 2011, 12:54:33 pm »
***Next day - 5 PM***

Annie sighs looking at her watch wondering where Gemini was, the swords she had asked her employee at the antique store had arrived and no sign of Gemini. It was typical, she thinks to herself, she was always passing her suite and disturbing her with the buzz and when she's waiting for her she doesn't show up.

After a couple of minutes, she looks at her watch and sighs impatiently again. She stands up and begins pacing murmuring under her breath, "If that kid spends more time in the water she's going to turn into a fish."

Another couple of minutes and she considers going down to the pool to ask Gemini to come to her suite, until she feels an Immortal buzz. "At last." Annie murmurs under her breath, and walks to the door, picking her coat with the sword in it just in case. She opens the door and looks outside to see it was really Gemini, then calls her when she sees her about to enter her room.

Gemini comes out of the elevator humming absently to herself, as she heads towards her room. She feels the buzz as she passes by Annie's room, and was just reaching her room, when she hears Annie calling her name. Pausing she turns around and half waves at Annie.

[Gemini] Hi, Annie.

[Annie] Hello. Can you come here for a minute? I've got something to show you.

Annie says before she goes back inside her suite.

[Gemini] Alright.

Gemini says more to herself than to Annie as Annie had already disappeared back into the suite.

Annie stops near the table where she had put the cases with the swords and waits for Gemini to get there.

[Annie] Take a look at these.

[Gemini] Swords.

Gemini says stating the obvious, but not sure what to say about it beyond that.

[Annie] I asked Jean to send me some swords, take your pick.

Annie says pointing at the swords on the table.

[Gemini] How am I supposed to pick?

Gemini asks utterly confused.

[Annie] Pick it up and see how it feels in your hand.

Annie says as she indicates a sword on the case.

[Annie] That's a katana, Japanese sword, strong and light but with only one cutting edge.

[Gemini] And what should I expect to feel?

Gemini asks as she awkwardly picks up the black hilt wrapped katana.

[Annie] A sword should be an extension from your arm, if you feel awkward with it pick another.

Annie shrugs as she indicates the next.

[Annie] This one is an authentic gladius sword, like the ones the Romans used, I only sent this one because you're short and maybe you'd like a smaller sword.

[Gemini] Gee, thanks.

Gemini mutters and sets the katana down, not liking the way it feels. She moves over to the gladius and picks it, up, moving it around some.

[Annie] I'm not trying to insult you or anything, but a big sword wouldn't work for you.

Annie shrugs as she moves to the next.

[Annie] This is a rapier, narrow blade but extremely sharp. The good ones are made with reinforced steel so it's not as weak as it seems.

Annie explains as she moves to get her sword and pulls it out.

[Annie] I've been using this one for quite some time and it has never let me down.

Gemini shrugs and sets the gladius down and moves to the rapier. The gladius had felt awkward in a different way from the katana. Taking a deep breath she picks up the rapier and then set it down almost immediately shaking her head.

[Annie] Take your time, you don't have to rush to decide.

Annie says slightly amused.

[Annie] Or is it the fact that they're swords?

[Gemini] Well, that one, the rapier, just really didn't feel right, and... partly 'cause they're swords. I know I'm going to have to pick one, but...

Gemini shrugs slightly.

[Annie] Yeah, figured that.

Annie nods understandingly.

[Annie] But it's not the swords that are dangerous, it's people using them and you're touching them like they could bite you.

[Gemini] I know... same concept as a gun, but...

Gemini says slowly then moves to the next sword.

[Gemini] What's this one?

Gemini asks.

Annie wrinkles her nose looking at the case.

[Annie] That's a scimitar, Turkish sword with a curved blade, I think Jean figured it would look good hanging on a wall.

Annie explains with a smile.

[Annie] He has no idea we're planning to use it.

[Gemini] I see.

Gemini says, but picks it up anyway, moving it about experimentally.

[Annie] I don't recommend it for beginners, the curved blade might fool you if you don't have enough experience.

Annie warns looking at Gemini and the sword.

[Gemini] But doesn't the katana also have a curved blade?

Gemini asks, but sets the sword down anyway. She figures she might as well try them all, after all, she's going to have to pay for it, so it might as well be the best for her.

[Annie] Yes, but not to such degree.

Annie nods pointing at the scimitar.

[Annie] This one is more curved, so it might give you trouble blocking someone if you don't place the blade correctly.

[Gemini] Can't disagree with that.

Gemini sighs.

[Annie] Alright, try the last one, it's a light cavalry saber, you might like that one.

Annie points at it with a smile.

[Annie] It has a modern design.

Gemini shrugs and moves to the last sword, she hesitates a moment before slowly reaching for it. Gemini picks it up, and then freezes. Somehow she knows, this one, is the one for her.

[Annie] Remember there's nothing wrong with swords, just the use people make of it.

Annie says with a slight frown, the kid looks almost horrified as she holds it in her hand.

[Gemini] It's... it's not that.

Gemini says slowly.

[Gemini] I... I think that this is the one.

[Annie] Well, don't stand there, move it around, see how it feels.

Annie says as she moves out of the way, the kid looked too naive to try something but you could never be too careful.

Gemini carefully swings the blade around, feeling more confident about it as she goes, other than being sure of the fact she looks like an idiot swinging it around.

[Annie] Hmm, you might want to try moving your feet as you go.

Annie advises with a smile.

[Annie] But try to keep your balance.

[Gemini] Not like I know anything about it.

Gemini mutters to herself, moving around the room, but concentrating on making sure she doesn't hit anything.

[Annie] Yes, there is a way to move your feet, but try to get used to move the sword around for now.

Annie says as she keeps looking at Gemini, and hesitating if she should go ahead with her plan or not.

[Gemini] How... how much am I going to owe you for the sword?

Gemini asks softly still moving with the sword, but not expecting anything for free.

[Annie] Owe me? You think I'm going to make you pay for it?

Annie frowns puzzled still looking at Gemini.

[Gemini] Well... I know swords are expensive. And I know better than to expect a free lunch.

Gemini says, remembering the time her friend Jason had decided he wanted a sword and the prices they had found for them on the Internet.

[Annie] It's not like I paid for them.

Annie shrugs unconcerned.

[Annie] Oh, and that reminds me, don't leave the swords near the bodies, no point in making it easy on the police.

[Gemini] You mean... rob the bodies?

Gemini asks aghast, setting the sword down absently.

[Annie] Why not? They don't need it anymore anyway.

Annie shrugs again.

[Annie] And you'd leave a headless body and a sword? I don't think so.

[Gemini] It just seams... wrong.

Gemini says with a shrug.

[Annie] I've told you we're supposed to protect the secret, mortals aren't supposed to know about the Game. Don't you think they'd suspect something if swords started to show up near the bodies?

Annie says while she shakes her head at Gemini's comment, the kid was beginning to sound like a girl scout.

[Gemini] You don't think a headless body in and of itself is suspicious enough? Regardless of whether a sword is there or not?

Gemini asks.

[Annie] That's why you also need to hide the body if possible, if it's too risky leave it, better leave a body behind than to be caught trying to hide it.

Annie explains remembering she also forgot the mention that.

Gemini wrinkles her nose in disgust.

[Gemini] As if it's not enough that I have to now kill people, but now I need to hide their bodies when I'm done? Eww....

Gemini frowns.

[Annie] You do whatever it takes to protect the secret.

Annie shrugs indifferently.

[Annie] Really old Immortals hate sloppy younger Immortals and trust me you don't want to mess with them.

Gemini just sighs deeply, not seeing it being worth it to argue. Not that she wanted anything to do with it.

[Annie] I mean it, Gemini, maybe you think I'm exaggerating but we get some sort of natural selection here, the older ones are obviously the ones harder to beat. The strongest and the smartest.

Annie explains in case that's not obvious enough.

[Gemini] Or the really, really, really, really, damn lucky...

Gemini mutters, but nods, none the less.

[Gemini] And to say the least, I haven't proven anything to anyone at this point.

Gemini sighs.

[Annie] I don't think you can't complain too much about luck.

Annie points out with a smile.

[Annie] After all you're still here.

[Gemini] Suppose. But it's not something to rely on either. I know that.

Gemini sighs.

[Annie] Yes, the more you rely on luck the less lucky you get.

Annie nods in agreement.

[Gemini] Success is 90% hard work 10% talent and 5% luck.

Gemini quotes absently.

[Annie] Exactly, in our case it's practice, practice, practice.

Annie says as she moves away from Gemini, giving up to go ahead with her plan today.

[Annie] So take the sword, get used to it and we'll talk again tomorrow.

[Gemini] Are... are you sure?

Gemini asks hesitantly.

[Annie] Yes, just don't show it around, get a coat or something and hide it in there.

Annie shrugs as she picks up her sword to follow her own advice.

[Gemini] And umm... How exactly am I supposed to get it back to my room?

Gemini asks flatly staring at Annie.

Annie shakes her head, she looks at Gemini and rolls her eyes.

[Annie] Use that towel around your waist, you only have to go a little down the corridor.

Gemini pulls the towel from around her waist with her left hand and picks the sword up again with her right then carefully drapes the towel over the sword and positions it in the crook of her arm, and then stuffed her swim cap and goggles into the crook of the arm on top of the sword.

[Gemini] Well...

Gemini says hesitantly...

[Gemini] I'll see you tomorrow then.

Annie nods absentmindedly wondering if she should go to Joe's today or wait for tomorrow.

[Annie] See you tomorrow.

[Gemini] Bye.

Gemini says pulling the door open and turning down the hallway towards her room.

To be continued

« on: September 30, 2011, 12:51:21 pm »
***4th of July***

Ashley frowns as she steps into the small changing room. That was the only issue with places like this. The attendants never shut up. Oh, the masseurs did wonderful job, generally weren't too talkative, but the young women who lead you from place to place didn't know how to hold their mouths. With a mental shake of her head, Ashley strips down and takes on of the towels in the room, there were several and she'd need them, she wrapped herself in the towel and opened the door to the room. Only to be greeted by the incessant chatter of the attendant who lead her towards the coed sauna. If a spa offered a choice, Ashley always took coed. Because it involved being naked besides the towel, it was generally the most empty of the sauna's offered. The same for the steam rooms.

Methos puts his clothes inside the locker and checks his towel, wrapping it better around his waist, before he locks it and moves away. This year no fireworks for him thank you very much, he think while he walks to the sauna, he still missed the Roman baths after all these centuries and before Nikki or MacLeod showed up and dragged him to one of those, he decided to disappear and hide himself in a spa for a couple of hours.

[Methos] I'll find my way to the sauna, thanks.

Methos tells the disappointed attendant with a smile as he moves past her, the last thing he wanted was to have to listen to an empty head girl who didn't know how to keep her month shut. He opens the door and sighs in satisfaction as he feels the heat. Then he moves to a wooden bench and stretches against the wooden wall.

[Ashley] Thanks.

Ashley says shortly as she arrives at the sauna.

[Ashley] I can certainly find my way back to dressing room without you, and will summon you from there when I'm done and ready for my massage.

Methos opens his eyes and turns his head to the door with a sigh, apparently he was having company, he was hoping he'd be alone in here so he could relax.

Ashley sighs gratefully, as she opens to the door to her pleasure there was only one other person in the sauna. She stars towards a bench opposite the man, when she freezes, recognizing him.

[Ashley] Adam?

Ashley asks astonished.

Methos gasps in surprise when he recognizes the woman in front of him.

[Methos] Ashley?

Methos asks still slightly surprised, this was the last place he was expecting to find her.

[Ashley] What... What are you doing here?

Ashley gapes. A spa was the last place on earth she would have expected to find Adam Pierson.

Methos smiles glad he'd decided to cover his track just in case, Adam Pierson wouldn't be able to pay for this after all.

[Methos] I got a gift certificate, can you believe it? I thought it was a joke but then I decided to use it anyway.

Methos shrugs still smiling.

[Methos] Can't hurt and it's free, so...

Ashley grins as she moves and sits down in her original choice spot.

[Ashley] Personally I don't see why more men don't pamper themselves. Even if it's only with sauna, steam-room and massage.

[Methos] Yeah, had some sauna when I was in Finland on business.

Methos nods giving her a look so she'd know what business he's talking about.

[Methos] Decided to skip the ice part though.

Ashley laughs.

[Ashley] Can't say I blame you on that!! Though I'm sure the sauna itself was WONDERFUL.

[Methos] Oh yeah, I was there with a couple of Finnish colleagues.

Methos nods with an amused smirk as he mentally corrects it to female Finnish colleagues.

[Ashley] Nice.

Ashley nods appreciatively.

[Ashley] Though I have to admit I'm surprised to see you here. Last I had heard from you, you were in Paris.

[Methos] Yeah, but after Don died I had no reason to stay there anyway.

Methos shrugs with a sigh.

[Methos] And I like working with Joe Dawson, even though you don't, I've read your report.

Methos smiles amused, wondering what will be Joe's reaction when he comes back from his trip.

[Ashley] Oh... well, I don't have anything against Joe personally...

Ashley says slowly.

[Methos] Yeah, I know, you just don't approve his methods.

Methos shrugs with an amused smile, Ashley's idea that mortals and Immortals shouldn't mix never failed to amuse him when he considered what he was.

[Ashley] I don't approve of him breaking centuries of tradition with that... Duncan MacLeod.

Ashley shrugs.

[Ashley] However, I also don't approve of the way the Watchers council handled it either. After all, it is the 20th, well now 21st century. Their way was a bit barbaric.

Ashley adds.

[Methos] Yes, but dead men don't talk.

Methos shakes his head with a sigh, as he thinks he was the one you had to fix him up after that.

[Methos] I suppose you'd have a better idea?

[Ashley] The Watchers is an employer. Joe broke his employer's rules. He should have been fired. End of story.

Ashley shrugs.

[Methos] That's it?

Methos side glances at Ashley smiling amused.

[Methos] Don't you think he knows too much to be left to his own devices?

[Ashley] Far as I can tell, Joe respects the Watchers too much... even given what they've done to him. He certainly isn't likely to go telling the media, or even every Immortal he can find. We have spouses that have known. And even fired, it's not like he wouldn't be watched, and if he was going to tell, or associate with Immortals outside of Duncan MacLeod and HIS Immortal associates, whom he more than likely has told about us anyway. I see no reason why Joe couldn't be left to his own devices.

Ashley shrugs.

[Methos] I think Shapiro took it personal after Galati killed his son, and blamed Joe for something that wasn't his fault.

Methos tells Ashley while he moves on the bench to get a better position and leans against the wall closing his eyes.

[Ashley] Yeah, well, that's the other reason why Joe would have needed to have been monitored, but...

Ashley shrugs leaning back herself.

[Methos] That judgment wasn't about justice but revenge, and he ended up having the Watchers kill Galati as if it would bring his son back.

Methos sighs keeping his eyes closed.

[Methos] Apparently that was his idea of not interfering.

[Ashley] Which was stupid.

Ashley says flatly.

[Ashley] And, has no bearing on what SHOULD have happened to Joe, from the beginning.

[Methos] You realize it was all Horton's fault, right? Joe going to talk with MacLeod, Galati coming after Watchers, it all began when Horton started killing.

Methos says side glancing at Ashley for a moment, then he closes his eyes again.

[Ashley] Yes. And Horton got what he deserved... even if MacLeod was the one to see to it... but that doesn't mean Joe should have been forgiven of HIS rule breaking, even if it was much a lesser degree than Horton's.

Ashley says with firm conviction.

[Methos] What? Be expelled just because he talked to MacLeod?

Methos opens his eyes and stares at Ashley with a frown.

[Methos] I think you take things a little bit too seriously. Immortals are just like us, not better or worse.

Ashley shrugs.

[Ashley] That doesn't make us any less peeping toms into their lives... and more so. Besides, is there something wrong with following the rules?

Ashley asks.

[Methos] No, but why can't a Watcher and an Immortal be friends? Personally I don't see a problem with that.

Methos shrugs before he leans his head back and closes his eyes again.

[Ashley] But befriending an Immortal, betrays the oath. If you want to keep a friendship with an Immortal, over your oath, fine. But then leave the Watchers.

Ashley shrugs.

[Ashley] Then you can't interfere with your knowledge.

Ashley adds after a moment.

Methos tries not to smile when he thinks what would she say of an Immortal inside the Watchers writing his own chronicle and looking for himself, but he has no idea what would be her first reaction. Then he shrugs.

[Methos] I guess we'll never agree in this so we might as well drop it.

[Ashley] Oh come on Adam. This is me, you're talking too. I'm not stupid, I'm well aware of what I'm called behind my back. I am also well aware that I've earned that title.

Ashley says with a half grin on her face.

[Methos] Oh you know the others call you Miss By-the-book, huh?

Methos asks with an amused smile.

[Methos] Not me, at least not behind your back. I think everybody is entitled to their own opinion.

Methos shrugs unconcerned.

[Ashley] Yes. Some fool, who'd been out of the Academy for all of week, called me that, to my face.

Ashley says with a shrug.

[Ashley] Not that I didn't suspect it before that... The idiot just confirmed it... Got him sent back to research indefinitely. He was obviously not cut out for being a field Watcher.

Ashley smirks slightly.

Methos chuckles softly.

[Methos] No, not at all, too dumb for that.

[Ashley] Hence why I got him sent to research... book smart, no common sense.

Ashley smiles.

[Methos] Hmm, come to think of it it's not very flattering, he wasn't good enough for the field but he's good enough for research?

Methos opens his eyes and side glanced at Ashley suspiciously.

[Methos] You're not trying to call me dumb, are you? Miss By-the-book?

Methos asks teasingly.

[Ashley] The man was brilliant... I will give him that... But absolutely no street sense.

Ashley explains.

[Ashley] And as for you... I think you'd make a wonderful field Watcher. You've more street sense, than just about anybody I know, besides being brilliant.

Ashley shrugs indifferently.

[Methos] Maybe, but I like what I'm doing.

Methos shrugs, while he thinks he'd be a lousy field Watcher, all the people he was supposed to watch would notice him, and wouldn't it be great that he even got challenged?

[Ashley] I know you do. Which is why I don't mention it, but in passing. I know nothing will drag you out of research. I'm just grateful you helped ME get out.

Ashley shrugs, eyes still closed as she sweated.

Methos shakes his head chuckling softly.

[Methos] Ash, you never needed my help for that.

Ashley shrugs.

[Ashley] I thought I did... which when it comes down to it, is all that really matters.

Methos nods side glancing at Ashley and seeing a younger and more vulnerable woman than the woman in front of him, this Ashley wouldn't need anyone's help to make up her mind.

[Methos] Yes, you didn't know your own strength.

[Ashley] No. And we can thank my aunt and uncle for that.

Ashley spat out.

[Methos] Well, I assume they only want what they think it's best for you, but that's a decision they can't make for you, you have to live your own life, not theirs.

Methos shrugs as he sighs in pleasure, he loved to be in a sauna, too bad Adam Pierson couldn't afford it.

[Ashley] Isn't this great?

Ashley asks recognizing the sigh for what it was, and echoing it herself.

[Ashley] I just wish I could do this more often.

[Methos] Yeah, so do I, I should get a raise.

Methos smirks, thinking Joe would never give him one even if he asked.

[Ashley] Ask. You'll never get one if you don't ask, and what's the worst they'll say? No?

Ashley smiles, relaxing even further.

[Methos] Hmm, no such luck with my beer tab at the bar.

Methos chuckles softly.

[Ashley] Well... maybe he could take your raise have it go directly to your tab?

Ashley suggests with a laugh.

[Methos] But then, why should I bother to ask for a raise?

Methos points out still chuckling.

[Ashley] Wouldn't hurt to ask for a raise anyway. Maybe you'll even get one without having to pay the bar tab. Only one person is going to be able to answer that for you.

Ashley grins.

[Methos] I suppose. I'll think about it later.

Methos shrugs unconcerned, maybe he could find a way Adam got another gift certificate, maybe another one of his alias paying for it?

Ashley shrugs. It wasn't her decision.

Methos stays in silence for a few minutes just enjoying the heat, then he smiles when he thinks of something.

[Methos] You know? When I found out your guy was in town I assumed we'd meet at Joe's sooner or later, but never in a sauna wrapped in towels.

Ashley chuckles.

[Ashley] This is much more preferable... though actually, I'm surprised I haven't heard from Joe, since I posted that last report.

[Methos] He's out of town, I'm sure you will as soon as he gets back.

Methos chuckles softly.

[Ashley] Probably.

Ashley agrees shaking her head ruefully.

[Methos] You just had to write that, didn't you? Couldn't stop yourself.

Methos shakes his head amused.

[Methos] He's not going to like it a bit, I tell you that.

[Ashley] It's the truth!

Ashley says flatly.

[Ashley] And I don't care if he likes it or not.

[Methos] I took a look at your guy's chronicle and if he goes after newbies I'm not surprised they don't have a Watcher, most newbies don't until someone takes them as student.

Methos points out, pretending he didn't know Annie was no newbie at all.

[Ashley] Yes, but the other Immortal woman there was no newbie. She didn't have their... lack of presence, their way of moving. She was experienced.

Ashley says with firm conviction.

[Methos] Hmm, there are some Immortals not even you guys dare to take anymore, they keep killing Watchers until we give up on them, maybe she's one of them.

Methos shrugs unconcerned, he's sure Kronos was one of those anyway.

[Methos] Like your guy would be if he knew about the Watchers.

[Ashley] Yes, but we have records of all of those Immortals and last time I checked, they were all male!

Ashley points out.

[Methos] Yeah, talk about too much testosterone.

Methos chuckles amused.

[Ashley] Thanks to him though... I've really learned to hate the 4th of July.

Ashley sighs absently.

[Methos] Yeah, I was wondering why you were hiding in here instead of watching the fireworks. He's too patriotic for you?

Methos asks with a frown, maybe he had a special way of celebrating the 4th of July.

[Ashley] Hell yes. For the scum bag that he is... He figures himself a war hero, and celebrates independence day with gusto.

Ashley spits disgustedly.

[Methos] How long are you following him? I think I saw 7 years. Don't know how you have the stomach for it.

Methos says making a face like he knows Adam Pierson would in this situation.

[Ashley] Closer to seven and a half years. And I hate it. I keep hoping one of these newbies is going to get lucky and come out on top. But... the only way they can replace me for anything other than short term is to have someone as good as me... and well...

Ashley hesitates not wanting to sound like she's bragging, when it's just the facts of what she's been told.

[Methos] And we don't have enough experienced Watchers, sometimes we have to send a rookie into the field and they end up dead.

Methos finishes up for her.

[Methos] And to that Lee guy, it needs to be someone white or he'd notice them right away, so it's even harder to find a replacement.

[Ashley] Exactly.

Ashley agrees with a sigh and a nod.

[Ashley] And being a woman helps too, believe it or not.

[Methos] Oh yeah, he'll never see one as a threat, remember old Southern women?

Methos points out with a smile.

[Ashley] Well, not personally.

Ashley laughs.

[Ashley] But, yes. I do... they were pretty much helpless.

[Methos] Is it just me or it would be amusing if a woman was the one who ended up taking his head?

Methos asks with a smirk, while he thinks that guy should watch out if Annie decided to take Gemini as student and he kept harassing them.

[Ashley] A black woman would make it the perfect irony.

Ashley says with a grin.

[Methos] Oh yeah.

Methos nods chuckling softly.

[Methos] A black female newbie would be great.

[Ashley] Well... one that's a newbie would make the irony even perfect but... have to say, I won't be complaining at any time if he loses in the game.

Ashley sighs.

[Ashley] No matter WHO does it.

[Methos] I've read he took a lot of heads, is he that good or he just got lucky?

Methos asks with a frown, of all Watchers Ashley would know.

Ashley sighs.

[Ashley] It's a bit of both.

Ashley says slowly.

[Methos] Figured he wasn't that bad because he didn't just kill newbies, but also their teachers when they had one.

[Ashley] He has, the devil's own luck when it comes to finding newbies. But, he is fairly skilled, when he gets challenged by or challenges a non-newbie. He's by no means the best I've ever seen. I've seen much better, but... he does have skill.

Ashley sighs.

[Methos] Yeah, if he didn't have some skill he'd be dead already.

Methos nods with a sigh, as he thinks that wouldn't be such a bad thing.

[Ashley] He, sadly, has more than just some skill. He's probably comparable to oh....

Ashley pauses thinking.

[Ashley] Hugh Fitzcairn, maybe?

Ashley suggests.

[Methos] Oh really?

Methos raises an eyebrow, then Lee was better than he expected, not that he was planning to fight him anyway.

[Methos] Heard of him, MacLeod's friend I think.

[Ashley] Yeah, before Kalas got him.

Ashley shrugs.

[Methos] I suppose all Watchers have heard of Kalas after that mess with the CD.

Methos says while he picks an extra towel to wipe the sweat of his forehead.

[Ashley] Yeah...

Ashley sighs, then frowns.

[Ashley] Personally I think the project you and Don were working on was a great idea... especially as it's pretty much what we've got now, but... you should have gotten permission from head of research before starting.

[Methos] There weren't supposed to be copies laying around where anyone could find them.

Methos answers with a shrug.

[Methos] I didn't even know Don knew how to make one, he hated computers.

Ashley grins.

[Ashley] That sounds like Don alright. Why use a computer when a book was available. Why use the phone when you could write a letter.

Ashley chuckles.

[Methos] Yeah, if everybody was like him we'd still be living in caves.

Methos chuckles softly.

[Methos] He hated changes and starting to live in huts was a big change.

[Ashley] Or at least as it was around the turn of the 17th century.

Ashley chuckles.

Methos sobers up and sighs unhappily.

[Methos] I miss Don, he was a good friend.

[Ashley] A good mentor too.

Ashley agrees.

[Methos] He deserved better luck than to be killed by that creep.

Methos shakes his head as he thinks about what happened next.

[Methos] I had no idea his wife had such grudge against us.

[Ashley] I think that had, at least in part to do with the way he died...

Ashley says slowly thinking.

[Ashley] Though... he did spend a lot of time on the Watchers that maybe should have been spent on her. I mean... he canceled how many vacations the two of them had planned?

[Methos] Too many I think.

Methos sighs remembering how Don Salzer was like.

[Methos] But she just wanted to blow his life's work, and then all that sacrifice would have been in vain.

[Ashley] She didn't care anymore.

Ashley points out with a shrug.

[Ashley] Her husband had been taken from her and any chance to gain those missed times together, gone for ever.

[Methos] You know, letting friends and family know about us isn't one of the safest things. I can understand why it's allowed but still it's a security risk.

Methos points out as he wipes the sweat on his forehead again.

[Ashley] Not so much an issue for me.

Ashley shrugs, thinking that her only living relatives WERE Watchers, and the few friends she had were Watchers themselves.

[Methos] Yes, I know, you were practically raised in the Watchers.

Methos nods with a smile.

[Ashley] Yeah. I barely know anything else... Just the little bit from before my parents had died.

Ashley shrugs.

[Methos] Yes, wasn't it you who saw a man coming back to live when you were a child?

Methos asks with a frown like he didn't remember anymore.

[Ashley] Oh, yes... same ferry accident that killed my parents. Some man who could swim jumped overboard with myself and several other children. We were pulled aboard some fishing vessel. They pulled some bodies aboard too... one was a man, whom they covered over and then when their backs were turned got up and jumped back over... They all just assumed the body rolled off the deck... There wasn't any railing there, and the Watcher was rather choppy.

Ashley says softly the memory of that horrific day replaying before her eyes.

[Methos] I bet it scared the hell out of you, unless you didn't realize he was dead.

Methos nods understandingly.

[Ashley] I was old enough to understand what was meant when they talked about the 'poor bastard' and covered him with a blanket. Kept telling them he was alive, and had jumped back in... nobody believed me, until my aunt and uncle got to the hospital and told me to hold my tongue.

Ashley sighs.

[Methos] Yes, people coming back from the dead and carrying concealed swords, it's a little hard to believe.

Methos nods chuckling softly.

[Ashley] Well... at that time I didn't see any sword but... makes you wonder some how Watchers found Immortals in the past... given the sword is one of the most tell tail signs NOW.

Ashley says chuckling herself.

[Methos] Yeah, also puzzles me.

Methos says with a smile, he wasn't going to point out the not aging part since he was one of them. People would start noticing that sooner or later without him pointing at it.

[Ashley] I would have added the lack of aging, but... the way they're always moving around that's harder to notice.

Ashley adds absently.

[Methos] I guess they'd know for sure if someone came back from the dead in front of witnesses.

Methos shrugs unconcerned.

[Ashley] Oh yes... that does explain a lot of the witch hunts of the past.

Ashley points out.

[Methos] Yeah, we always needed an excuse to kill other people, whether it's a political or a religious one. We'd never admit that we do it because it's in our nature.

Methos sighs while he wipes the sweat on his face again.

[Ashley] That's humanity for you.

Ashley murmurs.

[Methos] The only difference I see through the years it's the type of weapon, nothing else.

Methos shrugs before he picks up his watch to check the time.

[Ashley] More and more sophisticated, but not necessarily better.

Ashley says, allowing the historian in her speak out.

[Methos] Shouldn't we be leaving? I'm not sure how long we're supposed to be in here.

Methos asked with what he hoped to be an embarrassed smile, remembering that it was supposed to be Adam Pierson's first try on the sauna.

[Ashley] You leave when you get too hot.

Ashley says with a shrug.

[Ashley] But I suppose I should be going. I have a massage when I'm done here, then the whole mani, pedi and facial after that.

Ashley smiles standing up and approaches the door then pauses and turns back to Adam.

[Ashley] Would you like to have dinner sometime? Just to catch up?

Ashley asks.

[Methos] Sure.

Methos nods with a smile as he stands up to walk to the door.

[Methos] I'll probably be ready before you so I'll wait for you at the bar.

[Ashley] You and beer... does not surprise me THAT hasn't changed for you. Alright, I'll catch you in the bar later.

Ashley grins and heads back to the changing room.

[Methos] Yeah, a massage sounds good, probably not as good as the ones from wife 47 but passable.

Methos murmurs with a shrug as he exits the sauna.

« on: September 30, 2011, 12:47:34 pm »
David opens the bar door resisting the temptation to rub his forehead, that buzz had been too strong, he's betting that there are more than two Immortals inside. He stops by the door for a moment trying to see in the darker interior.

Gemini sighs and relaxes when she sees David walk into the bar.

Methos frowns as Mike finally moves back to the bar and he can see who just came in.

[Methos] And who the hell is that guy?

[Annie] Gemini's friend.

Annie answers with a shrug as she recognizes the man from yesterday.

[Ally] Another child, by the feel of him.

Ally grins slightly.

Annie smiles coldly.

[Annie] Oh yes, called him kid yesterday and he was really offended.

David is finally able to see the Immortals, he smiles at Gemini, frowns at the woman who called him kid yesterday, studies the male Immortal for a moment and gasps in surprise when he looks at the fourth, could it be her? He hesitates for a moment and begins to walk slowly to their table.

[Methos] He's coming here.

Methos grumbles watching the unknown Immortal.

[Methos] Why do all Immortals that come in have to come to our table?

Ally grins slightly.

[Ally] The boy looks familiar.

[Methos] Oh really? Don't tell me you also slept with him.

Methos comments while he chuckles amused.

[Ally] No... Too young for that...

Ally says with a shrug.

[Ally] But, I think I might have been a judge in a case involving him.

David says hello to Gemini and hesitates again before he makes up his mind and decides to ask anyway.

[Gemini] Hi.

Gemini replies softly to David.

[David] Excuse me, aren't you Judge Everson?

[Ally] Yes.

Ally replies, with a quirky smile.

[Ally] And how are you... David isn't it?

[David] You remember me?

David asks slightly surprised, he almost didn't recognize her, she looked younger than when he met her in New York.

[Ally] Vaguely... It's not like your case was all that out of the ordinary, but... a pre-Immortal... that stands out.

Ally says with a small smile.

[David] Oh, you knew...

David nods with a sigh.

[Ally] Of course. I knew the moment I first saw you.

Ally chuckles softly.

[David] Apparently I was the last one to know, like the husbands who go to the agency.

David sighs again, he hated when people didn't tell him the truth.

[Ally] That's the way it always is. Especially for pre-Immortals.

Ally explains, her eyes hardening.

[Ally] You would have ruined your life, one way or another if you'd been told.

[David] Ruined my life? Why? How can you know?

David asks Ally frowning puzzled.

Methos almost rolls his eyes as he picks up the beer glass, as if it wasn't obvious.

[Ally] I've seen it, more than once. Heard tell of it... dozens of more times than what I've seen. And if a pre-Immortal finds out, BEFORE they die their first death, it always goes one of two ways.

Ally explains.

[Ally] Either you would have decided you wanted nothing to do with being immortal, and turned practically into a recluse and not even living life. Everyone of those always regrets that they didn't live what they had. The second is that they take risks that they shouldn't. You would have ended up dead before your time. And as you were a police officer, the chances for that were all over the place, and, by taking risks you shouldn't have and wouldn't have if you hadn't known yourself to be a pre-Immortal, you would have more than likely ended up killing more than just yourself. And you would never have forgiven yourself for something like that. Now would you?

Ally asks flatly at the end of the explanation.

David rubs his eyes tiredly while he shakes his head.

[David] I don't know what to think anymore.

Methos almost asks him if he's thinking at all but shrugs and decides not to say anything.

[Ally] Keep what I told you in mind. And I've never seen or heard of it going any way other than those two. There's a reason pre-Immortals aren't told. Now... are you going to leave? Or sit down? I'm tired of looking up at you.

Ally says frowning at David.

[David] Hmm, you two don't mind?

David asks Annie and the male Immortal, he knew Gemini wouldn't.

Annie shakes her head saying no, looking coldly at him, if he wants to keep talking to the judge let him.

[Methos] Hmm, it's either let you sit, or kick those two out, and since I wouldn't try to do that to Annie.

Methos grumbles before he shrugs.

[Annie] And why wouldn't you?

Annie frowns slightly at Adam hoping he's not going to mention her looks.

[Methos] Still didn't figure out where you're hiding it.

Methos shrugs again as he plays with his glass.

Annie side glances at Adam, her frown deepening, the man's making no sense at all.

[Annie] Hiding what?

[Methos] Dagger? Only boy scouts don't carry one and since you're not one of them.

Methos answers shrugging still looking down at his glass. He could have added that as Kronos' student she'd have one for sure but decided to skip that part.

David keeps side glancing at them as he pulls a chair and sits at their table. He wonders who the male Immortal is and if he ever heard of him.

[Gemini] I thought you had a date with Sarah tonight?

Gemini asks softly.

David shakes his head.

[David] No, that was yesterday.

[Gemini] And you didn't go again tonight?

Gemini asks, raising an eyebrow.

[David] Hmm, no, it's not a good idea with that guy in town. I might end up shooting him or something and how would I explain that to Sarah?

David says as he gets to his feet again.

[David] I'm getting a beer at the bar, faster that way.

Gemini shrugs indifferently and watches David knowingly. She knows he's just got a thing for Annie.

[Methos] So it is if you're in a hurry.

Methos murmurs as he shakes his head amused.

[Methos] Newbies are so impatient.

[Annie] They only settle down after the first hundred years or something, when they realize they have time.

Annie nods thinking that it was around then she started to believe she was going to make it.

[Ally] Around the time where if they'd been mortal, their life expectancy would beyond all doubt be over.

Ally nods agreeing.

[Methos] If they get to be a hundred years, most of them don't get to be a hundred, it's the most critical time.

Methos nods with a sigh thinking about some of his students.

[Ally] Now, see I always thought the first five to seven hundred years were the most telling.

Ally says with a shrug.

[Methos] The world changes a lot in a hundred years, some newbies can't handle it, they give up completely.

Methos explains with a shrug.

[Methos] Whether they get sloppy and someone takes their head or they bury themselves on a remote place, or Holy Ground. And I wouldn't call that living anyway.

[Annie] You never spent some time on Holy Ground?

Annie asks Adam with a puzzled frown, she thought almost all Immortals did it eventually.

[Methos] Of course, but that was in the Middle Ages, all knowledge was at the monasteries, and guess what? They had beer.

Methos smirks amused.

[Methos] What more could you ask?

Ally laughs at Methos' comment.

[Ally] I don't know about you all, but I spend a lot of time on Holy Ground. Always have... and always will.

Ally smirks.

Annie nods.

[Annie] My refuge back where I came from is on Holy Ground, it used to be a convent.

Ally shrugs.

[Ally] I just sanctify the grounds around my house.

Ally smirks.

David walks back to their table with a beer in his hand, and sits back at his chair.

[David] They're busy tonight.

David says before he takes a sip, remembering the trouble he had to get a beer.

Gemini glances over at David, eyeing him slightly.

[Annie] You sanctify the ground?

Annie asks Ally with a frown, ignoring David's comment.

[Annie] How? Only a priest can do that.

[Methos] She was a priestess, there are more religions than Christianity, you know?

Methos reminds her with an amused smile.

Ally nods in agreement with Methos.

[Ally] Besides the fact Christianity is a... relatively recent development.

[Annie] Yes, but all of them are dominated by men.

Annie says glaring at Adam, did he think she was stupid?

[Ally] Besides, that...

Ally adds slowly.

[Ally] What makes you think all religions were dominated by men?

[Annie] I'm not sure about old religions, I wasn't there to see, now was I?

Annie shrugs unconcerned, it's not like she really cares anyway.

[Methos] The head of the church is generally a man, but there were some religions where they allowed women in.

Methos explains as he picks up his glass.

[Ally] Besides the priestesshoods which didn't allow MEN in.

Ally adds.

[Ally] Hathor, and Isis where women only. Ma'at was a mix of men and women.

Ally says absently listing some of the Ancient Egyptian priestesshoods.

[Ally] Oh, don't get me wrong, I am WELL aware that the men and PRIESThoods well out numbered the women and the priestesshoods, let alone the mixed priesthoods.

[Annie] Shouldn't be too surprised, just remembered the Vestals in ancient Rome and that wasn't such a long time ago.

Annie nods looking at Ally.

[Methos] Hmm, yes, but those had to be virgin. You wouldn't like that one.

Methos tells Aldria teasingly, smiling amused.

[Ally] Well, besides the fact they don't have sex.

Ally frowns.

[Ally] Part of my initiation into Anath's priesthood involved HAVING sex.

[Gemini] You had to have sex, to even join?

Gemini asks astounded.

[Ally] That's how I lost my virginity.

Ally smirks.

[David] And who's Anath?

David asks with a frown wondering what kind of religion was that.

[Ally] Anath was the Babylonian Goddess of Love, war and fertility.

Ally smiles at the boy.

David frowns for a moment trying to make sense of what he heard, then it dawns on him remembering History lessons.

[David] Babylon in Sumeria?

David asks with his eyes open wide in surprise.

[Ally] Yes and no.

Ally says with a shrug.

[Ally] Babylon was once it's own nation, before it was conquered by the Sumerians.

[Gemini] As in the hanging gardens of Babylon? That's supposed to be one of the wonders of the ancient world.

Gemini says awed.

[David] But that was a long time ago...

David manages to drag out, he's almost speechless by surprise, can she be THAT old?

[Ally] Yes, it was.

Ally agrees simply with a smile.

Methos looks back at his glass shaking his head slightly, kids were so amusing, he wondered how the kid was going to react if he told him he was older that Aldria?

[Gemini] How... how old are you?

Gemini asks, eyes wide, then blushes, "I'm sorry, that's rude."

[Annie] Yes, it is, I've told you we don't go around asking that.

Annie warns Gemini with a slight frown.

[Gemini] Sorry.

Gemini murmurs softly.

[Methos] Besides it might get you into trouble, some Immortals might take that as an offense.

Methos points out, thinking he's not one of them.

[Annie] Adam, some Immortals take Good Morning as an offense.

Annie chuckles softly.

[Methos] That's why I don't stop to even say goodbye.

Methos shrugs indifferently.

Ally snorts amused by Methos' comment.

[Ally] To tell you the truth... I'm not even sure exactly how old I am.

[Methos] Yes, the mess they did with the calendars also doesn't help.

Methos nods with a sigh.

[Methos] It would be so much easier without BC's and AD's and all that.

[Ally] Well, that and the way the calendars kept changing! There wasn't a reliable calendar until Julius Caesar introduced the modern calendar.

Ally points out.

[Methos] Besides who cares? Counting the time it's mortal stuff we can live above that.

Methos shrugs while he thinks that's why he keeps mentioning 5000 years, it's a nice round number, why should he care if he was 5100 or more?

[Ally] You would know.

Ally chuckles, softly, for Methos' ears only.

[Annie] And without the information there is nowadays, days tend to blur together anyway. And the years...

Annie says taking a deep breath and thinking about the time she raided Europe with Kronos.

[Ally] And the centuries...

Ally adds in a mutter.

David shakes his head trying to clear his thoughts, he has no idea what they're talking about. He's beginning to feel really young near those three.

[Ally] Mike! More beer please!

Ally calls holding up her empty glass. Mike sighs, nods and starts filling.

[Methos] Hmm, you know...

Methos smirks side glancing at Annie.

[Methos] Mike is not usually this shy, I bet he's getting ready to ask for your phone number or something.

Annie rolls her eyes while she shakes her head.

[Annie] Like I'd go out with a you-know-what.

[David] Are you going to turn down all the men who ask you out?

David grumbles still upset she called him kid.

[Gemini] What's a You-know-what?

Gemini asks, having the feeling it maybe, meant mortal.

[Methos] It's a guy you two are not supposed to know about or she would have explained better. Get it?

Methos points out with a soft chuckle.

Annie glares coldly at David.

[Annie] And what makes you think I go out with just about anybody?

[David] I'm not just about anybody.

David grumbles looking down at his glass.

Methos raises an eyebrow and looks from David to Annie and back again.

[Methos] Oh, asked her out?

Methos smiles amused, wondering if he should tell the kid he's wasting his time.

[David] Hmm, not really.

David shakes his head, remembering he'd just presented an hypothesis.

[Gemini] Yes you did.

Gemini mutters to David.

[David] No, I didn't!

David tells Gemini with a slight frown.

[David] I only asked what she'd answer if I asked her out.

[Methos] Sounds like you asked her out.

Methos chuckles amused.

[Gemini] That's the way I've always been asked out.

Gemini says with a shrug.

[David] Hmm, and I didn't get your name.

David tells the male Immortal hoping he'd introduce himself.

[Methos] Guess not, I didn't tell you what it was.

Methos shrugs with a smirk.

Ally smirks with a laugh.

[David] Is that supposed to be funny?

David frowns at the male Immortal.

Annie shakes her head with a smile playing across her lips.

[Annie] Trust me, kid, you don't want to mess up with him.

[Methos] Oh really?

Methos frowns puzzled at Annie, trying to hide his amusement.

[Annie] You're not fooling everybody you know?

Annie says rolling her eyes.

[David] I'm not a kid, I'm 36 years old.

David grumbles under his breath in a bad mood, that woman did it again.

[Ally] You're not helping yourself, boy.

Ally says with a chuckle looking at the boy.

[Methos] Yeah, 36 years old is... old.

Methos nods gravely.

David takes a deep breath side glancing at the judge, not her too!

[Ally] Don't look at me like that! I'm nearly 5000 years old, and to my knowledge only Methos is older than I am. Think about that for a moment, 5000 versus 36.

Ally says frowning at David.

[Annie] He's too young to realize that.

Annie tells Aldria while she turns her head to look at her.

[Annie] He'll have to be older to realize an Immortal doesn't live that long by mere chance.

[David] I realize that now!

David grumbles irritated.

[David] It's not like I'm a fool!

David takes a deep breath and looks at Ally.

[David] I'm sorry, Judge, I realize I owe you my freedom.

[Ally] You're cute enough.

Ally smiles.

David manages not to let his mouth fall open as he blinks in surprise.

[David] Excuse me?

David asks hoping she'd repeat what she said, he's not sure he heard her right.

[Ally] So apology accepted. But you don't owe me for your freedom. You got your freedom because you deserved it.

Ally explains.

[David] Yes, but there was no way I was going to prove my innocence in jail.

David sighs remembering how the bad cops managed to frame him, he was one step away from prison.

Ally shrugs.

[Ally] Again, you got your freedom because you deserved it. A few extra centuries does usually give one a few advantages.

Ally chuckles.

[David] Hmm, I was thinking...and I think I owe you some dinner at least... would you be interested?

David hesitates looking at the judge.

[David] As a way of thanking you for what you did?

[Methos] Now it's your turn. I think that kid wants to get laid tonight.

Methos murmurs in ancient Greek, and hoping Annie wouldn't surprise him again.

Ally laughs at Methos' comment.

[Ally] I wouldn't mind getting laid tonight, either!

Ally says in the same language.

[Methos] Oh, didn't realize you liked them so young.

Methos sniffs so he doesn't start laughing as he picks his beer glass.

[Ally] Thanks Mike.

Ally sighs as Mike finally brings them their drinks.

[Ally] Why not bring Adam and I each a pitcher? It'll save you a few trips.

Ally states, tired of waiting on Mike for her beer. Mike nods and walks away.

Annie nods coldly when Mike puts a drink in front of her, after what Adam said she wants to save him the embarrassment of hearing a no.

[Ally] I told you. You don't owe me anything.

Ally shrugs at David.

[David] I know, but what if I want to anyway?

David asks frowning at Adam and wondering what he'd told her in a language he didn't understand.

[Methos] Don't tell me he's jealous already? This is going fast. If he only knew where he's getting himself into.

Methos comments in Greek, not impressed by David's frown.

[Ally] Is he trying to scare you?

Ally asks glancing over at Methos.

Methos side glances at Aldria, a puzzled frown on his face.

[Methos] Can't you find out for yourself?

[Ally] As if we both don't know.

Ally chuckles.

[Gemini] This is getting old.

Gemini mutters, referring to the other Immortals speaking in languages she can't understand.

[Annie] Yeah, but this time I'm on your side, I knew I should have studied more Greek but I never thought I'd need it anyway.

Annie nods at Gemini with a smile.

Gemini shrugs.

[Gemini] Something tells me, if you knew Greek, they'd just find a different language... like ancient Egyptian or something.

[David] Oh, that's Greek?

David asks looking at Annie.

[David] Can you make out anything they're saying?

[Annie] A word here and there, it's not enough to understand it.

Annie shrugs unconcerned.

[Gemini] Swell...

Gemini sighs, resting her head on her hands.

[Annie] Besides why should I care? If they want to have a private conversation you think I'm going to sulk like a baby?

Annie points out with an indifferent shrug.

[Gemini] Oh, I'm just tired.

Gemini sighs.

[Annie] Yes, we should get going, I only wanted a drink and ended up drinking more than a few.

Annie turns her head to order her check.

[David] So is that a yes or a no?

David interrupts the older Immortals, then he turns to the male Immortal when a suspicion comes to his mind.

[David] I want no trouble. She's not your woman, is she?

Methos looks at the kid amused.

[Methos] If you knew her better you'd realize she's nobody's woman, she's her own woman.

[Ally] Excuse me?!

Ally glares at the young man.

[Ally] Well, you just **** yourself over, child. No.

[David] Oh come on, I didn't mean it that way. I was trying to ask if you two were involved or something.

David says with an exasperated sigh, it seems he couldn't say the right thing near those two.

[Ally] You know part of the reason I chose to join a priesthood? To get over being owned by someone. I grew up in a harem. I haven't put up with it since I joined the priesthood and I'm not about to put up with it from you or anyone else.

Ally says flatly.

[David] I didn't want it to sound that way. Sorry, I had no idea you'd take it so hard.

David says shaking his head.

[David] That's what I get from not going straight to the point.

[Methos] Too late to worry if we're involved or not, you asked her out before that, remember? If it would upset me then I'd already be upset.

Methos points out looking at the kid, he can't help to be amused though, kids are so amusing.

Ally shrugs.

[Ally] I'm not one to hold grudges, boy. I'll get over it.

Annie shakes her head looking at David.

[Annie] I don't give a damn if you live or die, but if I was your teacher, I'd start to worry about your 'health' if that's the way you usually talk around other Immortals.

[Ally] Especially older ones.

Ally put in with a smirk.

[Methos] Do you even have a teacher?

Methos asks wondering who it was if he had one.

[David] Craig Bower, you know him?

David grumbles in a bad mood, they were treating him like a kid again.

[Methos] Yeah, I've seen him around, he's Nikki's friend.

Methos nods thinking Craig couldn't be that old himself, which somehow explained some of his student's manners.

Ally shrugs.

[Ally] We've met.

Ally leans over to Methos and murmurs softly in ancient Egyptian.

[Ally] Boy scouts. All of them.

[Methos] Hmm, I'd say that girl over there is not in danger of becoming that if she takes her as student.

Methos replies in the same language, avoiding to mention names so they wouldn't know what he's talking about.

[Methos] Though she was a campfire girl, they didn't have the good deed of the day.

[Ally] True... no student of Kronos, or even twice removed of Kronos is going to end up a girl scout or boy scout.

Ally chuckles.

[Methos] Hmm, no, impossible. Not when Kronos probably had the bad deed of the day.

Methos chuckles amused.

Ally joins Methos in amused laughter.

Gemini sighs.

[Gemini] Any idea what language it is now? Sounds different than before.

[Annie] No, it's not Greek anymore, but I have no idea what it is.

Annie shrugs unconcerned wondering why it was taking so long to bring her the check.

[David] You don't know?

David frowns at the other two Immortals wondering what language is that.

[Annie] It's not like I know everything, kid.

Annie says as she turns to look back, she wants to pay and get out of there.

[David] I wish you'd stop calling me that.

David grumbles looking at Annie.

[Annie] Then stop acting like a kid.

Annie shrugs unconcerned.

[Methos] So you're not taking the kid out anymore?

Methos asks still in ancient Egyptian while he picks up his beer glass to take a sip.

[Ally] No... he screwed himself by asking if I was your woman... that's a comment I'd expect from the likes of Kronos, not someone who's 36 years old.

Ally says shaking her head.

[Methos] Yeah, even Kronos knew better than to ask you that.

Methos chuckles softly.

[Methos] OK, maybe the reason was because he didn't give a damn but still he didn't ask.

Ally shrugs.

[Ally] Could be.

[Methos] Oh, I'm sure it was, when he wanted a woman he didn't care if she was married to some guy or not.

Methos frowns then adds remembering his time as a Horseman.

[Methos] Hmm, neither did I actually.

Ally chuckles.

[Ally] I'm sure you didn't.

[Methos] Yeah, most of the times when they got to camp they didn't have a husband anymore anyway.

Methos shrugs indifferently, it was a long time ago.

[Ally] And if they did, either they, or the husbands or both didn't last long.

Ally chuckles.

[Ally] Thanks Mike.

Ally says as Mike brings two pitchers and Annie's check.

[Annie] At last.

Annie grumbles under her breath as she looks in her pockets for some money.

[Methos] I'll probably have some news for you Monday or Tuesday, so show up.

Methos tells Annie remembering what she'd asked him to do.

[Ally] More like Tuesday.

Ally puts in with a grin.

[Ally] I can just about guarantee he won't do any looking tomorrow.

[Annie] Alright.

Annie nods as she puts some money near her check.

[Annie] Thanks, Adam, I appreciate what you're doing.

Annie nods again before she stands up.

[Methos] No problem, got me curious enough to take a look anyway, so...

Methos shrugs with a smile.

Gemini quickly stands up when Annie does, not wanting to be left behind.

[Gemini] See you later, David.

Gemini murmurs softly.

[David] Yeah, see you later.

David says with an unhappy sigh, he didn't want to be left alone with those two.

[Annie] Well, see you around.

Annie says looking at Adam Pierson and Judge Everson, and ignoring David, before she turns to leave.

[Gemini] Bye all.

Gemini murmurs to the table.

[Methos] Bye girls.

Methos says after them with a smirk, Annie would probably think he was teasing, so it was safe.

David watches Annie and Gemini go then turns back to the table.

[David] So where were we?

[Ally] We're drinking. That's where we are.

Ally shrugs.

[David] Hmm, so dinner?

David asks hoping to get an answer this time.

Methos raises an eyebrow and looks at Aldria to see how she's going to react.

[Ally] Nope. I'm full.

Ally says taking a drink.

[Methos] Don't you get it...

Methos stops himself in time, refraining himself from calling him kid.

[Methos] She's already having dinner.

Methos smirks as he adds to Aldria in Greek.

[Methos] And dessert after the way he behaved is out of the question.

[Ally] Yup.

Ally agrees with Methos in Greek.

David frowns, they're going to do it again?

[David] Hey, if you two are starting with that again I'm leaving.

Methos looks around with a puzzled frown.

[Methos] I don't think anyone is trying to hold you up.

Ally shrugs.

[Ally] We're going to drink. You can stay or go.

Ally shrugs.

Methos frowns at the kid, he's acting like he's doing them a favor by staying when they didn't even invite him to sit?

[Methos] You know what? You bug me. Go away.

Methos tells David resisting the temptation to shoo him.

[David] Fine.

David grumbles offended as he stands up and moves to the bar.

Methos sighs watching the kid go.

[Methos] Just remembered a reason I don't take students anymore.

[Ally] You know... with that attitude he sure isn't proving himself to be anything other than the child we named him.

Ally points out to Methos amused.

[Ally] I mean, seriously? Throwing a temper-tantrum?

[Methos] Who cares?

Methos shrugs as he picks his pitcher and clicks it against Aldria's.

[Methos] Bottoms up.

« on: September 30, 2011, 12:35:58 pm »
[Gemini] So, umm... can you tell us anything more about, umm... Steven? Was that his name?

Gemini asks softly.

Methos looks at Gemini and shrugs.

[Methos] There's nothing more to say.

Methos frowns as he remembers something.

[Methos] Hmm... he was in the Ku-Klux-Klan, probably helped to found it if that helps.

[Annie] Oh on top of all he's a racist pig, how nice...

Annie shakes her head in disgust.

[Methos] He only went after ex-slaves for a while, but now he goes after anyone he can get, black or white.

Methos shrugs as he picks up his glass to drink some beer.

[Ally] Yeah, sounds like an addict.

Ally mutters.

[Gemini] Do... do you know how he finds umm...

Gemini hesitates not remembering what term they had used for new Immortals.

[Methos] Finds what? Other Immortals? Isn't that obvious?

Methos asks frowning puzzled.

[Annie] Gemini, he just wanders around until he feels a buzz.

Annie explains since the obvious to Adam might not be the obvious to Gemini.

[Gemini] Umm... new Immortals?

Gemini says trying to specify.

[Methos] Hmm, it's not really hard to tell a newbie from a trained Immortal.

Methos shrugs as he picks up his glass again.

[Methos] They react differently.

Methos says before he takes a sip.

[Gemini] Meaning, we act scared, right?

Gemini states.

Methos nods with a smirk.

[Methos] Right.

Annie smiles coldly.

[Annie] Not really, I took my first head when I was a newbie.

[Methos] Oh really? Care to enlighten us?

Methos asks curiously, maybe that was the reason Kronos took her as a student.

[Gemini] Yeah... still having problems with that.

Gemini says frowning over Annie.

[Gemini] The thought of killing anybody.

Gemini mutters and shudders at the thought.

[Annie] You will, Gemini, once it comes down to living or dying.

Annie tells Gemini with a shrug.

[Annie] You better or I'm not going to waste my time teaching you. You think I'm going to teach you if it's to die at your first fight?

[Gemini] You think I want to die? I assure you I don't. If it comes down to it. I'll do what I have to do, I just don't like the idea of having to kill.

Gemini says firmly, her eyes flashing with an inner fire.

[Annie] I think if we had a choice most of us wouldn't, but since we don't...

Annie shrugs unconcerned.

Ally smiles slightly, liking the fire she sees in Gemini's eyes.

[Ally] She's got spunk. I like it.

Ally says in Italian to Annie.

[Methos] Most of us wouldn't if there was nothing to gain from it, but there is, remember?

Methos points out looking at Annie.

[Annie] Yes, I've noticed, let's see if it lasts once she gets a sword in her hand.

Annie answers back in Italian while she nods at Aldria.

[Methos] Oh, you're going to put a sword in her hand and see how she reacts? It's not what I'd call fair.

Methos frowns at Annie using the same language.

[Methos] She probably only knows how to pick it up because it has a hilt.

Gemini sighs, rolling eyes slightly. She knows enough to recognize Italian when she hears it, but not enough to understand it.

[Annie] And since when is the Game fair? Only some boy scouts bother to follow all the rules anyway.

Annie frowns back at Adam.

[Annie] Besides I'm not going to kill her, I only want to see if she has what it takes so I can teach her.

Ally coughs, half choking as she laughs at that comment from Annie.

[Methos] Fine, but that kid is going to be terrified if she thinks you're going to kill her.

Methos says with a shrug, after all Adam Pierson managed to scare her.

[Annie] For her sake I hope she shows some courage, I'm not about to spend two years with a coward.

Annie shrugs as she picks up her glass to take a sip.

[Methos] I wonder how you'd react if Kronos did that to you.

Methos murmurs in Russian as he looks down to play with his glass.

[Annie] He didn't need to.

Annie answers with a cold smile.

[Methos] Oh, you speak Russian?

Methos is so surprised he comes back to English.

[Methos] I should have used another language, huh?

[Annie] I was married to a Russian. I lived in Russia for over 20 years.

Annie answers with a shrug hoping he didn't ask anything else.

[Methos] I'll keep that in mind next time I want to say something I don't want you to understand.

Methos smirks thinking he should have used a dead language but maybe that would give him away.

[Methos] So how come he didn't need to?

Gemini perks up, curious.

Methos asks puzzled remembering her comment, then he frowns when he puts two and two together.

[Methos] It had something to do with that head you took when you were a newbie?

Annie nods with a smirk.

[Annie] I saved his head, if I knew then what I know now.

Methos stares at her genuinely surprised, he never expected such a thing.

[Methos] You saved his life?

Annie nods with a sigh.

[Annie] I knew I was dead, I didn't know anything about Immortals and the Game, I thought he was the one keeping me alive.

[Methos] You've mistaken him for some demon, understandable.

Methos nods amused.

[Methos] So?

[Annie] So Kronos took a Quickening and then this guy's student shows up, he would have killed him if I didn't pick the dead Immortal's sword and fought him.

Annie explains with a shrug, needless to say she wouldn't do it if she knew Kronos dying wouldn't kill her.

[Methos] So you knew how to fight with a sword all along?

Methos asks puzzled, he didn't know Scottish women at that time had the chance to learn how to fight.

[Annie] No, but I'd watched him fight, he fought all the time.

Annie shrugs unconcerned.

Methos stares at Annie for a moment studying her in silence, that was something he'd never heard before, unless she got really really lucky.

[Methos] Let me get this straight, you fought an Immortal's student without any training and took his head?

[Annie] So? I was used to pain by then, I can assure you.

Annie shrugs before she takes a sip of her drink.

[Annie] Besides it was Kronos who told me to cut off his head, I had no idea that was the way to kill him.

Methos nods with a smile, no Kronos wouldn't volunteer that information.

[Methos] No wonder he chose to teach you.

Methos says absentmindedly after a moment.

[Methos] So would I, so would her.

Methos points at Aldria.

[Ally] Yeah, that's Kronos alright.

Ally says, but nods in confirmation to Methos' comment.

[Ally] Except I don't take students anymore so...

Ally shrugs.

[Methos] Neither do I, but I would have taken her. It shows a real talent there.

Methos tells Aldria with a shrug.

[Annie] Talent? I'm not going to ask.

Annie shakes her head.

[Annie] Since when taking a head is a talent?

[Methos] Annie, most Immortals don't learn how to fight without proper training. You know that.

Methos points out with a frown.

[Annie] It's not like that guy didn't cut me, he did.

Annie shakes her head, she can't see what's the big deal anyway.

[Methos] So? You're the one who ended up cutting his head.

Methos says looking her.

[Methos] It couldn't have been all luck.

[Annie] You think that's why Kronos took me as student, because he sensed my... potential?

Annie asks disbelievingly, she'd always wondered why he did that when he killed most of the Immortals he found, but the fact it was because of that first fight had never crossed her mind.

[Methos] More like watched it beforehand.

Methos smirks as he picks up his glass.

[Gemini] Wow...

Gemini says softly, in response to Annie's story.

Methos empties his glass again and looks at the bar to order another beer, then thinks better and looks at Annie.

[Methos] Why don't you order some drinks, it seems the service is faster when you order.

Methos suggests with a smirk.

[Annie] I can't believe you're out again.

Annie shakes her head but waves at Mike anyway gesturing they wanted another round. Mike nods with a sigh and starts moving.

[Methos] Didn't I tell you this is my day off?

Methos asks with a slight frown side glancing at Annie.

[Annie] Not on beer.

Annie shakes her head smiling amused.

Ally chuckles.

[Ally] Good thing you can't get drunk.

Ally says as she tosses back the last of her beer.

Annie tenses while she watches Mike walking to their table with their drinks, there is an Immortal approaching.

Methos turns to the door slightly, when he feels the buzz of another Immortal, trying not to be too obvious, Adam Pierson is supposed to be mortal and Mike is coming to their table.

Ally yawns and looks towards the door.

Gemini feels the buzz and jumps, then looks quickly at the other three, wondering if she should be worried.

Methos almost curses under his breath when Mike blocks his view of the door when he starts putting their drinks on the table, he can see the door opening but not who's coming inside.

[Ally] Thanks, Mike.

Ally thanks him as he sets their drinks around.

Gemini twists around to see who is coming through the door.

« on: September 30, 2011, 12:27:46 pm »
***Joe's Bar - 5:30 PM***

Methos exits Joe's office and thanks Mike while he passes the bar. He grabs the beer Mike already got the moment he saw him and walks to Aldria's table.

[Methos] Back.

Methos says as he pulls a chair, then sits down and takes a sip of beer.

[Ally] And? You find him?

Ally asks.

Methos nods with a sigh.

[Methos] Yeah, Steven Robert Lee. A really charming guy, he used to be in the Ku Klux Klan. Probably helped founding it.

[Ally] That alone doesn't make a person a charming guy. What else?

Ally asks.

[Methos] Likes to hunt newbies, Ash suspects he's a Quickening addict.

Methos says before he picks up his glass and drinks again.

[Ally] You're right... charming fellow.

Ally says frowning in disgust.

[Ally] Steven Robert Lee... he's not the Immortal that was General Lee's nephew, is he?

Ally asks.

[Methos] Oh, heard of him?

Methos looks at Aldria surprised.

[Methos] I never had the pleasure before. Luckily I managed to get away the moment I felt his buzz, I'm not in the mood to fight.

[Ally] Vaguely... didn't pay much attention... just someone I looked up back when I was a Watcher... it's the name that caught me.

Ally shrugs.

[Ally] Not that you're his preferred type of prey anyway.

Ally points out.

[Ally] What else did his Watcher have to say?

Ally asks.

[Methos] Hmm, Methos isn't but Adam Pierson is.

Methos shrugs chuckling amused.

[Ally] Yes, I suppose Adam Pierson is more his taste.

Ally chuckles also.

[Methos] Probably.

Methos shakes his head smiling amused.

[Methos] The fool challenged Annie, only left when she pointed out the girl could take the winner's head.

[Ally] Really? And how'd he come across Annie anyway?

Ally asks.

[Methos] He was chasing an unarmed newbie and she showed up at the other side of the alley.

[Ally] Lucky newbie.

Methos shrugs, then smirks about the situation.

Ally chuckles.

[Methos] I bet the newbie thought she was going to die.

[Ally] So, what did his Watcher know about the newbie?

Ally asks curiously.

[Methos] Nothing, only found out about her when she saw him chasing her with a sword.

Methos shakes his head amused.

[Methos] Even complained the North American Watchers aren't doing their work, no wonder they call her Miss By-the-book.

[Ally] Complained they aren't doing their work? Why?

Ally asks with an amused chuckle.

[Methos] Apparently she also tried to find Annie's Watcher and found out she doesn't have one.

Methos says with a smirk.

[Ally] So... she's pissed, because neither Annie or the newbie have Watchers?

Ally laughs softly.

[Methos] She could let pass a newbie didn't have a Watcher but a seasoned Immortal? Ash? No way!

Methos shakes his head amused, he knew the woman after all.

[Ally] What'd Joe say?

Ally asks curiously.

Methos shrugs.

[Methos] Why should I care? He's the boss, let him handle that.

Methos chuckles, reminding himself to be around when Joe got back from his journey.

[Methos] I bet he's going to love the fact that she wrote that on an official report.

[Ally] I was just curious.

Ally laughs.

[Ally] So, how do you know this Steven's watcher? What'd you call her? Ash?

Ally asks.

[Methos] Oh, she was in research for a while before she tried the field.

Methos shrugs before he drinks some beer.

[Methos] Managed to become one of the best.

[Ally] Good for her.

Ally grins.

[Ally] So why do they call her Miss By-the-book?

[Methos] She always follows the rules.

Methos chuckles softly.

[Methos] Thinks Immortals and Watchers shouldn't mix.

[Ally] Well, they shouldn't.

Ally chuckles.

[Ally] Immortals should most definitely NOT join the Watchers...

Ally grins.

[Ally] Oops.

Ally laughs.

[Methos] I should watch out, if she finds out about me she'll kill me.

Methos chuckles amused.

[Methos] Me? One of the few who call her Ash?

[Ally] I don't know!

Ally laughs.

[Ally] I don't know her! You tell me!

[Methos] Hmm, I don't know. Maybe not, that would be interfering.

Methos shrugs, he doesn't expect Ashley to find out anyway.

[Ally] She would, unlike Mr. Dawson, see to it, that you were no longer a Watcher yourself though.

Ally laughs softly.

[Ally] Because, "That's interfering."

[Methos] Oh yeah, she'd report me right away, no doubt about that.

Methos nods as he picks up his glass and empties it. He waves at Mike to get him another beer. Mike sighs and moves to the tap.

[Ally] You know... maybe we should have sat at the bar today.

Ally chuckles as Mike rather gloomily makes his way over to their table with two more beers.

Methos thanks Mike and waits he walks away to answer.

[Methos] Yeah, sure, how would I know there's a new Immortal in town, if the Watchers don't know it yet?

Methos says still looking at Mike as he walks to behind the bar.

[Ally] Hey, you just said, his Watcher did make a report so... But yeah, you knew before you went searching through the rollo-dex.

Ally chuckles.

[Ally] Besides, I wasn't serious.

[Methos] I don't think Mike knows about it yet, he'd be pissed if he knew.

Methos smirks side glancing at Mike for a moment.

[Methos] Maybe I should tell him, so he'd be pissed at her instead of us?

[Ally] You know... I don't think Mike cares WHY we sit so far away. Just that we do.

Ally chuckles.

[Methos] Probably, but I'd have to be Adam Pierson sitting at the bar.

Methos shrugs unconcerned.

[Methos] Besides it's his job.

Ally laughs.

[Ally] Yeah... that it is.

A cab stops in front of Joe's Annie pays for the race and opens the door to exit the car. She looks around when she gets outside and waits for Gemini before she goes inside of Joe's bar.

Gemini gets out the cab, and moves to follow Annie, then freezes as an exceptionally strong buzz washes over her. Her eyes widen at the feeling.

Annie stops and looks back when she realizes Gemini isn't following her anymore. She frowns for a moment, before she realizes what's going on.

[Annie] I bet it's Adam and Judge Everson, those two together...

Annie shakes her head as she resumes walking.

[Gemini] It's... it's alright?

Methos looks at the door when he feels a buzz hoping it's not the guy he saw earlier that day. He really wasn't in the mood to fight.

Gemini asks softly, and very nervously.

[Ally] Bet it's Annie.

Ally murmurs, as she feels the buzz.

Annie looks back and nods at Gemini.

[Annie] Yes, it's alright, just come with me.

[Gemini] Alright.

Gemini says taking a deep breath and stepping up.

[Methos] Probably, women don't know how to wait.

Methos smirks still looking at the door.

[Methos] Told her it might take a couple of days.

[Ally] Although if it's that Steven guy... I bet he challenges me, before he challenges you.

Ally smirks.

[Methos] Probably, you being a woman and all that...

Methos nods side glancing at Aldria for a moment before turning his gaze back to the door.

[Ally] And therefore, my head is easier to take off.

Ally sighs, then looks at Methos.

[Ally] Why are most men complete morons?

Ally asks him.

[Methos] How should I know what a moron thinks? I've never been one of them.

Methos asks with a chuckle.

[Ally] No... but you are a man. Which makes you the right gender and species.

Ally chuckles.

Annie opens the bar door and sees the Immortals she was expecting to be there, after that buzz there couldn't be anyone else.

Gemini cautiously follows Annie as she enters the bar.

Methos sighs in relief when he sees it's Annie, the last thing he wanted was to meet that guy today, he's hoping for some peace and quiet on his day off.

[Methos] Yeah, and being a man is the only thing I share with those morons, so it's not close enough.

Ally chuckles amused.

[Ally] How much you wanna bet, they're gonna ask to sit with us?

Ally asks noting the young Immortal behind Annie.

[Methos] Hey, I've seen that girl before, she was here with Nikki, I thought she already had a teacher.

Methos murmurs to Aldria when he recognizes Gemini.

[Ally] Wonder what happened then.

Ally murmurs.

[Annie] Back at the same table or haven't moved yet?

Annie asks with a smile as she stops in front of them.

[Ally] Does it matter?

Ally asks with a chuckle.

[Annie] Not really.

Annie shrugs unconcerned.

[Methos] We look like we've spent the night at the bar I take it.

Methos smirks looking up at Annie.

[Methos] Not so much for a compliment.

[Ally] Compliment or not... it should be impressive. After all, how many can drink for over 24 hours?

Ally asks with a chuckle.

[Gemini] Why would you want to?

Gemini asks softly, looking between the two Immortals.

[Methos] Why not?

Methos shrugs looking at the girl, he doesn't expect she'd understand anyway.

[Annie] Well, we'll sit at another table, I don't want to intrude, might interrupt something.

Annie says preparing to move to another table.

[Annie] Unless you have some news for me?

[Methos] No, not yet, sorry.

Methos answers, hiding the fact that he still didn't have the time to look.

[Methos] But have a seat, I saw your guy today.

Annie hesitates for a minute then pulls a chair and sits with them.

[Annie] Really?

[Methos] Yeah, I think so. Over 6 feet, dark brown hair, carries a cavalry saber I think, only had a glimpse of that.

Methos frowns slightly when Mike walks to their table and puts a drink in front of Annie, and walks back to the bar.

[Methos] Hmm, that's interesting.

Methos smirks looking at the retreating mortal.

[Annie] He remembers, so what?

Annie shrugs picking up the drink.

[Ally] He glowers at us whenever he brings us drinks.

Ally says with a shrug.

[Methos] And he didn't bother to take her order.

Methos nods at Gemini with a smile.

Gemini shrugs.

[Gemini] Just want water anyway.

[Annie] Yeah, you're under age here, if you want some alcohol at a bar you'll have to go to Europe.

Annie shakes her head, that law never made sense to her.

[Gemini] Wouldn't drink it anyway.

Gemini shrugs.

[Methos] Oh, another Immortal that always does the right thing, great.

Methos chuckles amused, just where did all these boy scouts and girl scouts come from?

[Gemini] I don't always do the right thing.

Gemini says frowning at... Adam was his name if she remembered correctly.

[Gemini] I won't drink alcohol for the same reason I don't drink carbonated beverages.

[Methos] Fine, why should I care?

Methos shrugs with a smirk.

[Annie] So that Immortal where did you see him?

Annie asks trying to change back to the Immortal he'd seen.

[Gemini] Just trying to point out I'm not a complete goodie too-shoo.

Gemini murmurs, but perks up at Annie's question.

[Methos] Downtown, West Georgia I think.

Methos says as he picks up his glass to take a sip.

[Annie] Let me guess, near that cathedral, don't remember the name now.

Annie says thinking it's the cathedral near their hotel, she isn't going to mention where she's staying.

[Methos] Yes, but he's wasting his time, you're not the type to hide on Holy Ground.

Methos nods, he didn't think that guy was looking at the people that were going inside the cathedral but let her think he does.

[Gemini] Does he have a name?

Gemini asks softly.

[Methos] Sure he does, don't we all?

Methos shrugs smiling amused.

[Gemini] Do... do you know it? Do you know anything about him? Do you know why he's after me?

Gemini asks desperately.

Methos frowns slightly looking at Gemini.

[Methos] What makes you think I know more about him than you do? I walked away as soon as I felt him, I'm not in the mood to fight.

Methos shrugs looking at his beer.

[Methos] Besides it's my day off.

[Annie] Yeah, heavens forbid he got between you and your beer.

Annie shakes her head, she can't help to smile though.

Ally laughs.

[Ally] You've got that right!

Gemini frowns, not sure what his day off had to do anything with.

[Gemini] I was just wondering.

Gemini says softly.

[Annie] And we both know, you know more about him than she does, so might want to share it?

Annie says hoping to convince him to say something.

[Methos] Charming fellow, apparently he's a Quickening addict.

Methos says with a shrug.

[Gemini] I didn't know that was possible.

Gemini whispers.

[Annie] Aren't most of the head hunters?

Annie shrugs unconcerned.

[Annie] So that's why he's hunting newbies, they're easier to kill.

[Gemini] Oh swell...

Gemini mutters. That was helpful for her.

[Methos] Yes, but he's also killed the teachers who challenged him, so he can't be so bad.

Methos comments so Annie wouldn't underestimate the guy though he doubted she would.

Annie frowns looking at Methos.

[Annie] How old is he?

[Methos] Ah, come on, you don't expect me to tell you that, now do you? That would be interfering.

Methos answers with a smirk.

[Gemini] Why would that be interfering?

Gemini asks.

[Gemini] If you're an Immortal, and we're Immortals...

[Annie] I'm sure it never crossed your mind, to interfere would be against your oath, right?

Annie shakes her head smiling amused.

[Methos] Absolutely.

Methos nods vigorously.

Gemini frowns confused.

[Methos] Didn't know you knew about the oath though. Who have you been talking to?

Methos asks hoping to find out how she knows about the Watchers.

[Annie] Oh, it was in London, 1830, so he's beyond punishment now.

Annie chuckles amused.

[Methos] I was just curious, I wasn't going to report him.

Methos shrugs unconcerned.

[Ally] Yeah, 'cause then you'd have to report Joe and you'd lose your best source for beer.

Ally murmurs softly with a chuckle.

[Methos] Yeah, and he'd make me pay my tab, can you imagine that?

Methos chuckles amused.

[Ally] Good thing you've got more money than Midas, then, isn't it?

Ally says, laughing softly.

[Methos] Me? You're mistaking me for someone else, I'm just a guy.

Methos shrugs frowning slightly at Aldria.

[Annie] You're just a guy now, who knows who you could have been in the past? Maybe Midas himself?

Annie smiles amused, who did that guy think he was fooling?

[Ally] Oh, he wasn't Midas. I can attest to that.

Ally chuckles.

[Methos] Oh you knew the guy?

Methos asks amused.

[Ally] Yeah.

Ally sighs.

[Ally] I slept with his brother.

Ally frowns.

[Ally] It was just the once... he was horrible in bed... drop dead gorgeous, but... horrible in bed.

Methos shakes his head with a smile.

[Methos] You never cease to surprise me.

[Ally] Good, I wouldn't want to be predictable.

Ally laughs.

[Annie] Yeah, I've noticed most of the good looking guys are awful in bed, maybe they think their looks do all the work.

Annie chuckles shaking her head.

[Ally] Hmm...

Ally says noncommittally... After all, she had grown up with many men, who were gorgeous and wonderful in bed... Anath saw to that.

[Methos] If you want a guy's opinion the looks have nothing to do with it, whether you want to give pleasure to your partner or you don't give a damn.

Methos shrugs before he drinks the rest of his beer and waves at Mike for a refill.

Gemini blushes slightly. That was the most blunt opinion she'd ever heard from a man on the subject.

[Ally] You would know, wouldn't you?

Ally chuckles amused, thinking of Methos' old life as hard tough hitting, Mr. Death on a horse.

[Methos] Yeah, I've tried both, and the first option is a lot better.

[Ally] For both parties involved.

Ally chuckles.

Methos shrugs unconcerned as Mike puts another beer in front of him. To save time Mike asks the other people sitting on the table if they want a refill.

[Ally] Yes, please.

Ally says.

[Gemini] Can I get a water, please?

Gemini asks softly.

[Annie] And another one of these, please.

Annie says indicating her drink.

[Methos] And might as well bring another beer while you're at it.

Methos says with a smile, looking up. Mike nods and moves to the bar to get the drinks.

[Ally] Maybe we should see if we can't just get Mike to bring us a couple pitchers of beer.

Ally suggests once Mike got back to the bar.

[Methos] If he was smart he'd already done that, but I'm not complaining, the beer is cooler this way.

Methos shrugs side glancing at Aldria.

[Methos] And it's not my legs.

Ally just grins broadly at Methos.

[Annie] But if you had a better idea weren't you supposed to help your... 'buddy'?

Annie says instead of colleague.

[Methos] If he wants to do it the hard way, I say let him.

Methos shrugs unconcerned.

Gemini coughs at the word 'buddy' After the sex talk, that wasn't the word she would have used to describe the bartender.

Annie shakes her head with a sigh, trying not to show her amusement.

[Annie] And I thought you were a nice guy.

Methos smirks mischieviously.

[Methos] Sorry to disappoint you.

Ally chortles slightly.

Annie shakes her head, a smile playing on her lips.

[Annie] No, you're not.

Methos chuckles softly.

[Methos] Hmm, actually no.

[Annie] But see, to be really disappointed I had to be expecting something different and since I wasn't...

Annie shrugs before she takes a sip of her drink.

[Gemini] Umm... sorry to interrupt, but... what about the guy that was chasing me?

Gemini asks looking to Adam.

Methos side glances at Gemini with a slight frown.

[Methos] What about him?

[Gemini] Well... if... if you know he's an addict... don't you know more about him? Like his name? How he finds new Immortals? Anything?

Gemini asks hurriedly and worriedly.

[Annie] And you were about to tell me how old he is.

Annie says smacking herself mentally, that guy had managed to distract her from it.

Methos shakes his head with a smirk.

[Methos] No, I wasn't.

Annie sighs impatiently.

[Annie] Come on, Adam, is he your best friend or something?

[Methos] Hmm, good point.

Methos hesitates to tell them or not, after all he wasn't supposed to say what was in the Chronicles.

[Ally] Good Gods.. since when do you have a conscience?

Ally murmurs to Methos leaning over to say it so neither Annie or Gemini would hear.

Methos side glances at Aldria with a frown, pretending to be offended when in fact he was amused.

[Methos] Excuse me?

[Ally] You heard me.

Ally laughs.

[Ally] And don't pretend to be offended. I've known you too long!

Methos shakes his head keeping his frown for a while.

[Methos] I've always wondered how it would be like to have one of those though.

Gemini gapes at Adam in surprise.

[Gemini] What does that have to do with the guy?

Methos turns his head to look at Gemini, the kid looked confused.

[Methos] Hmm, I bet he also doesn't have one.

[Gemini] Umm... if you're talking about what I'm thinking of... I'd hope not.

Gemini murmurs softly.

Annie raises an eyebrow looking at Methos.

[Annie] One what? Care to enlighten us?

[Methos] Conscience.

Methos shrugs unconcerned as he picks up his glass.

[Methos] Most of us lost it along the way, if we ever had one to begin with.

[Gemini] Oh.

Gemini sighs relieved.

[Annie] Hmm yes, I bet some of us never had one.

Annie nods thinking about Kronos.

[Annie] And it would be stupid to keep torturing ourselves for all the people we killed, most of them deserved it anyway.

[Gemini] So glad it's not what I was thinking of.

Gemini murmurs to herself, under her breath.

Methos frowns a little reading Gemini's lips.

[Methos] So what were you thinking?

[Gemini] Uh... nothing.

Gemini says defensively.

Methos nods at Gemini understandingly.

[Methos] Yes, you have the right to keep your secrets.

Methos frowns slightly as thinking to himself.

[Methos] Hmm, but so do I.

[Annie] In other words, if you don't tell him he's not telling you anything either.

Annie explains figuring out Gemini wouldn't get what he meant.

[Annie] Right, Adam?

Methos side glances at Annie with a smirk.

[Methos] You're fast.

Annie chuckles softly.

[Annie] You have no idea.

[Gemini] Well... umm... 'cause I didn't hear the whispered comment... I was thinking that you all were... still on the sexual conversation.

Gemini says hesitantly.

[Methos] Yes, so?

Methos asks looking back at Gemini, so far he didn't get what she was thinking.

[Gemini] Well... then you made the comment, you'd always wondering what it would be like to have one, and that you knew HE didn't have one, and since you're both men...

Gemini says feeling her face growing hot.

Methos chuckles softly finally understanding.

[Methos] You think I want to be a woman?

Methos shakes his head amused.

[Gemini] No... not exactly.

Gemini says.

[Gemini] My thought was that you... were just wondering what it's like to... to have - have a ****.

Gemini says finally spitting it out.

Methos shakes his head again, kids were too much.

[Methos] And why would I do that? I'm perfectly satisfied with what I have.

[Gemini] You did say you were curious...

Gemini says blushing.

[Methos] I get curious about a lot of things.

Methos shrugs unconcerned.

[Annie] Besides being a woman sucks, for centuries men treated us like a piece of furniture.

Annie sighs remembering how it used to be like.

[Annie] It's improving but we still get twice the challenges men do.

Ally snorts.

[Ally] Child, you obviously weren't doing it right, if they treated you like furniture.

Ally laughs.

[Annie] Yeah? It was my first husband, I was 15. He was twice my age, what was I supposed to do?

Annie says looking coldly at Aldria.

Ally shrugs.

[Ally] I would have been 12 with my first husband, who would have been three times my age, IF I had let them marry me off.

[Methos] Yeah, but most people don't get a chance like you did, Xena.

Methos tells Aldria teasingly.

[Ally] Excuse me!!

Ally cries offended.

[Ally] That woman barely knew which end of the sword was the pointy one!

Ally protests.

[Methos] Oh, not a fan? She was also an Amazon. Or what they think it was an Amazon.

Methos chuckles amused.

[Ally] That woman was no Amazon. Giving her a TV show is a joke.

Ally grumbles.

[Ally] You know which character on the TV show the REAL Xena resembled most?

Ally asks.

[Methos] Alright, a kindergarten Amazon then.

Methos shrugs ignoring her question, he knew she didn't need encouragement when that subject came along.

[Gemini] Who?

Gemini asks curiously. Gemini had always liked the show.

[Ally] Joxer.

Ally says.

[Ally] That addle-brained idiot who was always tripping over his own feet.

Gemini's jaw drops.

Annie looks at Aldria surprised.

[Annie] You knew the real Xena? I thought she was just a TV character.

[Ally] I wish that's all it were.

Ally grumbles.

[Gemini] What about Hercules?

Gemini asks with curious excitement.

[Methos] Silas without the pet obsession from what I've heard.

Methos shrugs unconcerned.

[Methos] Silas was one of Kronos buddies by the way, I read about him in the Chronicles.

Methos adds fast so Annie wouldn't suspect anything, he's not going to start to underestimate that woman.

[Annie] I know that now, Kronos never mentioned his name.

Annie nods looking at Adam.

[Ally] Yeah, I think I mentioned that name, didn't I?

Ally says with an unconcerned shrug of her own.

[Annie] Yes, you did. I've heard about his brothers before, but Methos was the only one Kronos mentioned.

Annie nods at Aldria.

Methos frowns a little trying to decide if he should be honored or not.

[Methos] So what did he tell you about him?

Methos can't help to ask, he obviously didn't tell her much but still...

[Ally] Silas wasn't bad... fairly mild actually... and not the brightest bulb on the tree. But outside of battle, kind... unless you were Caspian.

Ally adds the last as an afterthought.

[Annie] Hmm, actually the only thing I remember was Kronos complaining about everybody else's plans, especially when they went sore.

Annie shrugs trying to remember.

[Annie] He'd say something like, if Methos was here this would never happen or something like that.

Methos smirks amused, it's good to feel appreciated.

[Ally] I always wondered why Kronos never bothered to make the plans himself... It's not as if he were stupid.

Ally mutters to herself.

[Methos] So have any idea why?

Methos asks Annie, he knows why of course, but he can't exactly tell that in front of Annie and Gemini, it would blow his cover.

Annie shrugs indifferently.

[Annie] Why should he bother with details, all he wanted was to get on a horse and start killing. He didn't mind leaving to others how it would start.

[Methos] And like you said if the plan went sore he'd have someone to blame. To plan a raid would be to take responsibility for it.

Methos nods, then looks up when Mike comes to their table to give them the drinks murmuring something about being too busy.

[Ally] Sounds like him.

Ally says with a chuckle and a carefully raised eyebrow at Methos.

Annie shakes her head disbelievingly after Mike went away.

[Annie] Why would he mind to take responsibility for it? It's not like he cared who lived or died.

[Methos] Hmm, maybe there was a time he did?

Methos says before he empties his glass and pulls the one Mike just brought to him.

[Annie] Kronos? Yeah, right.

Annie shakes her head again.

[Gemini] So, what's this got to do with the guy who's after me?

Gemini asks.

Methos side glances at Gemini with a smile playing on his lips.

[Methos] Hmm, nothing?

[Annie] Managed to change subject again, huh?

Annie can't help to smile amused.

[Annie] Getting you to talk is like pulling teeth.

[Gemini] Umm... in my experience, pulling teeth is a lot easier.

Gemini mutters.

[Methos] In your experience?

Methos chuckles softly.

[Methos] Yeah, I can tell you're really old.

[Annie] That's besides the point, you said that if she told you what she was thinking you'd tell us about this guy.

[Gemini] What? I've had my share fair of teeth pulled.

Gemini protests, then frowns.

[Gemini] My wisdom teeth aren't gonna grow back are they? 'Cause like, they were removed after the accident.

Methos looks at Gemini disbelievingly.

[Methos] What do you think we are? Some sort of gecko that gets an extra tail? No, whatever we lose it's lost forever, if you lose an arm or a leg you better learn to live without it.

[Annie] It won't kill you, at least not directly, but you don't get them back.

Annie explains looking at Gemini.

[Gemini] Oh, that's good.

Gemini sighs in relief.

[Gemini] I didn't want to deal with having them out again.

[Annie] Hmm, I wouldn't mind. You realize that if you lose something which is essential to fight you're dead?

Annie tells Gemini with a frown, she looked too relieved so Annie doubted she'd thought about the consequences.

[Ally] Don't you mean, 'Again, and again, and again?'

Ally asks amused.

[Gemini] Uh... yeah.

Gemini sighs.

[Gemini] But what about the guy?

Methos takes a deep breath and frowns at Gemini.

[Methos] You're turning out to be quite a nuisance, you know that kid?

Gemini feels herself pale, suddenly worried. Would he get mad and come after her, now?

[Gemini] Sorry.

Gemini murmurs not taking her eyes off him.

[Annie] So one more reason to end it, quit stalling and tell us what we want to know.

Annie smirks looking at Adam.

Methos side glances at Gemini, he'd managed to scare the kid, that was a first coming from Adam Pierson, or maybe he forgot to act like him. He takes a deep breath, he couldn't let that happen in front of strangers.

[Methos] Fine, his name is Steven Robert Lee, he was General's Lee nephew, he fought in the Civil War and he's 168 years old. Maybe now I can drink my beer in peace?

Gemini doesn't say anything, just stares still wide eyed at Adam.

[Annie] I don't think it's Mr. Lee she's worried about at the moment.

Annie says looking between Gemini and Adam.

[Annie] I think she's worried about you.

[Methos] Me?

Methos opens his eyes wide giving them the Adam Pierson patterned look, he knows Annie won't fall for it but Gemini will.

[Methos] I don't like fighting, you think I'm going after you?

Methos asks shaking his head.

[Gemini] Yes, but we all know I wouldn't be much of a fight. Not when I don't even have a sword.

Gemini whispers, still wide eyed.

[Methos] Hmm, I don't think it's wise to tell that to every Immortal you find, some of us might not even be looking for a fight, but if you present yourself as easy prey...

Methos shrugs not bothering to finish the sentence.

Gemini just shivers, and if anything pales more.

Methos stares at Gemini for a moment and then rolls his eyes.

[Methos] I wasn't talking about me, I just told you I don't like fighting.

[Ally] Yeah, and in the next sentence you did imply that her virtual helplessness made her head much more appealing.

Ally points out and raises her glass to signal to Mike to bring more beer.

[Methos] Yes, but in that case I wouldn't advise her not to keep saying it, now would I?

Methos grumbles before he empties his glass, knowing Mike would bring more beer soon.

[Ally] Wouldn't be the first to offer sound advise than take one out back and make them a head shorter.

Ally reminds Methos.

[Methos] No, but I'm not one of them.

Methos shrugs unconcerned.

[Annie] One thing I don't get, Gemini, is why you keep just looking at Adam and didn't even look at her once.

Annie indicates Aldria.

[Annie] You think only male are dangerous?

[Ally] Of course you're not. But I am pointing out, that the girl does have good reason to still be wary of you... and actually considering how young she is, shows a decent wariness that your comment didn't immediately put her at ease.

Ally murmurs to Methos.

Gemini shakes her head.

[Gemini] No... but being a woman, I do know how women think... I don't know how men think.

[Annie] Oh, you think a woman would feel sorry for you because you're young?

Annie shakes her head.

[Annie] Sorry to disappoint you.

[Gemini] No. I never said that.

Gemini says frowning.

[Gemini] I just mean, I understand women.

Gemini shrugs.

[Gemini] Men are a foreign language.

Methos chuckles softly, laughing at his own stupidity.

[Methos] I had the same pretension when I was younger and now I recognize I didn't know what I was talking about.

[Ally] Of course you don't. You're a man. But women, do generally understand other women. She does have that much right.

Ally chuckles softly to Methos.

[Methos] Nah, it's the fact that the more you know about something, the more you realize you don't know. A fool thinks he knows everything and never has any doubts.

Methos shrugs with a smile.

[Ally] Good point.

Ally chuckles.

[Annie] Oh following Socrates on this one, I know that I know nothing.

Annie says raising an eyebrow at him.

Methos looks at Annie slightly surprised that came from Kronos' student.

[Methos] Yes, exactly, he was right.

Annie smirks she can tell he's surprised.

[Annie] And don't look so surprised I wasn't a raider all my life, I did get an education after I left Kronos.

Ally chuckles.

[Ally] You got an education WITH Kronos.... just not necessarily the one you'd want.

Methos nods without comments thinking that so did Kronos if he was able to create a virus.

[Annie] Yeah, I got a graduation from him in killing and torturing, I don't exactly want to make a career out of that.

Annie shrugs indifferently.

[Ally] That... and you learned the most important lesson for an Immortal.

Ally says softly.

[Ally] How to survive.

[Annie] Yes, I suppose, I survived him.

Annie nods with a deep sigh.

[Ally] That's not what I meant.

Ally frowns.

[Annie] I know what you meant, to learn to survive at all costs, but to manage that, first I had to learn how to survive his lessons.

Annie says looking down at her drink.

[Annie] And the rest...

[Ally] Yes, but you can now probably survive anything... that's a lot more than most Immortals can say. Especially at your age, girl.

Ally says with a smile at Annie.

[Annie] That's what I meant when I said I survived him, if I survived Kronos I think I can survive anything.

Annie shrugs before she picks up her glass and takes a sip.

Methos almost nods but manages to stop himself, yes to survive Kronos would be the ultimate test.

[Ally] Mike you're not working real hard for tips tonight, are you?

Ally asks as Mike finally brings more drinks all around. Mike mumbles something incomprehensible as he walks back to the bar.

« on: September 30, 2011, 12:15:43 pm »
***Next Day***

Annie looks around her suite after she finished breakfast wondering what to do today. She'd called her employee at the antique store but what she'd asked for would take a few days to arrive. She frowns when she remembers Gemini, it was late morning and she still didn't feel her? She hoped Gemini didn't sneak out through to stairs just to avoid being felt. Maybe she should check it out, she thinks as she stands up, picks up her coat with the sword in it and moves to the door. Annie checks if she has the key card when she gets to the corridor, then closes the door and walks to Gemini's room.

Gemini freezes as she feels the buzz of another Immortal and looks towards her door, freezing.

Annie feels the buzz of another Immortal, apparently Gemini was in her room. A couple of steps and Annie reaches her room door and knocks on it.

[Annie] Gemini, are you in there?

Gemini sighs in relief when she hears Annie's voice. Getting up she moves over to the door and peaks through the peephole. Satisfied that it was indeed Annie, Gemini unlocks the door and pulls it open.

[Gemini] Hi.

Gemini says softly greeting Annie.

[Annie] Hello, you're quiet this morning. Anything wrong?

Annie asks Gemini with a slight frown.

Gemini shrugs.

[Gemini] Nothing more than usual.

[Annie] Fine, I was just wondering if you were still here, you might have used the stairs or something.

Annie shrugs and turns to go back to her suite.

[Gemini] No. I'm just looking over lists.

Gemini says holding the door opening, offering to let Annie in.

Annie frowns and turns back again.

[Annie] Lists? What lists?

[Gemini] Potential umm.... yeah.

Gemini says looking at the floor.

[Annie] Potential what?

Annie encourages her to go on, wondering what this was all about.

[Gemini] Coaches.

Gemini lets out in a huff and turns to go into her room, letting her fingers trail along the door, in case Annie wants to come in.

[Annie] Coaches?

Annie asks following her inside her room.

[Annie] Swimming coaches?

[Gemini] Yeah.

Gemini says plopping down at the desk chair again, five sheets of paper before. Each sheet with 2 names on them, and information under the names.

Annie looks down at Gemini and the papers for a moment.

[Annie] But weren't you supposed to have one already? You sound like you take swimming seriously.

[Gemini] I have umm... water and some juice in the fridge if you want.

Gemini gestures absently.

[Annie] No thanks, I just had breakfast.

[Gemini] I had one back in Fargo. But we both agreed I needed a better coach to train me for the Olympics... given the accident.

Gemini shrugs.

[Annie] But how come you don't have one here? How long are you here?

Annie asks Gemini still frowning slightly.

[Gemini] I've been here awhile.

Gemini shrugs, not saying anything about the coach.

Annie shrugs as she moves to the window to take a look outside.

[Annie] I'm just surprised that's all, like I've said you seem to take swimming seriously.

[Gemini] Came here to talk to a coach.

Gemini says with a shrug.

[Annie] And?

Annie asks turning her head to look back at Gemini.

[Gemini] And what?

Gemini shrugs.

[Annie] Decided not to take him once you talked to him? Failed the test? What?

Annie asks hoping to get her to talk about it.

[Gemini] Didn't want me.

Gemini sighs looking at the papers, but not seeing them, as tears filled her eyes as she remembered the events of that night.

[Annie] Why not? Your time wasn't good enough?

Annie frowns turning her back to the window and looking at Gemini.

[Gemini] No. He said, I'd lost too much time because of the accident. And that he didn't waste his time on people who didn't stand a chance. Found out about being immortal, later that night.

Gemini explains softly, as a tear slipped out and down her cheeks.

[Annie] Hmm, maybe I should have a talk with him, I bet I'd make him change his mind.

Annie grumbles threateningly, whether by fear or greed she would convince him.

[Gemini] Don't know that I even want him anymore.

Gemini sighs.

[Annie] Well, you decide, if you still want that coach I'll give it a try.

Annie shrugs unconcerned.

[Gemini] I don't know.

Gemini sighs, another couple of tears trickling down.

Annie moves closer to Gemini to lightly pat her shoulder, she knew the kid was upset. It felt weird, after all this time she wasn't used to comfort anyone anymore.

[Annie] Hmm, don't cry because that **** turned you down, I'm sure he doesn't deserve it.

[Gemini] I'm not crying for him!

Gemini cries turning to stare at Annie.

Annie raises an eyebrow looking down at Gemini.

[Annie] Then why are you crying? Looks a lot like you're crying for him.

[Gemini] I'm crying because I'm frustrated! But Dammit, I'll prove him! I'll make to the Olympics without him!

Gemini says determinedly.

[Annie] You better find another way to ease your frustration or you're going to cry the rest of your life.

Annie shrugs as she moves to sit on a chair.

[Annie] Next time someone treats you like that punch him, you'll feel better.

[Gemini] Oh yeah, that would have been smart to do in the middle of the restaurant downstairs.

Gemini says sarcastically.

[Gemini] No, I went for a walk, and...

Gemini trails off slightly, glancing over at Annie.

[Annie] And? Punched someone else instead?

Annie offers with a smirk.

[Gemini] No... walked into a bar, to call a cab to take me back here... met three other Immortals...

Gemini shrugs.

[Gemini] It was when I found out... about being immortal.

[Annie] A bar? It wouldn't be Joe's, right?

Annie asks thinking about Adam Pierson and Judge Everson, maybe they were there all the time.

[Gemini] Yeah... I think that was the name of it... How'd you know?

Gemini says, blinking in surprise.

[Annie] That's where I was yesterday night, apparently that's where Immortals meet around here.

Annie shrugs with a smile considering the irony they chose a Watcher's place.

[Gemini] Oh.

Gemini murmurs softly.

[Annie] Let me guess one of them was named Adam, right?

Annie says still smiling.

[Gemini] Aah... No.

Gemini says shaking her head.

[Gemini] There was... Craig, and his student David came in just after they started telling me... Oh, and Craig was obviously on a date with... Nikki. You've met David.

Gemini says with a shrug.

[Annie] Nikki? It wouldn't be a red haired Immortal, right?

Annie asks slightly surprised.

[Gemini] Uh... yeah. Actually. Why?

Gemini asks cocking her head slightly in confusion.

[Annie] We've met.

Annie says with a shrug, leaving out the argument part.

[Gemini] Well... the way you put that, "We've met" doesn't sound like it was a good meeting.

Gemini says still looking at Annie.

[Annie] Hmm, it couldn't be, she was jealous I was talking to Adam.

Annie shrugs unconcerned smiling amused.

[Gemini] Adam is... is he umm... good looking... dark hair, but with a beak of a nose?

Gemini asks slowly.

[Annie] Yes, that's Adam.

Annie nods.

[Gemini] When, I met the guy who first volunteered to teach me, it was at lunch at Joe's with Nikki... and Adam came in. She said she thinks he's really old. Older than her teacher who... was over a thousand.

Gemini says slowly in memory.

[Annie] Yeah, I know. Have you felt his Quickening?

Annie asks as she nods again.

[Gemini] What's feeling his Quickening got to do with it?

Gemini asks a little confused.

[Annie] The older you are, or the more heads you take, or both, the stronger the Quickening.

Annie answers slightly surprised Gemini didn't know that.

[Gemini] Oh... everyone's Quickening feels really strong to me.

Gemini shrugs.

Annie shakes her head with a sigh.

[Annie] You'll get used to it, and you'll learn how to tell the difference.

[Gemini] I know you haven't agreed to be my teacher yet, but... can you tell me more? About being immortal? I've kind of gathered from a few things David has said that well.. parts got skipped or glossed over. It wasn't for nearly a week, before David, accidently let it slip that Holy Ground was safe. And if he hadn't made that random comment.. I probably wouldn't have found it until you had mentioned it the other night.

Gemini says softly.

Annie frowns slightly.

[Annie] What exactly do you want to know? You know the rules of the Game, right?

[Gemini] Umm... there can be only one, right?

Gemini asks, then adds.

[Gemini] And everything or as much as I can, I guess.

Annie stares at Gemini, speechless for a moment.

[Annie] That's it?

[Gemini] Something about not using a gun...

Gemini adds after a moment of hard thinking.

[Gemini] But yeah... that's about it.

[Annie] Not using a gun?

Annie shakes her head again.

[Annie] That's not on the rules.

[Gemini] So... tell me then. What are the rules? Besides, the "There can be only one" crap.

Gemini asks.

[Annie] Honorable Immortals consider cheating using a gun but that's not exactly on the rules. All it says is to meet in a one-on-one combat. It doesn't mention swords or guns or any type of weapon.

Annie explains with a shrug.

[Annie] I don't usually cheat but if someone cheats first I'd be a damn fool not to cheat back.

[Gemini] What else?

Gemini asks, turning in her chair to better watch Annie. Her face intent.

[Annie] Immortals don't fight on Holy Ground but that doesn't apply to mortals so some use mortals to get other Immortals out of Holy Ground.

Annie shakes her head with a sigh.

[Gemini] What else?

Gemini asks, she'd known that much about Holy Ground... but most of this information was new.

[Annie] Well, it's not a rule, just common sense but try not to die in public. Every ten years or something, never more than twenty, you have to move on and get a new identity but if you die in public you have to move right away.

Annie remembers to tell her before she did just that.

[Gemini] Suppose that makes sense... I mean if everyone knows you're dead... wonder if that's why they asked if I woke up in a strange place... they were thinking the morgue?

Gemini says, the last bit more to herself than to Annie.

[Annie] Yes, we all end up in there sooner or later.

Annie nods with a chuckle.

[Annie] And the best way to get out of there is to steal some doctors clothes and get out in disguise, by the way.

Annie adds figuring out Gemini didn't know that.

[Gemini] I didn't. I ended up in a hospital bed.

Gemini smiles slightly.

[Annie] You were damn lucky they didn't realize you were dead or you would have a lot of explaining to do. Worse, they'd treat you like a Guinea pig.

Annie says as she makes up a face, falling in the hands of science was every Immortal's worse nightmare.

[Gemini] I realize that, NOW. Then, I just assumed what everyone else did. That I passed from the pain or something, and that I was lucky to be alive.

Gemini shrugs.

[Annie] Oh, another thing, if it's still not obvious, we protect each other's secret, we don't go around telling this or that guy is Immortal unless you really trust that person. And if you try to come public with that a lot of Immortals would try to kill you just to shut you up.

Annie explains with a shrug, thinking she'd probably be one of them.

[Gemini] By that... you mean mortals right?

Gemini asks cautiously.

[Annie] Yes, mortals fear what they don't understand, they'd hunt us down if they knew.

Annie nods with a sigh.

[Annie] And you might find out that even people you trust might not take the information well.

[Gemini] I can understand people not taking it well, but... do you really think there'd be like... a witch hunt? In this day and age?

Gemini asks.

[Annie] Oh no, they'd do it in the name of science or something but the end result would be the same.

Annie shrugs, she seriously doubted most people who killed alleged witches really believed they were witches.

[Gemini] Medical research... ick.

Gemini says with a shudder.

Annie nods looking at Gemini.

[Annie] Yes, they must never catch one of us alive.

[Gemini] And by that, I'm assuming you mean, anything less than decapitated?

Gemini asks softly.

Annie nods again.

[Annie] Yes, that's the only way to kill one of us.

[Gemini] Yeah... I've learned that one.

Gemini sighs.

[Annie] I'd be surprised if you didn't.

Annie shrugs indifferently.

[Gemini] Yeah well... after the other night, it's sunk in pretty well.

Gemini mutters.

Annie chuckles softly.

[Annie] I bet it did.

[Gemini] I'd wish that I wasn't immortal... but if I wasn't immortal, I'd be dead.

Gemini murmurs softly to herself.

[Annie] Yeah, so would be all of us, we only get immortal after we die, before that we have no idea.

Annie shrugs unconcerned.

[Annie] Even if Kronos didn't kill me I'd be dead a long time ago.

[Gemini] A lot longer than the couple of years I'd have been dead.

Gemini sighs.

[Gemini] But two years is a long time.

[Annie] I suppose, though years seem to shorten over time.

Annie shrugs, thinking if it was that or the fact that Kronos was no longer with her when she noticed that.

[Gemini] Oh, I know that. It's simple... well would it be math or physics? But the whole, each year you live, one year becomes a smaller percentage of your life, so it goes by quicker. Like for me, one year is 1/19th of my life and for you it's less than 1/700th of your life.

Gemini says absently putting out the explanation that goes with it.

[Annie] And my odds were greater to begin with, I was 25 when I died.

Annie comments with a smile.

[Gemini] Seventeen.

Gemini mutters.

[Gemini] I'll be seventeen forever.

[Annie] Yeah, can't say I envy you, you'll be always treated like a kid even though you don't feel like one anymore.

Annie shakes her head with a sad sigh.

[Annie] You shouldn't have died so young.

[Gemini] You think?

Gemini asks with an angry glare at Annie before quickly looking away.

[Gemini] Sorry, it's not like it's your fault.

[Annie] No, I wasn't the one who killed you.

Annie shrugs preparing to stand up.

[Annie] Well, I should be going.

Annie says wondering what she's going to do now, take a walk probably.

[Gemini] You don't... don't have to go. If you don't want to.

Gemini murmurs looking up at Annie, honestly desperate for some company.

[Annie] Hmm, it's not you, but I need some air. I'm still not used being indoors all the time, maybe that's why I need so much room around me.

Annie says as she jumps to her feet and moves to the window.

[Annie] And prison didn't help at all.

Annie murmurs to herself.

[Gemini] Prison?

Gemini asks, suddenly wondering if she should be worried.

[Annie] Yeah, prison.

Annie grumbles angrily.

[Gemini] You were in prison?

Gemini asks.

[Gemini] Why?

[Annie] Some **** tried to **** me, we fought, I ended up killing him by accident and I was the one they arrested.

Annie turns her back to the window and looks at Gemini.

[Annie] This bastard was hunting women and when I defend myself I'm the one who ends up in jail.

[Gemini] That completely sucks.

Gemini says empathizing.

[Annie] It didn't help that I was carrying a sword, no time to hide it.

Annie shakes her head smiling despite herself.

[Annie] Cops! Never show up when they're needed and when they're not needed that's when they decide to show up.

[Gemini] Yeah...

Gemini sighs, thinking how her life would have been different if there had been just a few more cops out that fourth of July and had pulled those two different drunks over BEFORE they had hit and killed her.

[Annie] I bet that's how the damn Watchers found out about me, because I was carrying a sword.

Annie murmurs absentmindedly thinking about Kronos' visit when she was in prison.

[Gemini] Watchers?

Gemini asks curiously.

[Annie] Hmm, I don't think I should have said that.

Annie murmurs then shrugs and says in a louder voice.

[Annie] Then again, why not? It's not like I promised I wouldn't tell anyone.

[Gemini] Would you? Explain? 'Cause you're not making any sense.

Gemini asks.

[Annie] There are some mortals watching us, called the Watchers, they observe and record but never interfere.

Annie explains wondering if it was really the case, she doubted that, they were human so they had the same flaws as everyone else.

[Gemini] Why?

Gemini asks not seeing the point why they would do so.

[Annie] I have no idea, makes no sense to me, unless they want to manipulate the end result.

Annie shrugs unconcerned.

[Annie] It's a great way for an Immortal to find their enemies, and I try to stay away from them as much as possible.

[Gemini] I'm just going to hope the end result never comes...

Gemini mutters, then frowns...

[Gemini] So... how closely DO they watch? They're not like spying on us all the time are they?

[Annie] Yes, I think so. Not that I have one at the moment. Some guy tried to follow me when I got out of prison but he lost me.

Annie chuckles softly, like she'd let a stupid Watcher follow her and make it easier for Kronos to find her again.

[Gemini] So, they spy on us in the shower and everything? That's just... perverted and gross.

Gemini says frowning.

[Annie] I have no idea if it goes that far, but like I've said I don't have a Watcher so...

Annie shrugs unconcerned.

[Gemini] Do... do I?

Gemini asks.

[Annie] I don't think so, I didn't see anyone yet and I think I would.

Annie shrugs again turning her head to look out the window.

[Gemini] Good.

Gemini sighs.

Annie smiles when she remembers something she was intending to do, since she had nothing to do today, why not now?

[Annie] I know what I'm going to do, I was planning to go to the Art Gallery to see the exhibition they have there at the moment from the Musée d'Orsay. I want to see Degas' ballerinas.

Annie says as she turns to the door.

[Gemini] Okay.

Gemini says, and sighs again.

[Annie] If I wasn't so tall I might have a try at that.

[Gemini] At what? Doing art, or a ballerina?

Gemini asks.

[Annie] Ballerina of course, doing art wouldn't be an issue.

Annie stops by the door and looks back at Gemini.

[Annie] So? Want to come along? The lists can wait for tomorrow.

[Gemini] Umm... yes? But.. only if you're sure. I don't want to intrude.

Gemini says hesitantly.

[Annie] Oh, I'm sure or I wouldn't have invited you. Meet me in 10 minutes?

Annie asks as she opens the door.

[Gemini] Okay.

Gemini says with a smile, standing up and moving to get ready.

[Annie] Alright.

Annie nods as she exits Gemini's room, then she closes the door and walks back to her suite.

« on: September 30, 2011, 12:11:32 pm »
***South Texas – 1867***

Aldria woke and lay still, listening for what had woken her. After a moment she identified a soft scratch at the flap of her tent. Moving quietly to not wake Kronos, she wrapped herself in her blanket and ducked her head out of the tent. "Yes, Kaga?" She asked softly.

"Rangers will be coming to camp today. He must stay in," Kaga said softly.

Aldria nodded. She didn't know exactly where Kaga got his information but he had never been wrong before. "Will you bring meals?" She asked.

Kronos listened to them, he had woken up the moment he felt someone scratching the tent, but pretended to be asleep. His hand grabbed his sword firmly though.

Kaga nodded, "My wife or I will." With that he turned and walked off.

Aldria glanced up at the sky it was cloudy and overcast. Looked like it was going to start raining any second. Aldria shivered and ducked back into the tent letting the flap close. A glance showed that Kronos hadn't moved. Aldria shivered and walked over to the fire and began to stir it up, adding more wood.

Kronos side glanced at her through almost closed eyelids, he didn't want her to know he was awake and had heard the conversation.

The fire stirred up, Aldria lay back down, quietly watching the flames.

Kronos opened his eyes blinking, pretending it was the light of the fire that had awoken him. He moved enough so she could hear him.

"Morning," Aldria greeted absently, not looking away from the fire.

"Morning." Kronos grumbled as he sat up. He looked around, "Still early, huh?"

"Sun is just coming up," Aldria said, rolling onto her back to watch Kronos.

Kronos stretched and yawned, "Maybe I should get dressed, can you get me some pants?"

"Kaga or his wife will deliver them when they're done," Aldria said absently, admiring the view Kronos presented.

"Great. So what do I do until then? Go around half naked?" Kronos grinned.

"Or completely naked. I'm not complaining," she grinned.

"Why would you complain? If you didn't want to see me, you wouldn't have brought me here in the first place." Kronos shrugged.

"Yes, well, you do present a rather nice view," Aldria grinned at him.

"Well, I would show you a nicer view but it's a bit cool." Kronos laughed.

"Fire will warm the air up a bit, now that it's going again," she laughed not taking her eyes off of Kronos.

"Let's wait a bit then." Kronos grinned.  He stared at the roof of the tent, "Wish they brought me some clothes, I should be on my way." He grumbled, planning to attack the Rangers on their way to the Indian camp.

Aldria chuckled, "A set of clothes takes a bit."

"I suppose." Kronos grinned, "I have a few things hidden somewhere but I can't ride there naked, can I?"

"Well, you could. But immortal or not, you'd end up with a nasty and painful rash if you did," she laughed and rolled onto her side so she could see Kronos.

Kronos laughed, "Besides it isn't my idea of going unnoticed."

"No. It'd attract quite a bit of attention," she chuckled.

"I don't even have a gun anymore, only my sword." Kronos frowned, "I need to get a gun, it's more efficient on mortals."

Aldria laughed. "I'll see if we can arrange something."

"Hmm, maybe we can do more than that." Kronos grinned thinking about it, "You said they'd attack the white sooner or later, so what are they waiting for? Maybe we should give them a hand."

"They're waiting for word from Geronimo. Who is supposed to be sending word on where all the Apache tribes will meet and join for a large scale revolt against the whites." Aldria sighed, "And that is when I will take my leave of them."

"You're not fighting anymore?" Kronos asked surprised, "Or they wouldn't take you?"

"I've never desired to fight hopeless causes." Here Aldria grinned and added, "Unless they were of my own making. And if they attack the whites, they'll be slaughtered, during or after, and I have no desire to see that."

"Well, it's not like we've never been outnumbered before." Kronos shrugged, "Though being immortal probably helped." He chuckled thinking back, "Don't know how many times Silas and Caspian got killed."

Aldria chuckled, "They did make easier targets."

"They didn't even try to hide." Kronos laughed, "Well, maybe they couldn't."

"Yes, well... there was at least that ONE time, were Silas dove in front of the arrow to protect his horse!" Aldria chuckled laughing at the memory.

"Silas and his animals." Kronos shook his head, "I miss them, I miss the Horsemen, never again I managed to form a band like we were."

"You know," Aldria said softly. "I've seen Silas more recently than Methos."

"Yeah?" Kronos looked at her, "Where?"

"Vineland," she said saying it the way the Vikings called their homeland.

"Yeah? When?" Kronos frowned, "I was there too, can't believe I missed him."

"Oh, about 800 years ago. No idea where or what he did from there," she smiled.

"Damn, wasn't there anymore. I had left by then, first Normandy, then England." Kronos grumbled.
"When were you with the Vikings?" Aldria asked.

"I don't know the exact date." Kronos shrugged, "In the 800's, 850 or something. Stayed there almost 200 years, when I died in one place, just moved to another."

"Wow. Funny, we never ran into each other," Aldria chuckled. "I arrived in about 750 stayed for five or six hundred years."

"Really?" Kronos frowned, "Had no idea you'd been there." He grinned, "Maybe it was better, considering the scene we made in Padova in 1600 when we met."

"Yeah, well, the Vikings wouldn't have flinched. We could have been more... 'visible' then. At least in Vineland I got to dress as a woman! Galileo was worth it, but I got tired of masquerading as a boy!" She chuckled.

"Almost didn't recognize you as a boy." Kronos laughed, "Thought you were a young Immortal."

"That was kind of the point," she chuckled.

Kronos grinned shaking his head, "So in Vineland you fought as a woman? They wouldn't have a problem with that."

"And they didn't. I called myself Sigrun, and was well respected," Aldria grinned.

"Hmm, I think I've heard of you." Kronos frowned thinking, "Yeah, I did. Didn't know it was you of course."

"And what did you hear?" Aldria asked amused.

"Oh, something about a mighty warrior woman that fought better than men." Kronos smiled, "Didn't believe it at the time, should have thought it could be you."

"And now, you'd believe it, wouldn't you? Did you know, I'm now a Valkyrie? You may have made it into the Bible, but I made it onto the Viking ship, that ferries warriors to Valhalla. One of the Valkyries guarding it," she chuckled.

"Oh, really?" Kronos laughed, "Never expected to be in bed with a Valkyrie, I'm honored." He grinned amused.

"Yes, you are a rather lucky and honored man," Aldria laughed herself. "You got to be in bed with both an Amazon and a Valkyrie and survive to tell the tale. Not many men, EVER could claim one let alone both."

"Well, you slept with Death and now Plague and lived to fight another day." Kronos chuckled.

"And Silas," Aldria added, with a grin, carefully watching Kronos' reaction.

"What? You slept with Silas?" Kronos burst out laughing.

"Just once!" Aldria laughed. "It was that first night."

Kronos shook his head still grinning, "So who's next? Caspian?" He looked at her suspiciously, "Or you did that already?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Aldria smirked.

"Hmm, I don't think you did. You're still in one piece." Kronos laughed.

"Good guess," Aldria admitted. "Can't say I ever had the desire to... even consider Caspian."

"You wouldn't be his type anyway." Kronos smiled, "He wouldn't sleep with someone who kicked his ass unarmed."

"Well, in that way I wasn't. But in another way I was. After all, I had slept with Methos," Aldria pointed out.

"Oh, noticed that? Yeah, Caspian always wanted Methos' women, or cast offs.

She shook her head. "What was Caspian's thing for Methos' cast offs?" She asked.

Kronos shrugged, "Jealousy I guess."

"I suppose at this point in time, it really doesn't matter," she chuckled.

"Actually I'm surprised Methos didn't end up killing him." Kronos shrugged, "Or maybe he did, when I came back couldn't find any of them."

"Yes, well, there were several times while I was with you four that YOU were the only reason Caspian made it through the night," Aldria chuckled.

"Really? Planned to kill him?" Kronos frowned.

"Damned if I remember what they were fighting over. They were always fighting," she chuckled. Aldria broke off in mid-laugh, her head cocking as the sound of horses, with harness sounded, approaching the camp.

Kronos looked at the door of the tent, "Expecting anyone?" He asked like he didn't know.

"Rangers," Aldria answered with a glance at Kronos. "And before you think about going after them, they'll kill you, and I'm not going to dig you up again."

"Damn it, I don't even have a gun." Kronos grumbled.

Aldria snorted. "I didn't go to all the work of digging you up and shaving you, for you to go show yourself right away to the few people who might be able to identify you without the beard, and who would slaughter everyone in this camp without a second thought. If you want to go after them, once you have clothes, a gun and a horse, that's your prerogative. Until then..." Aldria warned.

Kronos jumped to his feet and moved to the door of the tent, "I don't know if I can do that if they're the same that shot me in the back." He looked around, "Is there a way to look outside without being seen?"

"Not unless you're twenty feet tall," Aldria said pointing to the top hole in the teepee. "Just leave it, Kronos. If you want them badly enough, a couple of days isn't going to matter."

"Damn, I can't believe this." Kronos grumbled as he moved to his sword and picked it up, "If there's no way to look outside I guess I'll have to make one."

"Damn it, Kronos. You yourself just said if they are the ones who shot you, you wouldn't be able to resist going after them! So don't look! I have no problem with you going after them, just not when it'll result in the death of this tribe!" She hissed at him. "Besides, you cut a hole in the tent, and you'll be the one who sleeps under it, since it is raining outside."

"It's raining?" Kronos hesitated a little, "Maybe cut a hole is not such a great idea if it's raining."

"No, cutting a hole isn't a good idea. And yes it's raining. Can't you hear the little bit of splatter against the hides?" Aldria pointed out the sound.

Kronos listened for a moment, "Yeah, I do. Didn't hear that before."

"Alright, where is it?" A voice loudly demanded.

"Yeah, you cut a hole, you're sleeping under it," Aldria warned again, but softly, striving to listen to the voices of the Rangers.

Kronos raised his sword as he heard the voice and moved to the side of the door, if they entered the tent, he would kill them.

"Where is what?" Kaga's voice questioned.

"Someone robbed a corpse from the cemetery last night." The Ranger grumbled, "We're looking for it."

"Why would we want a white man's body?" Kaga asked scornfully.

"We found a track near the cemetery, horses without horseshoes..." The Ranger looked down threateningly.

"So?" Kaga asked, uncowed. "We often ride to your burial ground, to observe. Is that a crime now?"

"It is if you rob anything while you're there." The Ranger frowned.

"Again, I ask, why would we want one of your dead?" Kaga demanded.

"I would be careful if I were you, we might decide to arrest all of you." The Ranger grumbled threateningly, "Better watch out, we'll be watching you, if you step out of line..." The Ranger turned his horse around and moved back where he came from.

"Stupid white man," Kaga muttered scornfully, once the Ranger was out of earshot.

"They're leaving." Kronos lowered his sword, "Damn, I can't believe I've let them go away." He grumbled in a bad mood.

Aldria shrugged, "If you hadn't, you just would have ended up dead. If you really want them that badly, go tomorrow."

"Maybe I will. Of course that Immortal with the Rangers is long gone, he knows I'm still alive, but he didn't tell the others or they wouldn't be looking for a corpse." Kronos grinned, "I'm going to get them."

Aldria chuckled, "If that Immortal, is looking for you, he's long gone. No one would expect you to stay close," she laughed.

"Or that the Indians would help me, why would they?" Kronos smiled, "Nobody knows that they didn't help me, they helped you."

"Correct," she grinned. "They helped me, now just because that helping me, helped you is beside the point." Aldria paused thinking, "Any idea who that Immortal is anyway?"

"Didn't give him a chance to introduce himself, if he was going to." Kronos laughed, "But I'll find out, if I get one of the Rangers, he'll tell his mother's maiden name."

Aldria laughed, "Well, you'd better hope he's younger then. The younger ones, I've noticed, don't tend to change their names like we do, Koren," she said the name sarcastically.

"Oh, he's young alright, too easy to beat to be an old one." Kronos grinned.

Aldria chuckled and before she could say more there was a scratch on the tent, "Dae?" A soft voice called.

"Yes?" Aldria called as she pulled up a blanket and wrapped it around her, long enough poke her head out of the tent.

Kronos raised his sword again as he heard the noise.

"Breakfast," Kaga's wife said, passing Aldria a tray. "I will have his clothes finished sometime this afternoon."

"My thanks, on both," Aldria nodded.

"Kaga or I will bring lunch," she said, then turned and hurried off. Aldria glared at the sky and ducked back into the tent, careful to make sure the flap was securely closed.

"Who was that?" Kronos frowned.

"Kaga's wife. With breakfast," Aldria smiled, turning around with a tray of food and another, larger skin of water.

"And water again I see." Kronos made a face, "When I get out of here the first place I'll stop will be a saloon."

"Yes, water again. I told you, alcohol and Indians don't mix well," she returned to her spot on the bedrolls and sat down, placing the tray of food where it would be between them, if Kronos were to resume his seat. "And as you heard, she'll have your clothes finished this afternoon."

"Good. Then I'll leave, any idea what happened to my horse?" Kronos sat next to Aldria and grabbed a piece of food.

"No," Aldria said bluntly. "But if you wait until tomorrow morning, I'll give you a horse."

"Oh really? Are you that desperate to spend another night with me?" Kronos smiled teasingly.

"Absolutely!" Aldria laughed. "None of them will have sex with me," she said with a head jerk to indicate the camp and all the Indians there in.

"Why not?" Kronos frowned, "And what did she call you? It wasn't Aldria."

"Dae. It means 'unknown'. They have a tradition of 'Unknown ones'," Aldria explained. "I am a respected wise woman."

"Does that have anything to do with Immortals?" Kronos asked thinking about it.

"The unknown ones, might," Aldria shrugged. "But it's the wise woman part that keeps any of them from having sex. I am a wise woman, honored and," she sighed disgustedly, "therefore untouchable."

Kronos laughed, "They don't think a wise woman needs sex?"

Aldria shrugged again, "Maybe, but as I have no husband, I am unapproachable, and untouchable," she sighed.

"Well, you can always try the Amazon way." Kronos chuckled.

Aldria sighed, "I never cared for that. Oh, I've done it. It was part of my initiation into Anath's priesthood. I much prefer it when it involves someone with a ****," she chuckled bluntly, taking a bite of her food.

"No, I didn't mean that." Kronos laughed, "The Amazon way to get a man."

"Oh, that way," Aldria laughed, and smiled. "I thought that's what I did last night?"

"Oh, really?" Kronos shook his head smiling.

"Really. I mean," Aldria shrugged and smiled, "I could have just left you in that grave."

"I would have managed to get out... eventually." Kronos shrugged. "Worse case scenario when the grave-digger went to get my bones."

"Speaking from experience?" Aldria chuckled amused.

"Oh, yeah." Kronos grinned, "I would kill him, take his clothes and bury him in my place."

"Lovely," Aldria said with an amused roll of her eyes.

"What? Most of the times I don't have anyone to help me out." Kronos shrugged.

"Yeah, see... I just avoid getting myself into those situations in the first place," Aldria said with an amused grin.

"And what is the fun of living a quiet peaceful life?" Kronos grinned, "I'd be bored to death."

"Well, then you'd find Methos. You'd be bored right to him," Aldria quipped.

"I've been looking for him for centuries and never managed to find out anything about him. He changed his name of course." Kronos shook his head, "He's now a legend, the oldest living Immortal and all that."

"I know. Which makes me pretty damn close to second!" Aldria laughed.

"Don't know how he made such a mistake. I mean no one has ever heard of me..." Kronos grinned looking at her, "Or you."

"I know. And you've been making more of a name for yourself. He slipped up there, somewhere," she said shaking her head.

"Maybe it was the damn Watchers." Kronos grumbled.

"Watchers?" Aldria asked.

"Yeah, some mortals with tattoos that keep following us. They have a secret society called the Watchers." Kronos grinned, "Very imaginative name, huh? Maybe someone like Silas invented it."

Aldria laughed, "The blue tattooed peeping toms! I didn't realize they had a name."

"Yeah, they do. And they have been around for centuries." Kronos frowned, "Maybe it was them that started the Game. Ever thought of that?"

"I don't know. Too few of us even realize they exist. How would they have started the Game?" She asked. "Damned peeping toms," she added in a mutter.

"They would only have to tell a few, maybe those hiding on Holy Ground, and the word would get around." Kronos shrugged, "Well, if they did it, they don't know it anymore."

"No one knows," Aldria sighed.

"Always suspected that thing of the Game, so convenient for mortals we keep killing each other, no?" Kronos grumbled, "If we joined each other, instead of fighting, we'd own the Earth by now."

"That we would," Aldria said absently. "Can you imagine it? What the world would be like without the Game?"

"Yeah, I can. We'd own what the mortals do now, and they would be our pets." Kronos laughed.

"Perhaps," Aldria said absently, still pondering the idea.

"We need another Black Plague, fastest way to get rid of them, I was in Europe when it happened." Kronos smiled.

"Na, Black Plague wouldn't do it. Most people do have decent hygiene now," Aldria pointed out.

"I carried slaves from Africa once." Kronos smiled, "Some of them were sick with something no one had ever heard of, it ended up killing them all."

"Huh... just the slaves die?" Aldria questioned.

"No, every mortal that got near them. Only Annie and I lived." Kronos grinned.

"Huh..." Aldria said thoughtfully, then shrugged.

"So you see, there's something better than the Black Plague. We just have to know where to look."

"And actually bother to look. I bet you could find some pretty exotic things in the Amazon." Aldria chortled, "Amazon! I love it that they named it that!"

"Strange they named it that, apparently no one remembers where the Amazon nation was anymore, and South America is a long way from Greece." Kronos smiled.

"That it is. I have no idea why they named it the Amazon," Aldria said. Then grinned broadly, "But that doesn't mean I don't love it!"

Kronos picked the skin and took a sip of water, then he sighed looking down at it.

Aldria laughed at the face Kronos made, and then stood up, and went over to a small pile on the other side of the tent and squatted down, looking through them.

Kronos side glanced at her, "What are you looking for?"

"This," she said after a moment tossing him another, half empty skin. "I don't know if it's any good still or not," she warned him.

"And what is this?" Kronos opened the skin and took a sip, "Wine? Just how long do you have this here?"

"Oh, I think it's probably been a couple of years since I touched that skin. As I said, I have no idea if it's even any good," she told him, then held up her hands. "You're welcome to the rest of it, if it's even any good."

"Well, I had better but since it's the only wine around, I guess it will have to do." Kronos shrugged taking another sip.

Aldria just chuckled and shook her head. Standing back up, she stretched, her spine popping all the way down, before resuming her seat on the bedroll.

"And why didn't you give me this last night, when I really needed a drink?" Kronos frowned.

"Forgot I had it," Aldria replied honestly with a shrug.

"Don't tell me you're turning out to be like Silas. Methos would never forget something like this." Kronos laughed.

"No, Methos would never forget he had beer. And it's not beer, and it was inferior wine to begin with," Aldria shrugged. "I haven't touched it in a couple of years."

"No, Methos would drink this if he didn't have anything better, like I'm doing now." Kronos smiled.

"Yes well, I've reached the point where I consider better."

"Getting too picky with age, huh?" Kronos teased her taking another sip.

"No, it's not that," Aldria said, an amused glint in her eye. "It's that I've developed better taste with age."

"Oh, is that why you want to have sex with me, not Methos?" Kronos laughed amused.

"...Yeah.... you don't want me to compare that. Hell, I don't want me to compare that. I've stopped, because every time I did, I was just disappointed," Aldria said. Then grinned, "Of course, you're welcome to try and prove different."

"I've got nothing to prove, if you don't like it..." Kronos shrugged, "I'm not Methos, his slaves always made such a fuss about him..."

"Oh, I'm not complaining," Aldria grinned. "I'm just saying that I don't compare to Methos. So, I can't and won't honestly tell you how you compare to him. Which is nothing to say about how my tastes have changed... or improved," she grinned.

"Hmm, maybe we could do it again. We've got nothing else to do anyway." Kronos grinned, "At least I don't."

"Yes, well, my only 'duties' today are to relax. And recover from the 'journey' I just returned from," Aldria grinned at him.

"Good. Shall we start then?" Kronos smiled.

"Absolutely, I'm still waiting on this legendary stamina and endurance of yours that I've heard SO much about," Aldria grinned at him.

"Oh, yeah?" Kronos laughed, "I didn't die today, you might get it now."

"Oh good," Aldria laughed, then leaned towards Kronos.

"Maybe you could show me why Methos slept with you for so long. Always wondered how you managed to last that long." Kronos grinned.

"You might have to let me be on top," she grinned. "To say the least, Methos and I tried every position we knew, and then some. And between the two of us, that's a lot," she chuckled.

"I said I'd consider it, didn't I?" Kronos bit her shoulder playfully.

Aldria just laughed softly and leaned forward and nipped his neck.

***Present Day***

[Methos] So that was the way you managed to keep him there for a week, and don't go after the Texas Rangers. Learnt that thing from Marisol, didn't you?

Methos chuckles softly before he picks his glass and empties it again.

Ally shrugs.

[Ally] Well, it did help keep him occupied... and from killing anyone.

Ally chuckles.

[Ally] Besides, didn't I mention I was desperate at that time?

[Methos] And maybe you were curious why your sister made such a fuss about him.

Methos adds as he waves at Mike for another drink.

[Methos] I mean, he managed to keep her from looking at another man, not that there were many at camp anyway.

[Ally] You know... what curiosity there was, faded after... you know, 3000 years.

Ally chuckles shaking her head.

[Ally] No, the first time, it was pretty much any man who offered I would have taken them up on it, and after that well... Kronos does give a fairly good accounting of himself.

[Methos] I wouldn't know, we shared everything but not that...

Methos chuckles amused.

[Ally] Yeah... you weren't exactly each other's type.

Ally snickers amused.

[Methos] Besides Kronos would be the last man I'd consider, I'm not particularly fond of pain.

[Ally] Wouldn't Caspian be the last man you'd consider?

Ally asks with a grin.

[Methos] Yeah, forgot Caspian. But let's put it this way, I would have killed Caspian if he even dared to suggest it.

Methos shakes his head with a sigh.

[Methos] I should have killed that guy when I had the chance.

[Ally] And that would have been one case, where I doubt Kronos would have tried to have stopped you.

Ally snickers.

[Ally] Who did kill him anyway? It was MacLeod wasn't it?

Ally asks curiously.

[Methos] Yes, it was MacLeod. Kronos sent both Silas and Caspian after him.

Methos takes a deep breath.

[Methos] I thought they were going to kill him.

[Ally] How'd he avoid Silas taking his head after the Quickening?

Ally asks.

[Methos] Well, they were fighting on a bridge and when he took Caspian's head, he jumped to the water.

Methos smirks shaking his head.

[Ally] A lucky fool.

Ally smiles amused.

[Methos] I doubt Silas had thought about that possibility so he didn't know what to do.

[Ally] The MacLeod boy, was still a lucky fool there.

Ally chuckles.

[Methos] Yeah, I don't know what he was thinking, fighting Caspian with Silas standing there.

Methos shakes his head with a sigh.

[Methos] And then he goes after Kronos...

[Ally] Fool child.

Ally laughs again.

[Methos] Yeah, he was damn lucky.

Methos nods as he thinks luck had nothing to do with it, you don't live 5000 years and leave such a thing to luck. He knew what he was doing fighting Silas.

[Ally] So... if MacLeod jumped into a river to avoid Silas, who ended up killing Silas?

Ally asks.

[Methos] I did, back at the submarine base when Kronos was fighting MacLeod.

Methos confesses with a sigh, then he shuts up abruptly when he sees Mike walking to their table to give him the beer he'd ordered.

[Methos] I knew two of his brothers fighting would distract Kronos, I wasn't sure if MacLeod was good enough to kill him and I didn't want to take the chance.

Methos goes on after Mike walks back to behind the bar. He sighs unhappily.

[Methos] I never imagined I'd be the one to do it, I liked Silas.

[Ally] So did I.

Ally murmurs softly.

[Methos] I've tried to talk him out of it but he said that for two thousand years he'd dreamt of the moment the Horsemen would ride again.

Methos sighs as he picks up his glass to drink.

Ally can't help a small smirk as she says, "You should have offered him a Zoo, to leave the Horsemen. He probably would have taken you up on it. And I KNOW you can afford it."

[Methos] Nah, he was still thinking small, all he wanted was a monkey. He asked me to convince Kronos to let him have one.

Methos shakes his head and takes another sip of beer.

Ally laughs.

[Ally] And did you even bother to ask Kronos?

[Methos] Yeah right, the last thing we needed was a monkey running around free at the submarine base.

Methos shakes his head, taking a deep breath.

[Methos] I was trying to have a serious talk with him and he was thinking about monkeys.

[Ally] Oh, come! After that crow, you really think he'd let it run around?

Ally snorts amused.

[Methos] We ruined him, you know? Kronos and I. If he never met us he could have been a good man.

Methos says looking at Aldria.

[Methos] We taught him to enjoy killing.

[Ally] I don't know that I'd go that far... But he wouldn't have been as bad as he was.

Ally says with a smile at Methos.

[Methos] It wasn't so bad in the beginning, but after your sister died, and how she died, Kronos just killed everybody on his way.

Methos sighs as he looks back at the past.

[Methos] No, we killed everybody on our way, it wasn't just him.

Ally sighs.

[Ally] I am sorry for that.

Methos smirks still looking at her.

[Methos] What are you sorry about? It wasn't exactly your fault. And I knew what I was doing.

[Ally] No... but Marisol and I made did make it worse... make your regret afterwards worse too.

Ally says softly.

[Methos] Well, once I told MacLeod I didn't feel guilt since the 11th century.

Methos smirks while he shrugs.

[Methos] And that was a long, long time ago.

[Ally] And he believed you?

Ally asks coughing slightly in surprise.

[Methos] Yeah, he usually believes everything I say.

Methos nods chuckling softly.

[Ally] How has someone that... that NAIVE survive this long?

Ally asks astounded.

[Methos] I have no idea, but we can't blame it all on luck. He's a good fighter.

Methos says before he takes a sip of beer.

[Ally] So, he had good teachers.

Ally shrugs.

[Ally] Connor's very good. But... having good teachers and being good a sword isn't everything. YOU should know that as well as I.

[Methos] Oh, you want to know the best part? He doesn't like to hurt, let alone kill, women. Whether they deserve it or not.

Methos smirks shaking his head.

[Ally] And he's still alive?

Ally asks astounded.

[Methos] He obviously is, but we can blame that on luck.

Methos nods with a chuckle.

[Methos] I think he seriously underestimates women, not to see them as a threat. One of his sweet little Immortal women will end up cutting his head after sex if he's not careful enough.

[Ally] Apparently.

Ally chuckles amused.

[Methos] OK, some women are lousy fighters but those who live through the centuries certainly aren't.

Methos shakes his head thinking about MacLeod's idea of chivalry.

[Ally] I should hope not.

Ally says raising an eyebrow at Methos.

[Methos] Hmm, I wasn't talking about you. You're not the only woman who lived through the centuries you know?

Methos comments with an amused smirk.

[Methos] Actually I've mentioned centuries not millenia.

[Ally] Yes, well... I have seen nearly 50 centuries.

Ally chuckles.

[Ally] Which means nearly five millenia.

[Methos] Yes, you're almost an old as I am. Hmm, sort of, I don't remember how long I've lived before my first Quickening, so...

Methos shrugs unconcerned.

[Methos] That's not important anyway.

[Ally] No... Our lives truly begin with our first death... so... ironically like vampires that way.

Ally shakes her head amused.

[Methos] Yes, immortality always has a price, at least we don't have to kill mortals, just our own to stay alive.

Methos says with a sigh.

[Methos] Or not most of the time anyway.

[Ally] True.

Ally chuckles.

[Methos] Besides who needs blood when you can get something like this?

Methos smirks before he empties his glass again and waves at Mike.

[Methos] You know something? I think he would have preferred if we had sat at a bar stool.

Methos tells Aldria when he sees Mike sigh and move to get him another beer.

[Ally] Yeah, but that'd mean moving. I've been in this chair all day.

Ally sighs.

[Ally] Besides, it's one of the closest tables.

Ally adds with a chuckle.

[Methos] Besides we couldn't talk freely near a...

Methos points at his Watcher's tattoo with a smirk.

[Ally] Yeah... specially since we've both been there, done that.

Ally adds with a smirk of her own.

[Methos] Yeah, we both know how that works.

Methos nods with a smile as Mike puts the drinks in front of them.

[Ally] Don't we all?

Ally laughs picking up her beer and taking a long drink.

[Methos] We sure do.

Methos nods as he sprawls on his chair and resumes drinking.

« on: September 30, 2011, 11:31:45 am »
***Half Hour Later***

Methos and Aldria had been drinking in silence since Annie left, when Methos frowns thinking as he remembers something he left for later.

[Methos] So, care to tell me how you met Melvin Koren? You also forgot to mention that.

Ally shrugs. She had been hoping Methos would have forgotten about that but...

[Ally] Wandered into the camp of a bunch of wagoners he and his group had just murdered. Warned him that the Texas rangers were after him... had talked with them shortly before. They didn't think much of me.

Methos' frown deepens as he looks at Aldria.

[Methos] Didn't think much of you? Why not?

[Ally] In 1867 they didn't think much of an Apache Wisewoman... or any Apache for that matter.

Ally chuckles amused.

[Ally] And the Apache didn't think much of the Texas Rangers.

Methos gasps in surprise, opening his eyes wide open.

[Methos] 1867? Texas Rangers? You met MacLeod?

[Ally] Hell no!

Ally snorts.

[Ally] Saw the tracker off in the distance. The Rangers went to meet. I felt an Immortal and so I along with the three men accompanying me, the wisewoman, headed off in the opposite direction.

[Methos] He was there. I hmm... read his file.

Methos says chuckling softly.

[Ally] And I hadn't met him until just a few years ago. I avoided, whoever the Immortal tracker was.

Ally shrugs unconcerned.

[Ally] If you say it was MacLeod, I believe you.

[Methos] Oh I'm sure of it. You see, one of the Texas Rangers was also a Watcher, he volunteered for that mission when he heard the story of El Gato, he suspected he was an Immortal.

Methos says with an amused smile.

[Methos] And MacLeod never bothered to change name, so...

[Ally] Surprises me, that does not. Didn't stop him from being an arrogant bastard either so... all those damn Rangers were.

Ally says remembering.

***South Texas – 1867***

"Why are you rangers out in force?" Ashwin asked.

The Texas Ranger stopped his horse, "We're waiting for the tracker. Did you see a band of men? The leader in black?"

Kai shrugged, "You white men all look the same."

The ranger looked at his colleagues and laughed, "No, you all look the same, not the other way around."

"Why do you look for a band of men?" Aldria asked, knowing that the rangers knew her as Dae, a 'wisewoman' for the Apache.

"They're a bunch of murdering bastards. The leader's name is Melvin Koren, ever heard of him?" The ranger spit to the ground as if only his name made him disgusted.

"No," Zev said bluntly, as his horse danced a little with impatience. "Why would we care?"

"You should, they don't mind killing Indians too." Another ranger laughed at his own joke.

"Just as we wouldn't mind killing them," Kai said with a glare.

"What does this 'Koren' look like?" Aldria asked curious.

"Dark hair, blue eyes, with a beard, a scar on his face, always wears black." The ranger recited it almost automatically, he had been asking about this guy for a long time now.

"Sounds like half you pale-faces out there," Zev snorted in disgust.

"Why are we wasting time with them?" A third ranger grumbled, "Let's move to meet the tracker, I bet it's him over there." He pointed at the horizon.

"Come we should return to camp. If you're ready of course, Dae," Ashwin said with a deferential nod to Aldria, ignoring the rangers.

The rangers spurred their horses and left them without a backward glance, they had better things to do than to waste time talking to Indians.

Aldria nodded, "Yes, let's." She paused a moment as she glanced towards the horizon and the man on horseback there. She shivered slightly, as she felt a buzz, indicating that man was immortal. "Ya!" She said and healed her mount, quickly taking her and the others away from the Texas Rangers and the approaching Immortal.

Aldria and her warrior escorts where about half way back to their camp, when they heard the sounds of screams distantly. Aldria pulled her horse up for a moment.

"Dae? What is it?" Ashwin asked.

"Hear the screaming?" Aldria murmured softly.

"Yes, what of it?" Zev asked not caring. It wasn't coming from the direction of their camp, so he didn't care.

"I want to check it out," Aldria said, turning her mount towards the sound. "Be wary," she warned.

The others nodded and prepared their bows and arrows, as the group of five moved cautiously towards the screaming. They were almost there, when Aldria stiffened, feeling the buzz of another Immortal.

"Dae what is it? Another unknown one like yourself?" Ashwin asked concerned.

Aldria nodded, drawing her sword. "Yes," was all she said, nudging her horse over a rise to see what there was. Just below them, were six men. Four white and two Mexican, and surrounded them was a ransacked Wagoner group. Aldria immediately zeroed in on the Immortal, and blinked in surprise as she recognized him.

Kronos stopped as he was about to pull out his sword, he grinned as he recognized the woman.

"Koren, Indians!" One of his men warned him.

"Shut up, Martinez. I've seen them, you think I'm blind?" Kronos grumbled at him.

Aldria smiled and urged her horse towards the men. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here," she said grinning looking at Kronos.

"Dae," Ashwin cautioned softly, but he and the others moved their horses with Aldria's.

"So we meet again, huh?" Kronos grinned back, "Still riding with warriors I see."

"What else?" Aldria chuckled. "Still raiding, I see."

"What else?" Kronos laughed shrugging.

"Dae, you know this pale-face?" Kai asked softly.

"Yes," Aldria responded with a glance at Kai. "He is my brother-in-law."

Kronos' smile disappeared as he took a deep breath, "Damn, just had to say that, right?" He grumbled.

"What? It's true. And I'm not going to dishonor Marisol's memory by trying to forget," she said bluntly.

"Damn, I know it's true, just don't mention that and especially don't mention her name." Kronos grumbled again.

Aldria just frowned at Kronos, then shook her head.

"Koren, who the hell are these guys?" Another of his men frowned looking suspiciously at the Indians.

"Dae," Ashwin said very softly, urging his horse closer. "Koren, that's the man the Rangers are looking for," he spoke softly enough for none but Aldria to hear him.

"Just go back to your business, Sanchez, and let me mind my own!" Kronos answered him threateningly.

Aldria nodded her thanks to Ashwin then spoke up a little louder. "You call yourself Koren? That wouldn't be Melvin Koren, would it?" She questioned.

"Yes, heard of me already?" Kronos managed to grin again, "This is nothing like before… oh, have you seen Methos, that betraying bastard?" Kronos asked eagerly.

"Not in a LONG time," Aldria answered, stressing the long, realizing that Kronos' men didn't know about Immortals. "But the only reason I've heard of you, is because we just left four Texas Rangers who are looking for you."

"Oh, are they?" Kronos laughed, "We're going to give them a proper welcome then, aren't we boys?" His men laughed.

"Be warned, the only reason we spoke to them, is because they were waiting for a tracker," Zev said speaking up.

"We can take care of ourselves, it's not a bunch of Texas Rangers that's going to stop me." Kronos shrugged, "What about Annie? Did you see her?"

"Only the once, with you,"Aldria said. "But… Koren," Aldria snorted a laugh at the name, "the tracker is like us," she wagged a finger back and forth between herself and Kronos.

"Oh, really?" Kronos grinned interested, "Good, it's been a while since I don't have a you-know-what."

"Help yourself," Aldria said with a gesture indicating she had no desire for it.

Kronos sensed his men were getting impatient, "Well, it's been a pleasure talking to you, but I have to get going, we really need a drink." His men nodded in agreement, "See you around." He went to get his horse and mounted it, "Well, come on, we don't have all day!" He urged his men to move.

Aldria just nodded to Kronos and backed her horse up, then turned urging her horse back towards their camp, Ashwin, Kai and Zev following behind.

Halfway to the camp, she slowed and turned to Zev. "You are the better tracker, I have a task for you, if you will accept it."

Zev nodded, "Of course, wiseone. What is it to be?"

"Follow them," then nodded back towards where Kronos and his men had been. "And report back what happens to them. Koren especially."

Zev nodded his acceptance. "It shall be done Dae," he said, and turned his horse to go.

"Zev, one more thing," Aldria cautioned.


"Careful of the Rangers. Don't let them know you are there."

"Yes, Dae," Zev nodded, then kicked his horse to a gallop and shortly disappeared.

"We are to return to camp then, Dae?" Ashwin asked.

Aldria nodded, and without a word they turned and headed back towards the camp.

***Early Evening***

"Dae! Dae!" A voice called loudly. Aldria ducked out of her tent, to see Zev racing back into camp. "Dae, Koren is dead!"

"He's what?" Aldria asked shocked, hoping, for the sake of a sister who was no longer alive, that it wasn't a permanent death.

"He's dead. The Rangers shot him. They were burying him, as I left."

"Thank you, Zev!" Aldria called, then whistled shrilly. Within moments her horse came up to her.

"Dae, you go to unbury him?" Ashwin asked coming up with Kaga, the shaman of the tribe.

"He is like you?" Kaga asked.

"Yes, and yes," Aldria responded. "He was married to my sister, and though she has gone to the spirits, for her sake, I will free him, and help him start anew."

Kaga nodded. "Zev, Ashwin, you will go with Dae and unbury this brother to her. I will prepare a space in your tent for him, yes?" Kaga asked looking at Aldria.

"That would be greatly appreciated. Once he is here, we can take his clothes to get something more close his size," Aldria paused a moment thinking. "I would also like Samir to come with. Like wind he is named for, I will need one thing from the pale-face town, Samir is best to get it."

Kaga nodded. "Zev, go collect three more of our little brothers," he said nodding to the horses, "yours is tired and needs rest. Ashwin, go collect Samir, meet Dae back here."

"Bring an extra horse. We will need one for my brother," Aldria told Zev as both young men nodded and hurried off to do as bid. Kaga nodded to Aldria then turned and walked into the growing dusk.

Samir, Ashwin appeared, followed very shortly by Zev with four horses. Aldria vaulted herself onto her horse, as the three young men followed suit. "Zev, you lead us. Ashwin, take the spare horse. Careful for the horses, it'll be dark soon," Aldria warned. All three nodded, then turned and raced off, while there was still light to do so.

It was dark when they reached the town of Aqua Dulce. Samir was sent after a razor, so she could shave Kronos' face. What was he thinking, growing a beard? Horrible! Zev led the way to the graveyard.

Once at the grave the warriors started digging. Neither letting Aldria help. Once they reached the coffin and started uncovering it, Aldria stiffened at the feel of the reawakened Quickening.

Kronos felt the buzz of another Immortal the moment he revived, "Are you going to fight like a man this time, or you brought your damn friends to shoot me again? You coward!" He yelled trying to open the lid of his coffin.

"Kronos, shut up!" Aldria hissed as he yelled. "Unless you want us to leave you there, before we all end up dead!"

"Aldria?" Kronos was surprised it was her, she had no reason to help him after all.

"Yes, it's me. Now, quiet. Let us get you out," she whispered softly.

"Alright." Kronos whispered back.

Aldria stiffened slightly, as did Ashwin and Zev at the crack of a stick breaking. All three looked up to see Samir, who raised both a razor and what had to be Kronos' sword in triumph. Aldria smiled and shook her head, turning back to the coffin. Zev and Ashwin uncovered the rest of the dirt over the top of it.

"Careful, pale-face," Ashwin said softly. "We break the top now."

"Well I don't have anywhere else to go, you know?" Kronos answered back, still keeping his voice low.

Ashwin grinned at Aldria amused by Kronos' response. He and Zev moved carefully and then each stomped simultaneously, breaking the boards and allowing them to break them further, and pulling the top of the coffin off.

"Welcome back to the world of the living," Aldria greeted Kronos, amused.

"Damn rangers!" Kronos grumbled as he tried to get up from the coffin.

Aldria squatted slightly and offered Kronos a hand, so he could pull himself up. "Come, we will take you back to our camp and help you change your appearance," she said softly.

Kronos took her hand and slowly got to his feet, "I should go after them and kill them one by one." He grumbled angrily, "Who do these fools think they've messed up with?"

"The Rangers only did their job," Aldria said shaking her head. "Besides that for now, they think YOU'RE dead. Use this chance to create a new life for yourself. Sooner or later the Apache," she nodded towards the young men, "will make them pay." She quirked her lips, "Live, grow stronger."

"Fight another day. Yeah, I also heard that." Kronos looked around, "Hmm… thanks by the way, I don't think I would have gotten out so soon, if it wasn't for you."

"Yeah, you're being dead, didn't help matters any," Aldria snorted, still careful to keep her voice down. "Now, are you coming with us? Or are we leaving you on your own?"

Kronos shrugged, "I don't exactly have someone waiting for me."

"Come on then," Aldria said standing. She held her hands out to Samir. She took the sword, and razor, then turned and offered the sword to Kronos. "Yours?" She said softly.

"Yes." Kronos grinned, "I feel a lot better now. I really like this sword."

"Again, come on," Aldria said, as she vaulted herself onto her horse's back. The young warriors following suit, leaving one horse for Kronos.

Kronos took the horse's reins and easily mounted it, he had been riding horses for millennia, saddled or unsaddled was almost the same to him.

"Let's go then," Aldria whispered and nodded to Zev, who quickly took the lead, and heeled his horse, they started off, at a careful trot, towards their camp.

The five reached the camp and Aldria dismounted. She motioned for Kronos to do the same, and to pass his reins off to one of the other young men.

Kronos quickly dismounted and looked around while he passed the reins, "This is nice, almost reminds me of our old camp."

Aldria shrugged. "Different style tents," she pointed out, as she led him in between several. Before she reached her destination another woman came up and passed her bucket with steaming water. Aldria murmured her thanks.

"Yes, the tents are different but it has the same… I don't know…" Kronos tried to explain.

"Feel?" Aldria asked.

"I'm not really sure what the word is, I was never too good with words, you know?" Kronos laughed as he shrugged.

Aldria chuckled herself and ducked into her tent. She was pleased to see that Kaga had gotten a second bedroll set up, opposite the small tent fire that was in the middle. A shirt was folded on the middle of the spare roll. Setting the small bucket of water down, she turned to Kronos. "Get out of those, I'll be back for them shortly. There's a spare shirt in the mean time," she nodded to what was folded on the spare bedroll, "And get yourself clean. As I said, I'll be back shortly, alright?"

"Yes, I suppose I smell like a graveyard, right?" Kronos chuckled as he removed his shirt and coat.

Aldria shrugged, "That and dirt." With that she ducked back out of the tent. She hurried to go get a small bowl of water and extra cloth so she could get that hideous beard off of his face.

A short while later, having what she wanted in hand she returned to her tent, and carefully shouldered the flap aside, as her hands were full.

"Hmm, so what about some pants?" Kronos looked amused at his bare legs, "Men wear pants now, you know?"

Aldria glanced at Kronos and chuckled, "Oh, I know," she smiled. "We're going to use you old ones as a base for making new." She set her things down, and picked up his old things. "Nice legs by the way," she told him as she ducked back out of the tent.

Less than a minute later, she returned to the tend, this time, without any burdens, having handed his old clothes off to one of the other women who had volunteered to use it was a pattern for making new things for him.

"So what about some food? Dying makes me hungry." Kronos commented as he looked around her tent.

"They're bringing some," Aldria said absently. "Didn't get dinner myself." As she said that a women ducked into the tent, with a small tray of food, and a skin full of water. The woman ducked out again as quickly as she came. Reaching down, Aldria picked up one of the two pieces of food on the tray. "Help yourself," she told Kronos nodding towards the other piece. "Once we're done. I need to get that beard of yours shaved off. It's hideous," Aldria said bluntly.

"Hey, I happen to like it!" Kronos frowned as he picked the other piece of food. "Never tried it before, but since I didn't have anyone to shave me decided to give it a try."

Aldria snorted, "It doesn't suit you."

Kronos shrugged, "Why do you care?"

Aldria just pursed her lips slightly, and said nothing, only took a bite of her food.

Kronos grinned, he was glad he managed to shut her up, "What's that in the skin bag? Wine?"

Aldria shook her head. "Water. Alcohol in general doesn't mix well with Indians," she told him.

"Damn, I think I need something stronger than that." Kronos sighed while he ate.

"Why?" Aldria chuckled as she quickly swallowed the last of her food, and then swallowed some of the skin.

"I don't know about you, but I hate to die." Kronos grumbled still chewing his food, "And what exactly is this? Wait, maybe it's better if I don't know, I'm hungry." He smiled.

"It's just deer meat," Aldria said with a shrug. "Nothing horrible."

"Oh good." Kronos grinned, "It just tastes different."

"Might be antelope," Aldria shrugged, indifferently. "You about done?" She asked bluntly.

"What's the hurry? Want me to go somewhere?" Kronos frowned.

"Well, I want to get that beard shaved off, so I can go to sleep. I don't know about you, but I've been up since well over an hour BEFORE sunrise," she responded.

"I don't want you to shave my beard, I've told you I like it." Kronos frowned at Aldria.

"You want to be lynched as soon as you leave this camp?" Aldria asked bluntly. "Because that or some other form of you being killed is exactly what will happen, if you don't change your appearance, drastically. And the easiest way to change it, is to shave the beard off."

"Damn, not hanging, it hurts like hell." Kronos grumbled.

Aldria just raised an eyebrow not saying anything.

Kronos sighed, "Fine, cut the beard, I can always get it back later."

"We'll have to trim your hair too," Aldria muttered. "But that can wait a few days."

"You're not cutting anything else." Kronos grumbled in a bad mood.

"Fine," Aldria said, not wanting to fight about it anymore. "You done, so I can get the beard shaved?"

"Fine." Kronos grumbled, "Just be careful with that blade." He warned her.

"Promise," Aldria said. "Sit," she motioned to where a couple of blankets where rolled up, creating a backrest and a relatively comfortable place to sit, with legs stretched out, onto her bedroll.

Kronos sighed again and sat where she wanted him to, still not talking.

Aldria moved around, and picked up the small bowl of warm water and set it next to him, then after studying him for a moment, straddled his legs.

Aldria took the razor blade out and dipped it in the water, then put it to Kronos' face, and slowly and carefully began shaving the hair from his face.

Kronos tried to stay still while she shaved him but he was getting restless.

"Hold still," she told him, glancing in his eyes for a moment. "I don't want to cut you."

"Fine, just don't take all night." Kronos grumbled as he tried to relax against the rolled up blankets.

"I'll try not too," she said with a smile, as she rinsed the blade off, and brought it back to his face again.
Aldria worked as quickly as she could, while still making sure that she didn't cut him. After a short bit she put the blade in the water, finished. "There," she said with a smile. "Now that's the Kronos I remember."

***Present Day***

Methos stares at Aldria in disbelief for a moment, then he slowly shakes his head.

[Methos] He actually let you put a blade so close to his neck? That doesn't sound like Kronos at all.

Ally chuckles.

[Ally] Well, I didn't exactly take 'no' for answer.

[Methos] Yes, but still it's a little bit surprising.

Methos smirks thinking there was no way he'd be in that position, not even with Aldria, there is a limit to trust.

Ally grins guessing what Methos was thinking about.

[Ally] Don't ever grow a beard and you'll never have to worry about me, putting you into that position.

Ally warns, with a smile.

[Methos] A beard? Me?

Methos makes a face shaking his head.

[Methos] Never have, not even to look older.

[Ally] Smart! I don't think it'd suit you.

Ally chuckles.

[Methos] No, I don't think so.

Methos smirks amused.

[Methos] So what then? Don't stop at that, this was getting interesting.

[Ally] Then...

Ally hesitates.

Methos side glances at Aldria with a smile still playing on his lips.

[Methos] Don't tell me he didn't try anything, the only difference between Kronos and a stallion was that he wasn't a horse.

[Ally] Yeah, so we had sex and then went to sleep.

Ally shrugs indifferently.

[Methos] Thought so, when we were traveling to Europe you two seemed on friendlier terms than usual.

Methos chuckles amused thinking about those days they'd spent together.

Ally shrugs.

[Ally] Yeah well in Texas it'd been over century since the last time I'd had any, so I was desperate... and it turns out he did give a fairly good accounting of himself.

[Methos] You only missed Caspian, huh? Then again maybe you were a doctor in one of the innumerable mental institutions he was in and... Might have happened.

Methos teases her still smiling amused.

[Ally] No.

Ally says shortly.

[Ally] And let's make that a HELL no! I quite literally would rather lose my head than sleep with him. Besides it was only the once with Silas.

Ally shrugs.

[Methos] Oh and it was more than once with Kronos?

Methos raises an eyebrow at Aldria, then shakes his head amused.

[Ally] Well.. he was with us for about a week, before the search for his body was given up on, and we Apache let him go... and then about once a decade or so after that.

Ally adds with a shrug.

[Methos] Who would have thought you'd keep coming back for more.

Methos chuckles softly still shaking his head.

[Ally] Oh, no.. He's the one who kept coming back.

Ally grins amused.

[Methos] Oh really? This keeps getting better and better.

Methos says still laughing.

[Ally] It does? Does it?

Ally asks grinning.

[Methos] So when did that Inquisition discussion occurred? Don't tell me it was while you were doing it.

Methos asks amused, not that he'd be surprised knowing Kronos.

[Ally] It was before...

Ally says rolling her eyes.

[Methos] So go on, the suspense is killing me, so to speak.

Methos urges her to go on with a smile.

[Ally] Speak what?

Ally asks.

[Ally] Say that we discussed the Inquisition before sex?

Ally rolls her eyes again.

[Ally] It was after I shaved him. While I was still sitting on his lap, before sex.

[Methos] I knew it. I bet that turned him on, or you, or both.

Methos smirks remembering it didn't take much for her to turn him on in the old times anyway.

[Ally] I think it was the sitting... or rather straddling his lap that turned him on.. and once he offered, I wasn't going to say no.

Ally grins.

[Methos] So he was at the Indian village when the Texas Rangers went there the next morning?

Methos asks remembering what that Watcher had wrote in the Chronicles.

[Ally] Yes. He was confined to my tent that day.

Ally smirks.

[Ally] Lack of clothes helped.

[Methos] They didn't find him, too bad MacLeod wasn't with them anymore.

[Ally] Aah, but if MacLeod had been there, all I would have had to do, was step out... and claim he wasn't there... that it was just me.

Ally points out.

[Methos] True. He'd probably fall for it.

Methos nods, then he smiles after a moment.

[Methos] I bet it was the lack of clothes who also saved the Texas Rangers' lives.

[Ally] That was a good part of it.

Ally sighs.

« on: September 30, 2011, 11:17:46 am »
***Joe's, 7:00 that evening***

Methos walks in looking around checking who's the Immortal he knows is inside of Joe's, he'd felt a buzz before he came in, he smiles when he sees it's Aldria and walks to her table.

[Methos] Should have remembered that Friday is your drinking day.

Ally grins as Methos approaches her table.

[Ally] Yes. You should have. Although today, I'm almost wishing it were still possible to get drunk. It's been so long.

Ally sighs, then chuckles ruefully.

[Methos] Yeah, the only downside I can see being Immortal... well that and guys chasing you with swords.

Methos says as he pulls a chair to sit down, he waves at Mike and is pleased to see him move to get him a beer.

Ally chuckles.

[Ally] Well, that and being an old one on top of it.

[Methos] Yes, sometimes a stronger Quickening doesn't pay.

Methos shuts up abruptly when he sees Mike walking to their table.

[Methos] So how's it going Mike?

Methos asks as the other man puts a beer in front of him. Mike says everything is fine and walks behind the bar again.

[Ally] Mike's been trying to cut me off for the past three hours.

Ally sighs.

Methos chuckles softly as he picks the beer glass.

[Methos] Just how much did you drink?

Ally shrugs.

[Ally] I dunno. But I've been here since they opened for lunch.

Ally says with a shrug.

[Ally] Which reminds me... there was someone here looking for you, Adam Pierson.

Methos frowns looking at Aldria for a moment.

[Methos] Who? Nikki?

[Ally] No. Annie. She was Kronos' student.

Ally says with an indifferent shrug.

[Ally] I like her... for all that she's young.

[Methos] Yes, she's nice, but hmm...

Methos hesitates for a moment thinking what to do.

[Methos] I'm not sure I want to meet Kronos' student again.

[Ally] Again? She did imply she'd met you before.

Ally asks.

[Methos] Yes, she was here in Seacouver 2 years ago looking for Kronos. She thought he was still alive.

Methos takes a deep breath thinking about Bordeaux. That one was really close, if Kronos killed MacLeod he was dead.

[Ally] Aah. This time she's looking for Sean Burns.

Ally tells him.

[Methos] What?

Methos asks, his eyes open up wide.

[Methos] Can't that woman look for anyone else but dead people?

[Ally] Apparently not.

Ally chuckles.

[Methos] So now what's the story? She also wants to kill him?

Methos asks while he shakes his head.

[Ally] No... something about an old friend she lost track of.

Ally shrugs.

[Methos] I bet she did some therapy with him, not that I'm surprised after Kronos.

Methos picks up his glass and drinks the rest of his beer.

[Methos] And I'm not going to tell her that her friend is dead. Pass.

Methos says as he puts the empty glass on the table and prepares to stand up.

[Ally] Oh, sit down. I'll tell her. If you don't want to. Jeez. I was playing dumb about you, which is why I didn't say anything to her this afternoon.

Ally huffs.

[Methos] You don't understand.

Methos moves closer to Aldria and whispers.

[Methos] MacLeod killed Sean when he had the Dark Quickening, what if she goes after MacLeod?

[Ally] I never said, I tell her who killed him.

Ally gives Methos a look.

[Ally] Come on, it's not like I'm a naive newbie here.

[Methos] Though she owes MacLeod and she knows it.

Methos considers it for a moment.

[Methos] Maybe if we mentioned it was the same guy who killed Kronos she'd leave it alone.

[Ally] Who says we have to mention anything about who killed him anyway?

Ally asks.

[Methos] Like she won't suspect that I know, I'm a Watcher, remember?

Methos makes a face, the last thing he wants is to push Kronos' student too much.

[Ally] Yeah, well it's not like the Watchers know everything.

Ally shrugs.

[Methos] I knew about Kronos.

Methos shrugs as he prepares to stand up again.

[Methos] I think I'm going.

[Ally] You know.. she's thinking about taking a student. Has never had one before. Was all full of questions for me.

Ally says absently.

[Methos] Really? So what does have to do with the rest?

Methos asks as he stops to look at Aldria.

[Ally] She's worried about. Doesn't know how to teach a student, other than knowing she doesn't want to be anything like Kronos.

Ally says looking up at Methos.

[Methos] Yeah, can't say that I blame her, only the Gods know the things Kronos taught her.

Methos makes a face.

[Methos] Or what he did to her.

[Ally] Well from our discussion , it sounds like I had a similar teaching method to Kronos... though what he did outside of lessons, is of course a different story.

Ally sighs, shaking her head.

[Methos] Yeah, I can imagine. I knew the guy.

Methos looks down, shaking his head with a sigh.

[Ally] As I said... she was full of questions. I told her, it's not how you treat a student IN the lesson that determines their opinion of them. But how you treat them outside of the lesson. She seemed.... heartened, by that.

Ally comments.

[Methos] So... doesn't she have any idea who you are... Judge Everson?

Methos asks with a smirk, turning his head to look at Aldria.

[Ally] And what kind of idea is that supposed to be? She knows me as Judge Everson, she should, I was the judge when she was sentenced to jail.

Ally asks, arching an eyebrow slightly at Methos.

[Methos] Oh really? I had no idea, small world, huh?

Methos asks as he gestures Mike for another beer, deciding to stay a little longer.

[Methos] And I mean Kronos might have mentioned you, he mentioned me.

Methos says with a shrug.

[Ally] Oh umm. that... Well, see... I've met her twice, once when she was still with Kronos and once.. well... he showed up unannounced.

Ally says giving Methos a 'oops-forgot-to-mention-that' smile.

Methos straightens up on his chair, looking at Aldria suspiciously.

[Methos] And when was that exactly?

[Ally] Well... The first time, was Italy. 1600. I was masquerading as a boy, studying under Galileo Galilei.

Ally says softly, remember the brilliant mortal she had studied under.

[Ally] Kronos and the girl were... breaking into a mausoleum, of some old biddy that had just died. And I can promise you this, none of the towns folk missed her. Kronos had intentions of robbing it.

Ally shrugs.

[Methos] Some old bat who insisted to take her jewels to the grave I bet. Probably thought she'd need them in the afterlife.

Methos chuckles softly, shaking his head amused.

[Ally] Oh... this old bat didn't take just her jewels with her. She took all her money with her too. Left her son a beggar.

Ally shakes had chuckling softly.

[Methos] So Kronos was a grave robber. So what?

Methos smirks urging her to continue.

[Ally] We met... we almost fought.. Actually.. Annie stayed to open the mausoleum, while Kronos and I left Holy Ground. She was upset, because I was a woman and Kronos wasn't letting her fight me.

Ally smirks.

[Ally] Kronos knew she'd lose if she tried me.

***Padova 1600***

Aldria laughed and shoved the young man next to her. "Off with you, Salvatore!" She laughed. "I'll see you in geometry class tomorrow."

"Alright, Adriano. I'll see you. Get a girl or two tonight will you?" Salvatore laughed as he stumbled down the lane towards his parents vineyard.

"Yeah, whatever!" Aldria laughed, and with a wave walked off towards town. "As if I'll get a girl. I am a girl," she laughed softly to herself. "Well, woman," she corrected herself, shaking her head amused by the young man.

In this the 'Year of the Lord, 1600'. Women were rarely even allowed to learn to read, let alone the type of education a 'privileged' young man of 'rank' would be allowed. And it hadn't taken Aldria long to work out that this Galileo Galilei was a genius and one who stood a chance of being remembered for centuries.

That realized, Aldria knew she wanted, needed to learn from him. So, she did what any practical Immortal woman would do. She disguised herself as a boy... ever more practical since it allowed her to wear her sword visible. That thought had no more than passed through her mind when she felt the buzz of an Immortal. Freezing she placed her right hand on her sword hilt and looked around around.

Annie looked around startled by the noise Kronos was making trying to open the door of the crypt, "Shhh, someone is going to come here to find out what's happening." She whispered as she glanced around uneasily.

Kronos pushed again but the door refused to move an inch, "Damn!" He angrily banged it producing another loud metal sound, "No one comes to a cemetery at night. They're afraid of the ghosts." He laughed amused trying to place a metal bar under the door to use as a wedge.

Annie sighed, of course he wouldn't listen, he was too stubborn to give a damn, and if someone showed up he would just kill him and resume work. "Is that woman worth all this trouble? It sounds like you want to be arrested." She asked impatiently, looking around again.

"Of course it's worth it! She was buried with most of her jewelry! Why don't you shut up and come here to help me? This isn't moving!" He grumbled between clench teeth using all his strength.

Annie sighed again and was about to grab the metal bar when she felt an Immortal buzz and looked around nervously, "I've told you someone was coming!" She whispered to Kronos as she put her hand on the hilt of her sword.

"Shut up!" Kronos ordered her in a bad mood as he let go of the iron bar to grab his sword producing another loud bang as it hit the stones by the door. "Damn!" He complained as he heard the noise.

Aldria turned towards the graveyard. Upside it was Holy Ground. Downside... she tried to avoid Immortals. With a disgruntled sigh, she unsheathed her sword, but kept it lowered by her side, as she entered the cemetery and followed the buzz to its source. Rounding the corner of a crypt to the old lady Juliet who had recently died she saw two figures. Both, Immortal.

"A boy?" Kronos laughed amused as he saw a silhouette approach them, it was too dark to really see anything else, "Come closer and meet your doom!" He smiled threateningly, thinking this one was going to be easy.

Aldria frowned, that voice... "Kronos?" She asked surprised.

Kronos frowned as he heard the voice, it couldn't be, not after all these centuries, he moved closer to have a better look, "You!" He stared angrily at Aldria as he recognized her.

"My Goddess, you are still alive," Aldria gasped, shocked. It truly was Kronos.

"So are you, but not for long if I have anything to say about it!" Kronos grumbled threateningly, he almost unsheathed his sword but he remembered Holy Ground just in time.

"You want to fight me?" Aldria asked, her voice a tone that clearly said she was raising an eyebrow.

"What do you think?" Kronos asked raising his voice, he was getting even angrier by her calm.

"Kronos, someone is going to listen." Annie warned him again, though it was a hopeless cause and she knew it.

"I don't give a damn! Let them!" Kronos yelled as he glared angrily at Annie.

Aldria rolled her eyes. Someone to yell at and Kronos ignores her... admittedly before it had been ignoring Methos. Some things never changed.

Annie ignored Kronos' anger, she was used to it by now, she choose to adjust her dress, after years of disguising herself as a man she was glad to be a woman again. "Fine, I'll visit you in prison." She shrugged slightly thinking to herself it would be the last thing she'd do, she'd run away as fast as she could instead.

"You haven't changed in the least bit, have you Kronos?" Aldria asked, unable to keep the amusement from her voice.

Kronos moved his angry gaze to Aldria, "And why should I?"

"People do tend change over time," Aldria said with a shrug.

Annie looked from one to the other slightly shocked, it was the first time she'd see someone who obviously knew Kronos not to be afraid of him.

"Not me!" Kronos grumbled irritated, his hand playing with the hilt of his sword.

Aldria glanced at his twitching hand. "This is Holy Ground, Kronos," she warned him.

Kronos grinned but his eyes remained cold, "Don't you think I know that? I wouldn't be here staring at you if it wasn't."

"You want to fight that bad?" Aldria demanded.

"What do you think, you traitor? I gave you my friendship and you stabbed me in the back!" Kronos yelled furiously, glaring at Aldria, while his hand clenched the hilt of his sword.

"What?" Aldria asked shocked, surprised he thought that.

"You heard me, you're immortal, you can't be deaf!" Kronos grumbled in a bad mood. He made a visible effort to stop gripping his sword.

"I didn't stab you in the back!" Aldria gasped.

"Yes, you did. You just didn't use a knife!" Kronos grumbled angrily, "Look, I'm tired of this, let's get out of Holy Ground and finish this once and for all."

"But... aren't women supposed to be mine?" Annie asked, not sure if she was doing the right thing, he looked positively furious.

"Not this one. You're not good enough to win against her and I wouldn't want her to take my student's Quickening. She might learn too much about my fighting technique." Kronos grinned amused at the look in Annie's face, "That's right, you wouldn't have a chance against her."

Aldria couldn't help it she snorted a laugh. "It isn't as if I haven't seen you fight before."

Kronos smirked threateningly, "And when was the last time you've seen me fight? You think I haven't learnt some new moves since then?"

"Aren't you the one who said you don't change?" Aldria asked unable to help the jibe.

"That's not exactly changing." Kronos shrugged before he turned to Annie, "You try to open that door while I'm away, I'm sure you'll think of something."

"Fine." Annie shrugged, as she thought that things would definitely work smoother now, all she had to do was find the guard, he probably had a key.

"Juliet's family keeps a key hidden somewhere around the base." Then turning she made her way back towards the edge of the cemetery.

"Oh you knew the old bat?" Kronos grinned following her out of Holy Ground, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword, ready to unsheathe it.

"Old bat is a rather apt description," Aldria muttered, as she reached the edge of Holy Ground, turning and backing her way away.

"So any last words before I take your head?" Kronos asked angrily while he unsheathed his sword and moved closer to her.

"I don't want to fight you Kronos," Aldria said calmly. Her naked blade in her hand at her side. "But so help me, if you start this, I will finish it."

"You won't have a chance to finish a thing! You really think you can win?" Kronos laughed amused raising his sword. "I've waited a long time for this! You're about to find out what I do to traitors!"

"I promised Marisol I wouldn't start anything with you Kronos. You broke one promise to her, so I suppose breaking another doesn't bother you. Finish this I WILL. Start it, I won't," Aldria said calmly, as she tensed just enough to prepare herself to block Kronos' first strike.

"I didn't break any promise to her. I wouldn't." Marisol's name after all this time was like a stab in the heart, he never thought he'd hear it again.

"I seem to recall part of vow to bring her back to the Amazon when she died," Aldria said bluntly.

"I never promised that!" Kronos grumbled angrily, "Did you hear me promise I would?"

"I remember the marriage vows you took!" Aldria cried. "After all, I'm the one who married you!"

"I didn't promise I would take her back to the Amazons. I would never do that!" Kronos yelled impatiently, her insistence was irritating him.

"Do you remember the vows you took when you married, Marisol? Do you?!" She cried.

Kronos took a deep breath, it was his promise to Marisol that was keeping him from attacking her right now, "Yes, so?"

"Then tell me!" Aldria demanded. "Tell me how not taking Marisol's body back to the Amazon yourself isn't breaking a vow? Tell me how MY taking her back was me turning traitor? TELL ME!" She demanded.

"You only asked me to promise to take her back to the Amazons after you married us, and I didn't promise that." Kronos shrugged, then he grinned raising his sword again, "Come here and make me pay for it." He invited her, hoping she'd start the fight.

"No," Aldria shook her head. "You already paid for it," she added softly.

Kronos sobered up and stopped there looking at her, "What do you mean by that?" He asked impatiently.

"Kronos... It is," Aldria paused and shook her head, "was, so rare for an Amazon to marry... There was more reasons than just she wanted her last rights in the Amazon. There were reasons for you, we wanted it done that way. I... I had so hoped when I took her body that you'd follow."

"I almost did, but I didn't want to break my promise. I would have fought you!" Kronos sighed as he slowly lowered his sword, "I didn't do it then, and I won't do it now. Just stay out of my way!" He prepared to go back the way he'd come from.

"You would have been treated as a God," Aldria added softly.

Kronos stopped on his tracks and looked at her again, "I was treated as a God, a very feared God. I didn't need the Amazons for that!"

"You would have been treated as a loved God," Aldria whispered.

"I never wanted to be a loved God." Kronos shrugged as he began to walk again. He almost sheathed his sword but decided to wait until he got to Holy Ground.

"So be it," Aldria murmured. "But for what it's worth, you were loved."

"Yeah, right." Kronos shook his head disbelievingly, "I can imagine."

"Whatever," Aldria shrugged, as she back off and turned away, walking back down the road.

"Whatever." He turned to leave and join Annie, hoping she'd managed to open the door of the crypt.

Aldria snorted and turned continuing her way down the road.

***Present Day***

[Methos] Actually I'm surprised he kept his promise. There was a time Kronos kept his promises but that was a long, long time ago...

Methos sighs and grabs the beer Mike is putting in front of him.

[Ally] Mike, get me another please. And don't try to tell me I've had too much. Trust me I can keep up with him!

Ally says as Mike puts Methos' beer down. Mike sighs as he returns to the bar, but begins filling another glass.

[Methos] Thanks Mike.

Methos says at the man returning to behind the bar.

[Ally] 'Bout time.

Ally mutters.

[Ally] Oh, and Kronos almost didn't keep his promise, but... He did. And then went and robbed that woman's grave.

Ally chuckles.

[Methos] Which was wise because probably her son, the one she left a beggar had the same idea, only he was too late.

Methos chuckles amused.

[Methos] One thing he was good at what his timing. Always showed up when it was the right time for things to happen.

[Ally] Oh, I'm quite sure he did... in fact the fool tried to do it in the middle of the day, and was put in the stocks for a week for it!

Ally laughs.

[Ally] Ah, thanks Mike!

Ally grins as Mike places two beers down, and mumbles something to Adam about knowing he'd need another soon, before walking back to the bar.

[Methos] He was afraid of ghosts, Kronos wasn't.

Methos chuckles at the man's stupidity, robbing a grave in daylight. He shakes his head in disbelief.

[Ally] That he wasn't. 'Course doesn't help any I told them where the key to the Mausoleum was hidden.

Ally grins.

[Methos] Oh, he was so stubborn he'd end up finding a way.

Methos smirks before he takes a sip of beer.

[Methos] He always did.

[Ally] Well, they were trying to decide how they were going to break in. And then I walk up and tell them where the key is.

Ally shakes head ruefully, and grinning unrepented.

[Methos] I see you really liked the old bat.

Methos chuckles softly, then turns his head to look at Aldria.

[Methos] What about the second time? You mentioned he showed up unannounced?

[Ally] Aah, yes... Annie had just been sentenced and some new evidence had come to light to, significantly reduce her sentence. When Kronos showed up... taunted her some, I let her go back to her cell when she requested it. Kronos kept saying he'd found something... that was in '94, and the something was you, if I'm not mistaken.

Ally says with a slight smile.

Methos takes a deep breath looking back at '94 and the night Kronos showed up at the parking lot.

[Methos] Yes, it was me.

[Ally] She was willing to do anything to stay away from Kronos and that includes stay in jail.

[Methos] Yeah, I've always wondered why she didn't fake her own death. We have that part in the Chronicles.

Methos smirks as he grabs the beer glass again.

[Methos] Hard to miss when she was carrying a sword when they imprisoned her.

[Ally] I offered to arrange it... But aah... yeah, That would have put her back into Kronos' sphere of influence.

Ally grins.

[Ally] Carrying a sword, and ironically enough, killed the man with his own knife.

Ally smirks a little.

[Ally] He deserved it.

[Methos] Of course she did, like a mortal would be a match for a trained Immortal, and I'm betting Kronos trained her to the edge.

Methos makes a face thinking about it.

[Methos] Why do you think I want no trouble with her?

[Ally] And why do you think I'm telling you this?

Ally asks.

[Methos] To make me go away? I hear Bora Bora is really nice this time of year.

Methos says with a smirk.

[Methos] Besides I think I deserve a vacation.

Methos adds, not that he's planning to go to Bora Bora, not much of a hiding place when he keeps mentioning it.

[Ally] To show you, that you won't have any trouble with her. She wants none.

Ally sighs, rolling her eyes slightly.

[Methos] Yes, but she's an Immortal, she carries a sword, so I'm off... Why do you think I've lived this long?

Methos asks before he empties his glass and prepares to stand up.

[Methos] So I'll see you later.

[Ally] Too late.

Ally says as she feels the buzz of another Immortal approaching.

[Ally] You better sit down, rather than look the fool.

Ally suggests.

Methos stops, looking at the door when he feels an Immortal buzz.

[Methos] I should have left when I wanted to.

Methos sighs as he sits down again.

Annie looks around when she steps inside Joe's bar, she sees Aldria right away, she's still at the same table and moves in her direction. And she's sitting with Adam Pierson, so she doesn't have to wait for him, good.

[Annie] Still drinking?

Annie asks Aldria amused, before she turns to look at Methos.

[Ally] Oh yeah.

Ally smirks.

[Methos] Have a seat, I hear you're looking for me?

Methos says going back to his Adam Pierson persona.

[Ally] You talked with the potential student?

Ally asks.

[Annie] Yes, I had an idea how to really get to know her.

Annie says as she pulls a chair and sits a little far from them.

[Ally] Oh? And how's that?

Ally asks.

[Annie] Put a sword in her hand and see what happens.

Annie shrugs before she turns to the bar to order a drink and sees Mike already carrying it in her direction.

[Ally] Just putting a sword in her hand and nothing else won't show much.

Ally shrugs.

Annie thanks Mike when he puts the drink in front of her and waits until he's out of earshot.

[Annie] It will show me her courage, I'm not about to waste two years with a coward.

Annie shrugs again before she take a sip of her drink.

Methos smirks looking down at his glass, she was Kronos' student alright, apparently they shared the same opinion about cowards.

[Ally] Well... that's one way of getting to know her.

Ally chuckles.

[Annie] Oh, by the way, I doubt you'll be worried about it, apparently the guy only goes after newbies, but there's a headhunter in town. Though you might like to know.

Annie says remembering how she met Gemini in the first place.

[Methos] Really? How do you know?

Methos asks side glancing at Annie.

[Methos] Did he have a label?

[Annie] In a way. He was after a young Immortal who was half dressed and unarmed.

Annie shrugs taking another sip of her drink.

[Annie] That should be enough, no?

[Ally] Oh, and was the half-dressed and unarmed Immortal, the one you're thinking of teaching?

Ally asks.

Annie nods with a sigh.

[Annie] Yeah, she has no teacher and I don't think this Immortal will give up so easily.

[Methos] Does this guy have a name?

Methos asks planning to look for him at the Chronicles just in case.

[Annie] I suppose. We all do. But I don't know what it is.

Annie shrugs looking at Methos.

[Annie] Too bad you can't take a look at him.

[Methos] What makes you think I would?

Methos asks trying to hide his amusement, that woman had guessed his thoughts.

[Annie] Because that's why you're at the Watchers?

Annie answers with a slight smile.

[Ally] Girl, immortal or not, you don't join the blue tattooed peeping toms, unless you have an interest in history. Regardless of what other motives you may or may not have.

Ally says with a bit of a grin.

[Annie] Whatever.

Annie shrugs unconcerned.

[Annie] Like I'd care why people join the Watchers.

[Ally] Oh, it is an interesting experience.

Ally chuckles quietly.

[Methos] So, hmm... why are you looking for me?

Methos asks, like he didn't know.

[Annie] I was hoping you'd be interested in history so much you'd know where to find Sean Burns. I really need his help again.

Annie sighs, thinking about the nightmares.

[Methos] Yeah, he helped a lot of us over the years.

Methos nods with an unhappy sigh, now Sean was one friend he really missed.

[Annie] So you know him?

Annie asks hopefully.

Methos nods again.

[Methos] He was my friend.

[Annie] Was?

Annie stares at Methos for a moment.

[Annie] Please tell me you two are just upset with each other.

[Ally] Sean lost his head a few years ago.

Ally says softly.

[Annie] Have any idea of what happened?

Annie asks trying to decide if she should hunt his killer or not.

[Methos] Apparently one of his patients lost his mind and attacked him. And he was devastated when he came back to his senses.

Methos says looking down at his glass.

[Ally] Annie, have you ever heard of a Dark Quickening? Or a Light one for that matter?

Ally asks.

[Annie] Hmm, I don't think so.

Annie frowns thinking for a while.

[Ally] Have you ever met the Priest? Darius?

Ally asks.

[Annie] Hmm, I think Kronos mentioned something about it. A Quickening so powerful that can change you?

Annie asks after a moment.

[Ally] Exactly.

Ally smiles.

[Ally] Darius was once the most ruthless single conqueror there was. By himself, he was even a match for the Horsemen. Then he met an Immortal monk. Took the monk's head, and received a Quickening so light and full of goodness he took the monk's place.

Ally explains for an example.

[Annie] Really?

Annie stares a moment at Aldria, then bursts out laughing.

[Annie] Now I get it.

Methos looks up at Annie, he suspects what she finds so amusing but Adam Pierson wouldn't know what she's talking about so he says.

[Methos] Care to share the joke? We're getting curious over here.

[Annie] The reason Kronos avoided holy men, I thought it had something to do with religion but it didn't make any sense coming from him.

Annie says breathing deeply to try to stop laughing.

[Methos] Yes, apparently he was afraid to get one.

Methos nods with a smirk.

[Ally] Kronos didn't avoid holy men. He became them. Last time I checked the Inquisition was made up of "holy" men.

Ally snorts, amused.

[Annie] He avoided killing them, that's what I mean.

Annie answers with a sigh, the Inquisition time wasn't one of her favorites.

[Ally] It's always good to have clarification.

Ally chuckles.

[Methos] How do you know?

Methos asks Aldria with a frown, so Kronos was an Inquisition torturer, how come he's not surprised, he thinks to himself.

Ally shrugs.

[Ally] He told me.

[Annie] He liked it so much, he did it twice.

Annie adds shaking her head.

[Annie] He waited about 70 years and returned.

[Ally] He told me that too.

Ally sighs. "Personally I avoided Spain then."

[Annie] So this guy who killed Sean had a Dark Quickening?

Annie asks trying to change subject, she doesn't want to talk about Kronos anymore.

Ally nods.

[Ally] Sean was trying to help him. Sadly, Sean failed.

Ally says softly.

Methos keeps side glancing at Aldria, apparently she also forgot to mention that. He wonders when did Kronos tell her about Inquisition times. He looks back at his glass, picks it up and takes a sip letting it pass for now.

[Annie] So this guy is still out there with a Dark Quickening?

Annie asks wondering if she can do something about it, wouldn't she get the Dark Quickening if she killed him? Can she take the chance?

[Methos] No, he's fine now, a friend of his managed to drag him to Holy Ground and he came back to his senses.

Methos says looking down, playing with his glass on the table.

[Methos] Sadly it was too late for Sean though.

[Ally] And from what I heard he was eaten up with guilt for what he did to Sean.

Ally murmurs.

[Annie] Good, he deserves that, Sean was a good man.

Annie sighs sadly.

[Annie] The best Immortal I've known.

Ally snorts softly.

[Ally] You haven't met very many have you, child?

[Annie] You mean besides the ones I had to kill? No, I tend to avoid them.

Annie shrugs picking her glass to drink a little.

[Methos] But you see? The good guys don't go after other Immortals unless they have a reason, so I'm not surprised you haven't met them yet.

Methos tells Annie with a smirk, apparently most of the Immortals she knew were headhunters.

[Methos] Not all of us are like Kronos, you know?

[Annie] Yes, and Sean was the first who made me realize that.

Annie nods with a sad sigh.

[Annie] And if we hadn't met on Holy Ground I would have killed him... or tried.

Methos frowns thinking for a while.

[Methos] Hmm, now that you mention it I don't think I ever saw him fight, which is quite surprising for an Immortal.

[Ally] I fought with him all the time.

Ally says flatly. Then grins and adds, "Just not with swords. Freud was a chauvinistic idiot."

Methos nods with a smile.

[Methos] Yes, I've always thought that Carl Jung's work made more sense.

Annie nods absentmindedly, thinking there's no way to stop her nightmares now. until she gets an idea.

[Annie] Can you find out if Kronos had a Watcher in 1304?

Methos looks at Annie with a frown.

[Methos] And why do you want to know that?

[Annie] It's when he attacked my village. It was on the banks of Loch Ness and it was so small it didn't even have a name.

Annie says before she empties her glass, she hates talking about it or even remembering.

[Ally] What exactly do you want to know?

Ally asks curiously.

[Annie] My first husband had two daughters when I married him, one was about three and the other was just a baby. His wife died from childbirth, you see.

Annie says before she waves Mike for another drink.

[Annie] I ended up loving them as my own, and they called me mother.

Annie goes on, and takes a big gulp when Mike puts the drink in front of her.

[Methos] And it still hurts after all this time?

Methos asks when Mike moves away to the bar.

[Annie] I never knew what happened to them. The uncertainty is driving me nuts.

Annie confesses with a sigh, resisting the temptation to empty her glass.

[Annie] Sometimes I dream they managed to live and someone from my clan took care of them, other times I see them dead, or worse being **** by Kronos' men.

Annie manages to control herself enough to just take a sip from her glass.

[Ally] Not to seem cold, Annie, but... I think it's safe to say, that they're dead now.

Ally says softly.

[Annie] I know that, but it makes a lot of difference if they died as a child or as an old woman, no? And how they died.

Annie says with a unhappy sigh.

Ally nods with understanding.

[Methos] And you never asked Kronos? He would know.

Methos asks with a slight frown.

[Annie] What for? I wouldn't believe him anyway.

Annie answers with a shrug.

[Ally] You know... in my experience... though relatively limited though it was, Kronos had one redeeming quality.

Ally says softly.

Methos turns his head and looks at Aldria surprised.

[Methos] And it was?

[Ally] He was not a liar. Oh, he wouldn't answer if he didn't want to, or talk around a subject. But... he didn't lie. Not to Immortals anyway.

Ally shrugs.

Methos smirks amused without making any comment, while he thinks he didn't share that quality with Kronos.

Annie shakes her head.

[Annie] I'd never believe him in this particular case.

[Methos] Well, I'd like to help but Kronos doesn't have a file. Believe me I've looked.

Methos shrugs, then takes a sip of beer.

[Ally] Yes... but his various identities do... Melvin Koren especially.

Ally murmurs.

[Annie] Try Magnus Kerr, that's the name he was using in Scotland in 1304.

Annie tries to smile and almost succeeds.

[Annie] I bet he loved that one.

[Methos] Magnus?

Methos shakes his head disbelievingly.

[Methos] And I thought Melvin was bad enough.

[Ally] What about Merlin?

Ally asks with an amused chuckle.

[Methos] Like the magician?

Methos chuckles amused.

[Ally] Like the magician... actually, Annie, I do believe that was the name he was going by, in ninety-four.

Ally smiles.

Annie nods.

[Annie] Yes, I think so, I knew it was him right away.

[Methos] Merlin.

Methos shakes his head again.

[Ally] That was Kronos for you.

Ally shakes head still amused.

[Methos] Alright, I'll take a look at Magnus Kerr and see what I can find out.

Methos tells Annie taking a deep breath, maybe she'll leave him alone then.

[Methos] And what were the girls' names? Just in case I find something about him.

[Annie] The older was Deirdre and the younger was Morag... Fraser.

Annie answers and then takes a sip of her drink, she'd never expected to say their names out loud again.

[Annie] And their father was Daniel.

Methos nods.

[Methos] Alright. And you are Anna, so I think I have everything.

[Annie] Hmm, no.

Annie takes a deep breath.

[Annie] Back then my name was Glenna, but if you mention that to a soul I'm going to kill you.

[Ally] What's wrong with Glenna?

Ally asks a little amused by Annie's vehemence.

[Annie] When my adoptive parents found me I was almost frozen to death, and they named me Glenna because I came from the valley of death.

Annie answers making a face.

[Annie] I don't want to be reminded of that all the time.

[Ally] Ironically appropriate that Kronos took you as a student then.

Ally shakes her head amused.

[Methos] Yes, sometimes parents don't think a name can really hurt.

Methos nods, thinking that maybe he's lucky he doesn't know what his name means.

[Annie] Well, it wasn't because of my real name, I never told him what it was.

Annie shrugs.

Ally shrugs in response.

[Ally] It really doesn't matter to me. I was just curious.

[Methos] Alright, give me a couple of days and I'll see what I can find out.

Methos nods looking down at his glass.

[Methos] You do realize that maybe you won't like what I find, right? Are you sure you want to know?

Annie nods, taking a deep breath.

[Annie] But then I'll know, the uncertainty is worse.

Methos shrugs unconcerned.

[Methos] Fine, it's your call.

[Annie] I can take it, Adam. Trust me on this one.

Annie says looking at Methos.

[Annie] But I need to know what happened and maybe the damn nightmares will go away.

[Methos] Or get worse.

Methos adds turning his head to look at Annie.

Annie shrugs.

[Annie] They can't get much worse than they already are, so...

[Methos] Fine, I'll take a look, just give me a couple of days.

Methos shrugs before he picks up his glass and drinks the rest of his beer.

[Methos] Mike, I think I'm going to need another one.

Methos tells the man behind the bar with a smirk.

[Ally] Oh, what a surprise.

Ally says with a roll of her eyes and a smirk of her own.

Annie nods before she checks her watch.

[Annie] I should be going, I'll leave you two alone now.

Annie says with a smile as she moves her chair away from the table.

[Annie] Besides I might be interrupting something...

Ally chuckles softly at that comment from Annie, but refuses to dignify it with anymore response than that.

[Methos] Well, if you are you already did, if you aren't...

Methos shrugs with a smirk at Annie.

[Methos] Too late to worry about that now, no?

[Annie] I suppose.

Annie shrugs as she stands up.

[Annie] See you later then.

Annie says before she moves to the bar to pay for her drinks and then walks to the door and goes out.

[Methos] I think I like her, considering who her teacher was she's really nice.

Methos comments as he watches the bar door close.

[Methos] And it's nice to know I don't need to run and hide when she's in the neighborhood.

[Ally] Kind of told you.

Ally chuckles softly.

[Methos] You of all people should know I like to take my own conclusions.

Methos shrugs as he watches Mike walking to their table with his drink.

[Ally] Oh believe me I do. But I was telling you so you wouldn't bolt out the door.

Ally says with an amused smile.

[Methos] Yes, and now I have to look for... Magnus Kerr.

Methos says shaking his head after Mike walked away.

« on: September 30, 2011, 09:43:59 am »
Penryn, Cornwall, England

Liam pulls up to the curb in front of Beth's house. He looks in the rear view mirror and straightens his tie then gets out and goes to her door and rings the doorbell.

Beth feels the buzz before the doorbell sounds. She walks to the front door and pauses at the mirror at the entry way. She runs her fingers through her hair quickly and gives herself a once over. She opens the door and smiles. "Hello, Liam...please come in."

Liam holds out a small bouquet of flowers that he has been holding behind his back. He smiles almost shyly at Beth.

[Liam] These are for you.

Beth takes the flowers from him as she steps out of the doorway so he can come in. She brings the bouquet to her face and draws in a deep breath to take in their scent. "They smell and look beautiful, thank you, Liam."

[Beth] Give me a minute to find a vase for these.

Beth walks to the kitchen to go look for a glass vase she knows she has somewhere

Liam stands just inside the front door, feeling a bit awkward.

[Liam] Glad you like them.

Beth finds the vase. She fills it with water and drops the bouquet in figuring she can tend the flower properly a little bit later. She walks back out and sees Liam still standing in the doorway.

[Beth] You could have come in, Liam.

Beth says sweetly as she gives him a smile.

Liam chuckles nervously.

[Liam] I guess I'm a little out of practice. It has been....

Liam tries to make some calculations in his head.

[Liam] ...almost 2 centuries since I did this.

Liam smiles sheepishly.

Beth 's eyes widen with surprise. "That's a long time and somewhat impressive in it's own way." She gives him a warm smile.

[Liam] So if I do anything that would be considered out of line....or too old fashioned....just kick me.

Liam winks, feeling a little more at ease.

Beth chuckles. "I'll remember that."

[Liam] So....where is this restaurant you mentioned?

Liam says inching toward the door.

[Beth] I was thinking we could go to the seafood place I mentioned yesterday.

Liam extends his arm for her to take.

[Liam] Shall we then?

Beth grabs her purse then steps outside to close and lock her door. "Yes...but one thing...."

Liam stops and looks at her questioningly.

[Liam] Yes?

Beth stands right in front of him and takes his tie and begins undoing it. "You won't need this..."

Liam face flushes with embarrassment He hadn't realized just how rusty at ]this dating thing he was until now.

[Liam] I suppose i could use it to hang myself when the night is over.

Liam says and takes the tie and shoves it in his sport jacket pocket.

Beth finishes untying the tie and then unbuttons the top two buttons of his dress shirt, her finger brushing across his skin.

[Liam] I do drive a car. I's not a buckboard.

Beth looks up at him and smiles. "Just take a deep breath and relax, Liam." She gives his chest a pat and moves away from him.

[Liam] I wouldn't blame you if you turned around and went back inside...bolted the door and set the hounds out to chase me away.

Liam says with a chuckle.

[Liam] But before you decide to do just that....may i escort you to my car so we can get something to eat first?

Liam says extending his arm again.

Beth takes his arm. "Maybe it will help if you just think of this as meeting a new friend, which in a way that's what this is."

Liam thinks to himself, "I don't have many of those either," but keeps it to himself. He escorts her to his car, opens the passenger door and helps her in then goes around and gets in the drivers seat.

[Liam] Where to?

Liam asks starting the car.

Beth gives him the directions to the smallish seafood restaurant. "It's not too far from here."

Liam pulls away from the curb and follows Beth's directions. He pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant and parks the car. He gets out, walks around and opens the passenger door and holds out his hand to her.

Beth slips her hand into his and gets out of the car. She gives his hand a reassuring squeeze before she lets go of his hand.

Liam locks the car and extends his arm to her and escorts her into the restaurant. As they wait for the hostess to seat them he looks around at the casual attire of the other patrons and understands why beth had removed his tie.

When the hostess gets to them, Beth requests they sit outside. The hostess gives her a nod and leads them to a table out on the deck, which sits out on a ledge with waves lapping at the edge of the rocks.

Liam holds Beth's chair for her and when she has taken a seat he takes the one across from her. he looks out at the view then looks back at her approvingly

[Liam] Very nice.

Their waitress comes up to the table and asks if they would like to start with a cocktail and Liam looks at Beth to see if she wants one.

Beth shakes her head. "No thank you, but I will have some iced tea please."

Liam orders an Irish whiskey on the rocks and the waitress disappears to get their order, leaving two menus behind. Liam hands one to beth and opens his.

[Liam] I take it that you're fairly familiar with this place so what do you suggest?

Liam asks looking over his menu.

Beth takes the menu and sets it aside, already knowing what she wants.

[Beth] I usually get the salmon. It's grilled with this nice Asian seasoning.  Their fish and chips are excellent of course...   The blackened flounder is good too.

Liam closes his menu and sets it on top of hers and looks into those gorgeous blue eyes of hers for the first time tonight and smiles.

[Liam] The salmon sounds perfect.

Liam says just as the waitress brings them their drinks.

Beth smiles. "A very good choice."  She watches the waitress place their drinks on the table.

Liam The Waitress asks if they are ready to order and Liam nods toward beth letting the indicating to the waitress to take Beth's order first and the young lady looks at beth.

[Beth] I'll have the grilled Asian salmon. And for an appetizer could you bring out an order of stuffed mushrooms please?

The waitress writes down Beth's order and looks at Liam.

[Liam] Make that two on the salmon, please.

Beth hands her menu over to the waitress.

Liam says smiling politely at the waitress who turns and disappears to get their order. Liam looks back out at the waves crashing below them.

Beth watches Liam. "I think this is one of my favorite places to come to."

[Liam] I can see why.

Liam says and looks back at her, studying her face.

[Liam] There's something about the surf crashing against the rocks that can be very relaxing.

Liam says with a smile.

[Liam] At least to me it is. I suppose there are some who would think it too noisy.

Liam takes a sip of his drink.

[Liam] how did it go at the auction? Did you get the horse you wanted?

Liam asks sincerely interested.

Beth smiles. "I did. I had to spend a bit more than i wanted to, but I had fallen in love with the mare so it was worth it."  She takes a sip of her iced tea. "How did you do in your auctions?"

[Liam] I managed to get 4 of the 6 I bid on. Which isn't too bad. My boss is happy. Three of them are stallions that are prime studs which is what makes him happy because it makes him more money.

Liam explains.

[Liam] What are you going to name your new mare?

[Beth] I'm not sure yet.  I want to spend some time with her before I pick a name.

[Beth] My last mare was named Cookie because she loved sugar cookies.

[Liam] How old is she?

[Beth] She's about 2 and a half.

[Liam] Has she been broken yet?

[Beth] No, I'll be heading to the stable I board my horses at this weekend to watch the process.

[Liam] Do you know what method they use to break horses?

Liam asks taking a sip of his drink.

Beth shrugs. "I have no idea what method they use actually."

Liam shrugs and smiles.

[Liam] I was just curious. I have a very specific belief in the way to best break a horse....

Liam says taking another sip of his drink.

[Liam] That is without BREAKING it....if you know what I mean.

Beth nods. "I understand. I like my horses to have their own personality and have some spirit."

Liam nods and smiles...glad to know that she understands what he is talking about.

[Beth] That's why I'm going this weekend to watch. I don't want her spirit broken. If I object to what their doing, I'll find somewhere else to have the horse broken.

Liam reaches into his inside jacket pocket and withdraws a business card and hands it to her.

[Liam] If you ever need someone to break a horse for you....feel free to give me a call. If I can't get the time to come to you I know several people around the globe that believe as I do.

Beth smiles and takes the card. "Thank you."

[Liam] Do you ride just for pleasure?

Liam asks just as the waitress walks up with a large tray. She sets up a stand and sets the tray on it then places their orders on the table in front of them. She asks if they need a refill on their drinks and Liam looks at Beth questioningly before answering the young lady.

Beth nods. "Yes. It's something I've done for a long time. When i was growing up there wasn't much for a woman to do. I was allowed to ride and I'm very thankful for that."

[Beth] Oh, no, I'm fine thank you.

Beth says to the waitress.

Liam smiles and tells the waitress no and she leaves. he turns his attention back to Beth.

[Liam] I know that it is considered bad form to ask a lady her age but....

Liam quirks an eyebrow hoping to not actually have to say the words.

Beth smiles. "I'm 286. I was 27."

[Beth] And you?

[Liam] I just turned 603 in March.

Liam says leaning forward so he doesn't have to speak loud enough to maybe be over heard.

[Beth] Really, March? I just turned 286 in March.

Liam 's eyes dance with excitement and he looks at he quizzically

[Liam] Really? March what?

[Beth] The 18th.

Liam sits back in his chair and laughs out loud.

[Liam] Amazing.

[Beth] What?

Beth watches him rather amused.

Liam leans forward and looks into her eyes...his own still laughing.

Beth leans in. "What's so funny?"

[Liam] You are not going to believe this....but my birthday is the 17th. St. Patty's Day.

Beth laughs.

[Beth] You're kidding?

Liam shakes his head.

[Liam] I guess we have more in common than we first thought.

Liam chuckles and takes a sip of his drink.

[Beth] It would seem so.

Liam takes a bite of his dinner and savors it before swallowing. Then he looks back up at beth and grins.

Beth cuts into her salmon and takes a bite.

[Liam] You were right. The salmon is very good.

Liam takes another bite.

[Beth] Here in Cornwall?

Liam nods.

[Beth] No, I grew up in Salisbury. You know, where Stonehenge is.

Liam nods.

[Liam] I know it well.

Liam remembers fighting a war near there several centuries ago.

[Liam] Have you ever traveled outside of the UK?

Liam butters a roll and takes a bite.

Beth nods. "Oh yes. I've traveled much of Europe, been to the US. I lived in Dublin for a little while."

[Liam] Dublin? When was that?

Liam asks and stops eating while he waits for her reply.

[Beth] Right before World War I. I left after the war. My husband was killed in the war and staying there was just too painful for me.

Liam 's eyes lower to his raised fork which he slowly lowers back down to the plate. He turns his head and stares blankly out over the pounding surf as memories of the loss of his own wife flash through his mind.

[Liam] It seems that they are with us only a moment.

Liam says in a soft voice.

Beth nods. "Yes, it seemed that way. But it's not a moment I regret at all. I would do it again even if I knew his life was going to be cut so short."

Liam nods and picks up his drink.

[Liam] Aye. As would I.

Liam says and then takes a deep sip of the whiskey. He sets his glass back down and looks into Beth's blue eyes...which seem to comfort him a bit.

[Liam] May I ask how long you were married?

[Beth] I had only been married for a couple of years before he was killed.  We'd only been married a little over a year before he had enlisted. So that last year I barely saw him.

[Liam] So you were basically still newly weds.

Liam says observantly. At least he had 20 wonderful years with his beloved Mary.

[Liam] Did he know?

Liam asks quietly.

[Liam] About you I mean?

[Beth] Yes, he knew, which made it that much harder for me. He was one of the very few who knew.

Liam looks back out over the surf at the horizon disappearing into the darkness of night.

[Beth] Sometimes, I think it may have been the reason why he went off to war. To prove something to himself and me.

[Liam] I never told my Mary...God rest her soul. For 20 years I hid it from her. I hid a lot of things back then that I shouldn't have.

Liam says sadly.

Beth draws in a slow breath, drinking in the salty air.

Liam sucks in a slow breath and glances back at beth apologetically.

[Beth] But you loved her and she loved you. We all make mistakes.

[Liam] And we learn from our mistakes. or at least we are suppose to.

Beth nods.

Liam is thinking about what he had kept from his daughter....what he should have told her....prepared her for and didn't. he shakes his head and looks down at his drink.

[Liam] And some mistakes are destined to haunt us for the rest of our lives. And those we can only learn to live with.

Liam says quietly.

Beth places a hand on his giving it a gentle squeeze. "I think we should find something else to discuss before we both sink into a hole we can't get out of."

As if on cue the waitress walks up to the table and asks if she can get them anything else. Liam looks up at the young lady and forces a smile then looks at Beth questioningly.

[Beth] No, thank you.

Beth gives the waitress a polite smile.

Liam smiles warmly up at the waitress and tells her that they are fine and the young lady takes her leave. Liam takes in a deep cleansing breath and looks down at his mostly empty plate....his appetite having faded. As he glances over at Beth's plate he hooks his thumb over her hand that she had placed over his and holds it there.

[Liam] Are you finished?

Liam asks softly.

Beth nods.

Liam adopts a more light hearted demeanor.

[Liam] Then what say we seek a change in scenery?

Liam asks looking into her eyes.

Beth takes a deep breath. "Sounds good to me. There's a cliff walk not to far from here. We can walk to it if you;d like."

Liam smiles and nods. he raises his hand to summon their waitress and when she is in sight makes a handwriting gesture indicating he would like the check.

[Liam] Sounds perfect.

Liam 's smile broadens. When the waitress brings the check, he lays his credit card on the tray and she takes it away...returning quickly with his card and receipt. He gets to his feet and helps beth to hers and escorts her out of the restaurant.

[Liam] Lead the way, my lady.

Liam says gallantly once they are outside.

Beth takes his hand and leads him a block down from the restaurant An entrance to the cliff walk appears in front of them within a few moments.  She walks onto the cliff walk, which is lit dimly with lamps set into the concrete walls.

Liam steps up to the wall next to Beth. The night breeze off of the channel is cool and there is a light mist from the waves breaking against to rocks below them. He looks down at the surf and the white foam from the waves looks almost iridescent in the light of the full moon. He turns slightly and looks at Beth. Her hair is shining like strands of gold in the moonlight.

Beth leans against the wall next to Liam. "This is another one of my favorite spots. I come here if I need to think and sometimes I run on the walk."

Liam continues to look at her admiringly as he listens in silence to her talk.

Beth can feel his eyes on her, but she continues to talk. "The cliff walk ends about a mile that way," she points to her left," and it turns into beaches."

[Beth] It's a rather lovely place to live. It helps with the writing. I can find different scenery all over Cornwall.

Liam suddenly loses all of his earlier inhibitions. He reaches out with one hand and places two fingers under her chin and gently turns her to face him. He looks down into her eyes and finds himself getting lost in their depth. Before he realizes what he is doing he is leaning down and softly touching his lips to hers.

Beth is shocked by his move. She hadn't expected him to make the first move like that. Her shock finally subsides and she brushes her hand across his cheek as her lips move slowly over his.

Liam lets his lip lingers on hers a few seconds longer then pulls away and looks down at her as he realizes what he has done.

[Liam] I'm sorry, Beth. Did I cross the line? Was that too soon?

Liam asks apologetically.

Beth smiles. "No, you didn't cross the line. I was just a little surprised is all."

Liam lifts her chin and looks deep into her though looking into her soul.

Beth looks up at him. "Of course, if I played it by how I was taught this would be much too fast."

[Liam] I couldn't help myself. You are the most beautiful woman I have seen in a century. Each time I look in your eyes I get lost in them. You make me feel alive. In a way i haven't felt in over a century

Liam says in a soft voice.

[Liam] I just couldn't let the night end without letting you know.

Liam lets his hand drop away from her chin.

Beth smiles at him with a blush on her cheeks. "Thank you. I know this is a bit new to you since it's been so long."

Liam wants more than anything to take her in his arms and kiss her again but he fights the urge....trying desperately to remain a gentleman.

[Liam] I would like to....

Liam hesitates a second.

[Liam] see you again.

Liam says softly as he looks into her eyes.

Beth tilts her head, looking up up at him. "I would like that too."

[Beth] But you do go back to Ireland soon don't you?

[Liam] I know you said that you were working on your writing right now.....but do you think you could clear your schedule for a few days....sometime in the near future....and join me in Ireland? I would love to show you the Ireland I know. Not the ones the tourists see. And I would foot the bill.

Liam asks hoping it's not too soon to extend such an invitation.

[Beth] Sounds like an idea.  Or I could make it really easy and just send my mare to the stables you work at and have her broken there.

Liam 's smile broadens and his eyes dance.

[Beth] I could spend next weekend in Ireland knowing full well my horse is being broken properly.

[Liam] I can make the arrangements before I leave tomorrow if you'd like me to.

Liam says his excitement at the prospect of spending a whole weekend with her grows.

[Beth] Yes, please do.

[Liam] All I need is the name and address of the stables you have her boarded at now.

[Beth] Okay, I can get that information for you when I get back home.

Beth smiles. She hasn't been back to Ireland ever since Quin, but this wouldn't be Dublin It was time for her to go back and have memories that don't remind her of him.

In her deep blue eyes the reflection of the moon takes on a soft glow and Liam feels as though they are enveloping him....bathing him in a warmth he can't remember ever feeling. He stares into her eyes as though in a hypnotic trance for several seconds then shakes himself out of it and looks over her shoulder at the darkness that used to be the horizon. Finally he glances at his watch and then looks back at her.

[Liam] It's getting late and tomorrow is an early day for me. Would you mind if I took you home?

[Beth] Of course not. And it will just take me a minute to get the info that you need to get my mare to Ireland.

Liam , not knowing if he might get another chance tonight, leans down and gives her a gentle, brief kiss before escorting her back up the walk to his car.

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Disclaimer: Any of the characters on this site that are taken from the Highlander universe, belong to Gregory Widen and Panzer/Davis Productions. The concept of Highlander belongs to Gregory Widen, Panzer/Davis Productions, Rysher and Miramax. No copyright infringement is meant by using these characters, and they are used strictly for non-profit entertainment. Any of the pictures on this site belong to the person that created them, or to the site that they originated from. No harm is intended by using these pictures, and there is no profit being made by their use. All original characters belong solely to the person who created them, and are copyrighted by their creator. Any unique text, including outlines, explanations, archives, marked character profiles and the rules belong to the creator of this site and are not to be used without permission, and credit.

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